Friendship Never Dies
~{Y/N}'s POV~
About a week after my first date with Mihael, I texted Matt, suggesting that we hang out. He agreed, and told me that we could go to the mall or something. So it was settled. We would go to the mall, because we were boring teens.
I started getting ready, preparing several different outfits and pondering which one to wear as I stood over them in only black panties and a black bra.
"Oh? {Y/N}... What's all the dressing up for? Another date with Mel?" L asked, coming into my room and playfully sitting on my bed.
"Nope. I'm going to the mall with Matt." I replied, not even caring that my older brother had me mostly naked.
"You two-timer. Going out with Matt when you're with Mel."
"It's not a date. We're just hanging out. As friends."
"Are you sure that Mihael would be okay with this...?" Near asked, coming into the room.
I looked at Near in doubt, so I picked up my phone and dialled Mihael's number. He picked up on the first ring. "Hey, {Y/N}, what's up?"
"Sorry to bother you, Mihael, but I wanted to ask, are you okay with me hanging out with your friend?"
He was silent for a moment, and I gulped in fear. Finally, he spoke, "You mean Mail? You don't have to ask, {Y/N}. I trust Mail. And I don't own you."
I sighed in relief and smiled. "Thank god. Thanks, Mihael. I'm so sorry to call you over something so trivial. I must sound like a dumbass."
"Haha, no, not at all, it's okay, {Y/N}. Besides, it's nice to hear your voice." He muttered, and I blushed.
"Y-you too. I'll call you later, okay? Bye, Keehl."
"Talk to you later, {L/N}."
With that, the call ended and I put my phone down. Near and L looked at me expectedly, and I grinned. "He's okay with it."
"Considering how possessive he was in his previous life, that's surprising." Near said, and L nodded in agreement.
I scoffed and struck a pose. "He can't tell me what to do."
"You're a strong independent woman that don't need no man, huh?" L managed between laughs, and I whipped a nearby empty water bottle at him.
"You're such an asshole..." I muttered, and Near sat down beside L, who was still laughing.
"So? You're gonna try to reconnect with Matt?" He asked, and I nodded shyly.
L looked at the outfits placed on the bed and handed me one with black jeans and a blue plaid button up. "Here. Wear this with a black vest over your bra and kohl eyeliner."
I looked at L weirdly but took the clothes and did as he had said. When I was done, I showed him and he grinned. "You look great," he commented, and I gleamed.
"Thanks, L." I muttered, and Near got up and hugged me. "N-Near, what's wrong?"
"You look amazing," Is all he said in response, and I blushed and hugged back.
"Thanks, Near..."
At the same time, my phone rang, and Mail's contact was displayed onto the screen. "Hey, Mail, what's up?"
"I'm on your street. Are you ready yet?" He asked, and I sighed.
"Mostly. I'll see you in a few minutes, yeah?"
"Yeah. Bye, {Y/N}."
The call ended and I glanced up at L and Near, who both grinned and started pushing me towards the living room. I glared at them in annoyance, but went to the living room and sat down, keeping my cool.
Mere seconds later, I saw Mail pull up in a red car, and I grabbed my purse and opened the front door to head outside. However, Mail was standing behind it, about to knock, and I accidentally hit him with the door.
"Fuck!" He swore, rubbing the impacted spot and my eyes widened.
"Shit, sorry, Mat- I mean, Mail! I didn't know you were there!!" I rushed, and he smiled.
"It's okay. And damn you look good."
From behind me came a cough, and Near pushed past me and looked up at Mail. "So you're the redhead gamer boy. I'm Nate." He said, holding out his hand.
Mail, who looked confused, grinned and patted Near on the head. L also came outside, giving Mail a once over. "I'm Lawliet. Be careful with my little sister, alright?"
"Don't worry. I'll bring her back in mint condition." Mail assured, and we walked to his car. I awkwardly day in the passengers seat and watched him prepare to drive off. "I'm letting you know from now, I'm a fast driver. So if you're gonna get motion sickness, let me know."
Jesus, it's just like my old life... Always having to deal with his speeding.
"Y-yeah, I'm sure that I'll be fine." I lied, even though I grabbed the handle bar that was positioned above the door and clutched it in my hand, never letting go.
On the way, whilst driving way over the speed limit, Mail kept glancing over at me in worry. Maybe he knew that I didn't really enjoy being sped around in a car, or maybe it was something else, but his stares caused my cheeks to burn. However, neither of us dared to confront the other. We sat in silence until we reached the mall.
When we pulled into a parking spot, I immediately got out and bent over, expecting to vomit. Mail came over to me, chuckling, and rubbed my back. "I'm fine," I assured, "Just winded."
He took my hand and bent down to see my face. "Sorry, I didn't expect you to get sick."
"I'm not sick. Come on, let's go inside, yeah?"
He nodded and led me inside, keeping the grip on my hand tight. I didn't protest, since I thought that he was just being like Matty had been. Little did I know, it was all according to his ingenious plan to take me away from Mihael.
~Matt's POV~
We walked into the mall and started waking around, my hand never releasing hers. {Y/N}, who seemed to be feeling much better, smiled and laughed. "So? What should we go waste money on?" She managed, and I grinned.
"Sexual shit!" I joked, and she playfully punched my arm.
"You pervert."
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Maybe games...? I don't know."
"Meh. What does Mihael like?" She inquired, and I shrugged.
"Chocolate. Oh, and bands."
"Bands?" She repeated, and I nodded.
"Yeah. Like All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, Pierce the Veil, My Chemical Romance, all of that."
She blushed and I felt a small pang of jealousy, but shook it off. "Did you wanna buy him something?"
"Yeah, I guess. He was nice enough to take me out."
She really likes him, huh? Just wait. Soon you'll be all over me.
"That's true," I agreed, and then motioned for us to keep walking. "Okay, let's go. There's a store in here that he just loves."
And so I led her to a store that had everything Mihael liked. He would shop there every single time we went to the mall. "Here. This is Keehl's favourite store."
"I don't blame him," {Y/N} replied, gazing over all of the merchandise. It wasn't just band merchandise, but also a bunch of pop culture merchandise. "So? What's his favourite band?"
"He doesn't really have one... but I do know that when he's thinking of you, which now is pretty often, he plays All Time Low songs. Don't ask me why."
She blushed a colour that nearly matched my hair, and ran to find any All Time Low merchandise. I chuckled and watched in amusement as she contemplated buying any and everything.
Wow, she's so goddamn adorable. Shit... why're you so cute, {Y/N}?! You've gone as far as to make me want to betray my best friend. That's love, honey.
"Mail, what about all of this...?" She sheepishly asked, showing me a bunch of band tees, a CD, and a poster.
"Yeah, that's fine." I said before watching her walk up to the register and pay for everything. Once she was done, was walked to the food court and bought lunch.
"So," I began after a while, "The cheesy pick up line he used on you worked, huh?"
"Haha, yeah," {Y/N} said with a giggle, as if remembering something dear to her.
"You know why he used that line, right?"
"To make me laugh...?" She guessed, and I grinned.
"'Cause he was nervous as fuck, that's why. He couldn't think of anything else, the nerd."
"Aw, Jeevas, you're so mean to him..."
"What? It's true!"
"Maybe... I guess so. But it was really cute!!"
My phone vibrated in my pocket, and it was a text from Mihael.
Hey, just texting to check in. Is everything okay?
I smirked and looked at {Y/N}. "Hey, how about we head back home and chill there?"
"Uh, sure. Is everything okay...?" She questioned, and I gave her a quick dismissal motion with my hand. She shrugged and got up, carefully picking up the bag with Mihael's stuff.
We headed back the way we had originally went, back towards the car. When we got into the car, {Y/N} smiled at me. "You know, this was actually really fun."
"Y-yeah," I stuttered, "It was."
~Mihael's POV~
I sighed and laid down on the couch, listening to music. However, I shot up when I heard muffled talking and the door opening. Mail and {Y/N} walked inside, and I smiled.
"Hey, guys. How was the mall?" I asked, and {Y/N} took off her shoes before running to me and hugging me.
"Great! Here," she replied, handing me a black bag. "That's for you."
"Aw, {Y/N}, you didn't have to buy me anything."
"Just open it before I do it for you." She commanded, and I nodded, pulling everything out of the bag.
All of it was All Time Low merchandise. All of it. I smiled and looked at everything before smiling at {Y/N}.
"I love it. Thank you, {Y/N}." I said, "You didn't have to buy all of this."
"I wanted to." She explained, and I glanced at Mail, who was smirked at the two of us.
Something seems... off.
{Y/N} sat down beside me and placed her head on my shoulder, causing me to blush and gently lean my head on hers.
I don't know what it is... but something's not right. All of this seems familiar... and Mail seems... odd.
Maybe it's me, but something's about to change. And I don't think that it'll be for the better.
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