Finding Mello
~{Y/N}'s POV~
I glanced outside the window during my math class. Jeez, I finally get my casts off, and the weather is shit. Great.
The dismissal bell rang, and I ran to my room. Maybe I'll hang out with Mello and Near instead.
The thought of Mello made my cheeks burn and I decided to change my clothes. I slipped off my normal plain blue t-shirt and put on my nicer, more delicate purple shirt. Then I put on some tights. I brushed my hair and put of a bit of mascara. I don't know what, but something in me told me to look at my bed. When I did, I noticed a black envelope on my pillow.
What the hell..?
I opened it, and gasped. A letter from Mello.
"Dear, {Y/N},
By the time you read this, I'd have already left the institute. L is dead. Kira killed him. And he hadn't chosen who the successor would be. I gave it to Near. Listen, I want you to know that I'm gonna come back for you. Once Kira is caught, I'll come back and get you. For now, stay with Matt and Near. I love you. God, I love you. Please, stay safe. For me. Love you. Don't forget that.
-Mihael (Mello) Keehl"
Oh, God, please no. L... Is dead... And Mello... Left. Oh, God. Maybe Matt or Near can help. I need to stop him.
Without wasting any time I ran to the game room and saw Matt and Near sitting down, doing their own thing. "GUYS!!" I yelled, "MELLO IS... MELLO LEFT!!"
"I know," Near said, and Matt looked at both of us in alarm.
"He left about an hour ago. And, really, Matt, do you think I could've stopped him?!"
"You should've at least tried, Near!!" He said, and I felt tears stream down my face.
"I've gotta go find him." I said, turning back to go pack my bags.
Matt grabbed me and pulled me back. "Are you crazy?! You can't go alone."
"Well, Matt do you have a better idea?! I can't imagine a world without Mello! I can't just sit here and wait for him to magically come back!! I CANNOT JUST SIT HERE AND DO NOTHING WHILE MELLO IS GOD KNOWS WHERE!!"
Matt sighed. "I'm not letting you go by yourself. I'm coming with you."
"No, you're not. I won't endanger you, too."
"I'm not asking you. I'm telling you that I'm coming." He insisted, and I nodded.
"Fine. Near, where'd he go?" I asked, and he shrugged.
"Somewhere else in England. He's not planning on being found, so why would he tell me anything? Especially me?"
"I don't know." I said, and I nodded at Matt. "Go pack your bags. We leave as soon as we got everything."
He ran to his room and I ran to mine, shoving everything into a suitcase that I kept under my bed. Mello... Where are you?
Within 10 minutes, I had everything in the luggage and went back to the game room to meet Matt. Near was still there, and so I went up to him and hugged him. "Will you be okay by yourself?"
"{Y/N}," he said, "I'm gonna be head of the SPK. I'm gonna be fine. Go find Mello."
"Thanks, Near. Stay strong and safe, alright? I plan on seeing you soon."
Matt pulled his suitcase and nudged me softly. "Let's go. The next bus will be there in a few minutes."
I nodded and let go of Near. Okay, let's go. You're gonna go find Mello. And you're gonna tell him how much he means to you. And never let him leave again.
I ran towards the gate with Matt, who was hauling both his and my luggage. I took a deep breath and opened the gate, running to the bus without wasting any time. We paid our fare and sat down, scanning the bus for Mello. When I saw that he wasn't there, I felt my heart drop and I started to cry. Matt, who hadn't seen me cry until today, awkwardly rubbed my back in an attempt to comfort me, but it didn't help. Mello, please be okay. Please. For me.
"It's gonna be okay, Matt said, "We're gonna find him. I promise you."
I nodded in agreement, but really, the back of my mind was screaming its doubts. What if he's not even in the country anymore? What if someone kidnapped him? What if... What if he's dead?!
~Matt's POV~
Mello, I swear, when I find you, you're in for one hell of a beating. Causing {Y/N} to be this worried and scared... How could you?!
"H-hey, do you want me to call a hotel and see if I can score us a room?" I asked, and {Y/N} nodded.
I pulled out my phone and searched for hotels on the internet. I called the first listing I saw, and after a few minutes, got a room for a whole week.
"Okay," I said. "I got us a room at Holiday Inn for a whole week. We have to get off at the next stop."
She nodded and got up. The bus halted and we got off, taking our luggage with us. We checked in at the hotel and went up to our room. Being in that elevator with {Y/N} and her tear-soaked face was one of the hardest situations I've been in.
~{Y/N}'s POV~
Matt and I entered our hotel room with a rush, sick of tugging the suitcases everywhere. I sat down on one of the two beds and buried my face in my hands. Mello... I know you can't hear me, but wherever you are, please, please, be safe.
"We should change and then go grab some food..." Matt suggested.
"Yeah, good idea." I said, even though I was in no mood to eat. I pulled my suitcase onto the bed. I opened it and found my Attack on Titan sweater. I had bought it that day I went shopping with Mello. I pulled it out of the suitcase and out fell a small black box; about the size of a pickle or something like that.
What the hell...?
I opened the box to find a necklace with a heart pendant. Attached to the heart were two angel wings. I noticed that the heart could open. Oh shit... It's a locket.
When I opened the locket, I saw that it was a picture of me and Mello in the centre of the picture frame. On the other side was the "M" that he had planned to use as his identification letter if he was chosen by L as the successor.
I looked back towards the box and saw that there was a small note.
I'm sure that I've left Wammy's House by now, so I left you a little something to keep in placement of me. I hope you like it. I love you!
-Mihael "Mello" Keehl'
~Matt's POV~
We finally have someplace to stay and can stop carrying the luggage all over. I looked over at {Y/N}, and noticed she was staring at something in her hand and crying over it.
"What's wrong?" I asked, and she showed me a necklace with a locket. Inside was a picture of Mello and her and the gothic font "M" that represented him. Oh, no. Mello, what the hell is wrong with you?
"L-look.." She said, giving me a slip of paper. Mello.. Are you serious? Oh, yeah, let me just leave my best friend and give her a locket necklace to keep in my memory. So smart, Mello. So fucking smart.
"It's okay, we're gonna find him and he's gonna come with us whether he wants to or not." I said.
"But I... I..." She said, clearly distressed.
I sat down beside her and rubbed her back gently. "Shh, it's okay. Tell Matty what happened."
"I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye. I didn't even get to tell him how much I love him."
See? You're so stupid, Mello. She fully loves the hell out of you, and you just leave without a word to her.
"Okay, I need you to do something for me, okay, {Y/N}?"
"W-what is it?"
"I need you to stay strong. For me. For Mello. I want you to put on that sweater, and that necklace, and come with me to go get food like nothing ever happened. When we find Mello, you can have a breakdown. But for now, until we find him, I need you to try your best to hold all of your feelings in. Can you do that for me?" I said, and she wiped her eyes.
"Yeah, Matt. I can do that." She said, and slipped on the sweater. She clipped on the necklace and nodded at me. "Let's go."
~Two Hours Later~
~{Y/N}'s POV~
Matt and I finally made our way back up to the hotel room, and he was steaming pissed at me. I had brutally refused to eat; I just didn't want any food.
"You know," Matt said, "Mello wouldn't want you to starve yourself for his sake. In fact, I highly doubt he'd want you to be this upset that he left."
"Matt." I said. "That doesn't make me want to scarf down everything in sight. I'm just not hungry."
Ironically, I want some chocolate. Ugh. God, you're too cruel. At least have me want cake, and mourn L. But no. I need chocolate.
"Matt, I'm gonna go take a shower." I said, taking off my clothes.
"Yeah." He muttered, pulling his DS out of his bag and starting up a game.
I grabbed a towel and went inside the bathroom, taking off my mascara before going into the shower. It was all over my face. I looked like a hot mess. But at this point, I didn't care. I was to tired to care. I hopped into the shower and turned off the water. Letting Mello leave like that... I'm the worst. I thought, and felt my tears mix with the water running all over my body.
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