First Kiss
~{Y/N}'s POV~
I sat down in detention beside Matt and Mello. Honestly, being in detention is just like a closed-off recess. The teacher doesn't care what we do as long as we don't cause trouble. So I decided to write for a bit while Matt and Mello arm wrestled. "Oi, {Y/N}, don't you wanna do something fun for a change?" Matt asked.
I glared at him. "I'm handicapped right now. I'm not in the right condition to arm wrestle and horseplay and shit like that. Besides, I like writing. It eases my mind."
"Eases your mind from what?!" Mello asked.
Well, maybe if you hadn't kissed me at the hospital, I wouldn't be in this crazy mental position!! I thought. Yeah. Mello kissed me. I think that it was a friendly type of kiss, but now, every time I think about it, I get embarrassed!
"It eases my mind from... Hm, let's see... what about my crippled ass arm and leg?!" I answered, irritated.
"Well, school is over soon, so do you wanna go out and get some fresh air? It should help." He suggested, and I sighed.
"I don't wanna walk~..."
"Yeah but I can just take you somewhere with a bench. Like a park or something."
Matt sighed. "As much as I hate to admit it, Mel's right. You should go outside." He said, and I shot him a death glare.
I'm so fucking sorry. He mouthed, and I glanced at him and Mello.
"Fine." I said. "But I won't stay out there for long. When I want to leave, we have to leave."
"Yeah, yeah," Mello said, and the bell rang for dismissal. "C'mon. Let's go."
Mello helped me up and gave me my crutch so I could walk by myself. Matty sent me a wink and I faked a smile. I had told him what happened, and he knew that I was stressing over it.
Mello helped me through the halls and out the front door to where I could sit on a bench. He sat beside me and didn't say a word.
Should I ask him about the kiss? I wondered. Yeah, he should know that I know.
"Mello?" I began, gathering up all of my courage.
"Yes?" He answered, smiling that charming, million dollar smile that I love.
Oh God. Say it. Lay it down. Smack it on him. Go!! Quickly, with all of my courage, I quickly said, "I know that you kissed me in the hospital and I wanna know if it was meant as a friendly thing or not..."
Mello stared at me with confusion and then embarrassment. "So you were awake then, huh..." He muttered.
"Well, I was falling asleep, but I felt the kiss, obviously. And... Mello... I just need to know if it was something simple and friendly or... More than that."
Oh, God. I said it. He's gonna hate me. That's it. Say goodbye to your best friend.
"I wanna know what you thought of it as."
What I thought?! Oh God. What did I think of it as...? What kind of answer am I hoping for?!
"I- I don't know, Mello. It's been making me second guess everything... And I just... I don't know."
He sighed turned towards me, his piercing gaze settling on my worried and confused face. Oh, God. Mello...
~Mello's POV~
She honestly has no clue what the kiss meant. Should I lie and say that it didn't mean anything, or just tell her how I feel...? Decisions, decisions...
Okay. Be a man. Tell her. She's your best friend. She's not gonna hate you.
"I- I meant it. I... I like you. Well, I think I like you. I get it if you think I'm messed up and you hate me now, but... I really like you."
That's it. {Y/N} is gonna hate me now. Good going, Mihael!! She probably thinks you have some serious mental issues.
~{Y/N} POV~
Mello... Likes me. Oh, God. What do I say?? No. This is Mello we're talking about. Stop thinking as if it's a stranger. This is Mello.
"Mello..." I muttered. He managed to fake a smile for my sake.
That smile... He's scared. That's not how he normally smiles. Oh God. What do I do? Oh God. I can't hurt him. Besides, I like him, too, but I... I don't want to destroy our friendship.
I took a deep breath. "Mello," I said softly, "I like you, too."
And in that moment I saw his expression change from worried to ecstatic. He pulled me in for a hug, and even though I was nervous to say that, I suddenly felt happy that I did.
~Mello's POV~
No way... This has to be a dream.
{Y/N} likes me... She likes me too? Holy shit...
"Ah, Mello, my arm..." She said, and I pulled away from her.
"Oh, I'm sorry!! I totally forgot! Are you okay?" I said in alarm.
"Yeah, it was just hurting a bit." She said, blushing. She's too cute. How is she even alive?!
"{Y/N}," I said, catching her attention. I pulled her chin towards mine and kissed her fully head-on. I really shouldn't have done this... Ah, well. She likes me too. We're 14. It's fine.
Yeah, that's right. Everything is fine.
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