--WARNING!! CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT WITH NON-CONSENSUAL (RAPE), GAY, AND UNDERAGE SEX!! (This was a really difficult chapter to write, and I don't mean to offend anyone.) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!--
This one's dedicated to @Aliceandra_Ruth, who's really been a lot of help to me in the past few months. I have no clue how to thank you, so I wrote you some laughs with the MU squad.
~Matt's POV~
"Hey Uncle Matt, ----------. Sorry I haven't visited until now," a voice said, and I turned to Mello and {Y/N}. "Sorry I haven't visited until now, but I'm here now."
"Did you guys hear that?" I asked, and they both looked at me, confused.
"No one said anything, child. And there's no noise." Mello cautioned, looking at me with confusion and slight fear.
"You know, I never thought I'd be here. I didn't think that I actually had a family out there. But it turns out, the only reason I don't have one is because of Kira."
"Stop playing around you guys," I warned, "It's not funny."
"What in the world are you talking about?" L questioned. "No one's saying anything."
"Without him, everything would've been perfect. You, Mom, Dad, even L, you'd all be here."
"There! You don't hear that?" I demanded, and they shook their heads.
"No, Matty, what are you hearing?" {Y/N} asked.
"It's a voice. Of a guy. He's talking about us, actually. He's talking about... parents."
"Is it Law?!" Mello and {Y/N} demanded at the same time and I motioned for them to stay quiet.
"I hope you're with Mom and Dad. And I hope you're still chasing after Mom, because from what Uncle Near said, you love her. A lot. And Dad knows that, but he loves her too. I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything you save any of you. I'd trade just about anything in the world to have you guys here. To see me grow up, to see me becoming the man that I hope you want me to be."
"{Y/N}, Mello," I said, "I think it actually is Lawliet..."
"I'm sorry that you all went through this. Tell Mom and Dad that I said hi, and that I love them, okay? I know they probably feel like crap for leaving me behind, but I'm okay. And Dad, I'm going to be Number One. No matter what it takes, I'm going to reach the top, and I'm gonna fulfill your dreams. Uncle Matt, take care of Mom and Dad for me."
"Lawliet!" I called, "Can you hear me??"
When there was no response, I clenched my jaw. Without a doubt, that had been Lawliet. Mello and {Y/N} held each other's hands, looking at me expectantly.
"That was Lawliet," I told them, "And he wants you to know he loves you."
"My little boy..." {Y/N} managed, holding back tears. "He's all grown up, isn't he?"
"He's only 13, but he's smart," I said, "He told me to tell Mello that he's gonna be Number One. Man, that's such a Mello thing to do, isn't it?"
"Wait, Number One?" {Y/N} repeated, "He's at Wammy's House... that means... he's planning to succeed Near?"
"That's my boy!!" Mello exclaimed, jumping into the air like a teenager girl at a rave.
"He didn't mention Near, but," I interrupted, "There is a high possibility, since he said he's going to fulfill your dreams."
"Our boy's gonna succeed Near," {Y/N} echoed, squeezing Mello's hand. "Our baby boy's a genius like us."
"Who's he competing against, did he say?" L asked, and I shook my head.
"No, but I'm sure that he's gonna nail the final exams and take his place as successor."
"Hmm..." Mello said, "I really do wonder what kind of kid he's competing against."
"No clue," I said, staring at {Y/N}. She seemed off, and it kind of irked me. However, I remained quiet, even as we began to walk again.
~{Y/N}'s POV~
My baby found a way to connect with Matt...
We kept walking forward, B leading us all, the others having conversations if their own as I remained quiet.
"What's wrong, babe?" Whispered Mello, and I shook my head dismissively.
"Nothing. I'm fine," I said, "I just can't believe our Lawliet found a way to talk to Matty."
"Me too," Mello replied, kissing my cheek.
My baby Lawliet's learning how to adapt on his own, huh? Just like Mel.
"Hey, B," Mello began, "I never asked, but you spent time in prison, right? Was it scary?"
B scoffed. "The worst part of prison was the food. And the time L came in with a #1 foam finger and hit me over the head with it. Crappy visitor experience."
"L, you did what?!" Matt exclaimed, and L looked away, his cheeks tinted red.
"T-this was back when the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases were closed. I wanted to gloat, he'd been a total dick during that."
"So you hit him with a foam finger? What were you, 6? Jesus." Light laughed. "And then people wonder why you eat so much sweet stuff. You're a kid at heart."
"You don't talk to me about being a kid at heart, because we all know that you're just as childish as I am."
"No, I am not!"
"Yeah. What was it that I told your father... 'Kira is childish and hates to lose.'? You're a kid."
"I am not a kid." Light insisted, and Mello laughed.
"Huh, like Matt, too!" He joined in.
"Y-you shut up, Mel! You're childish, too." Matt yelled.
"Haha, no, what I am is married."
"You're a little kid, Mello! You literally cried on your wedding day because you were scared to have sex on the wedding night as a married couple for the first time."
I laughed and looked at Mello in disbelief. "You did that?"
"S-says the boy who made me show him a demonstration of how to put on a condom."
"You saw Mello's cock? Matt!!" I laughed, and Matt blushed bright red.
"We're both guys, why does it matter?"
"Because I totally shipped you guys when we were kids!!" I managed, and both Mello and Matt looked like they wanted to die. Again.
"There was no denying that you were good with Mello, though," L said, and we rolled our eyes.
"Of course you think that. You're the captain of our ship."
"I ship L and Light," Matt joked, and the handcuffed males went red. "I mean, kinky sex. Haha, handcuffs, am I right?"
When neither males responded but stood there, glancing at each other and then Matt, we all realized the same thing at the same time.
"You guys did it!!" Matt yelled, "Ew, it was kinky sex, gross."
"S-shut up, Matt," L grumbled, running a hand through his black hair. "Dammit, I didn't want you guys to know."
"Who topped?" B asked, a smirk plastered across his face.
"We're a switch couple..." Light whispered.
"Wait," I said, "Hold on. 'We're' as in we are? As in, presently together?"
"M-maybe," he replied, and L glared at him.
"There's no point in keeping it a secret any longer, is there?"
"No, b-but..." he stammered, and realization hit me like a wall.
"A while ago, when we couldn't find you two, were you... doing..." I began, and Matt looked at me in horror.
"They did the frick frack." He gasped, and L buried his face in his hands.
"Could you not make this more embarrassing than it already is?" He begged, and I winked at Mello.
"Well, they did it up here. Guess we can, too, huh?" I suggested, and he blew me a kiss.
"Always ready for you, baby." He replied, and Matt's face went as red as his hair.
"Disgusting!" He exclaimed.
Mello scoffed. "Listen. I've heard you and Mina gettin' it on before. You're the worst, okay? You and your fucking cosplay fetish."
I gasped. "Matt, you have a cosplay fetish? I used to wear cosplay all the time..."
Matt blushed and looked away, and Mello laughed. "Matt, you pervert!"
"You're one to talk, Mel. You have a BDSM fetish. And a Daddy kink," Matt fired back, and Light laughed.
"We're not too far off from each other then, blondie," He said, and Mello rolled his eyes.
"Please, there's a huge difference. Married mafia boss that actually loves his wife," he pointed at Light, "Trashy serial killer that uses women as tools and kills his lover."
Light looked at L, expecting some backup, but the slouched male shrugged. "He got you there, babe."
"I hate to interrupt, but we gotta get going," B said, "In case you forgot, we're still running from A."
We began walking again, wasting no time at all.
Soon enough, everything's gonna be fine. We're all going to be fine.
~Lawliet's POV~
Mom, Dad, Matt...
I sat down on my bed in Wammy's House, staring up at the ceiling. Near had given me everything they'd found that I could keep from the house that my parents had been living in when they died.
A knock on the door shook my out of my daze and I shot up, staring at the door. "W-who is it?"
"It's Satan," replied a familiar voice, "Who the fuck else would it be?"
"Calm the fuck down," I said, sliding off my bed to open the door. "What do you want, Yagami? Are the girls bothering you again?"
"No, I wanna talk to you. Mind if I come in?" He asked, and I stepped aside and motioned for him to come inside the room.
"What's the matter?"
"Well, you see, you're my best friend, right? So... I gotta tell you something." Hikaru began. "I'm, uh... I'm not straight."
Straight? Like, sexuality?
"Uh, that's cool with me, man," I said, "You know me. I'm open-minded."
Hikaru looked at me with a smirk and then pushed his hair back, sighing in relief.
"Thank God, I thought you would've been a total dick about it."
"I'm not a total dick about most things."
"I know, but a lot of guys feel weirded out by people like me. I don't even know what I am, yet, but I know I'm not straight."
I shrugged and turned to lock the door. "I don't care if you're straight or not, you're my best friend."
In that moment, I should have never turned my back to Hikaru. He placed his arm beside my head, his hand hitting the door with a bang. "You know, you've been sketchy the last few days."
Near said not to tell him.
"N-no, not really," I said, not moving an inch. "Yagami, back up, please."
"You see, I knew you were going to lie," he sneered, "But that's why I'm here."
"Why you're here? What?"
A hand snaked around my waist and made its way to my crotch. "Oh, Law," Hikaru chuckled, "As naive as when we were kids. I know you've been up to something. If you don't want me to continue, you better spill."
"I wasn't, Yagami, I swear..." I whispered, trying to push his weight off me. "Hikaru, this isn't funny, stop with the fucking bullshit."
Hikaru grabbed me and pushed me down to the bed, taking his belt off his jeans and using it to tie my hands. "Fine. You don't wanna listen? Then you're gonna feel."
He pulled my pants down, tossing them aside. "No," I managed, "Yagami, please, don't."
He didn't even show any emotion to my pleas and pulled down my boxers, too. I tried to cross my legs to cover my dick, but Hikaru pushed them apart.
Near said not to tell him. I can't betray Near.
He grabbed my shaft and slowly rubbed it, smirking to himself. "The amount of times I've thought of this, dreamt about it..." he mumbled, "Finally, Lawliet Keehl, you're mine."
"Stop, please," I begged, and Hikaru licked the side of my cock, causing me to moan. "Fuck... this isn't right..."
"Cry, beg, even scream for help if you want, but no one's coming to save you."
No... this can't be happening.
"Ah, n-no," I moaned, "S-stop it, Hikaru."
He took my dick into his mouth, and I threw my head back, pulling on the belt that was restraining me.
Come on, come on, lemme go... shit. Near, save me!!
"Struggle as much as you want," Hikaru laughed, "But I know you're enjoying this."
My cock was almost fully erect, and I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. "Please, Hikaru, stop. Someone, help!! Please!!"
"It's pointless," he sang, taking a bottle out of his back pocket.
"W-what is that??" I asked, and he rolled his eyes.
"It's not aphrodisiac, so calm yourself. It's lube."
Lube? You mean to tell me that this bastard wants to go all the way??
"N-no! I'll do anything, just don't do this!" I begged.
"What, you're scared? News flash, Keehl, I'm in charge, and I intend to do whatever I want with you."
I felt sick to my stomach. Hikaru was right; he was in charge. I knew it was futile, but I tugged again on the belt, praying that it would come loose.
"You look so adorable when you struggle, you know," Hikaru giggled, opening the lube and pouring some onto his fingers. He placed his hand and lined it up with my ass. "This might hurt."
An intruding pain shot through my lower half and I yelled in pain, glaring daggers at Hikaru. I could feel him moving his fingers in and out, adding more occasionally. I didn't feel much but pain until he struck a certain spot that made me throw my head back again.
"Haha, found it," he exclaimed, hitting that spot repeatedly. "That's your prostate. Doesn't it feel good? To have me totally violate you and hit your sweet spot like you're some girl? Like you're some bitch?"
"N-no, it doesn't..."
"Are you gonna tell me what you're up to now? Or do I have to put mine in?"
When I remained silent, Hikaru pulled the restraints off and turned my around, tying me up again so my ass was facing him. "You're always so stubborn."
I could hear him moaning as he started rubbing himself with lube and lined himself up with the entrance of my ass. "Please, Hikaru, don't..."
When he didn't respond, I sobbed. "Near, Mom, Dad... anybody... help me."
"No one's coming to help you, Lawliet Keehl," he grumbled, and began to push him. Screams of agony echoed throughout the room as every inch of Hikaru's cock entered my ass, tears streaming down my face and sobs escaping my throat.
"You're so vulnerable," Hikaru said, "Look at you. Taking a cock just like a woman at only 13 years of age. What would Near say? To see his little protege taking his best friend's dick up his ass. He would probably take me over you, then. Or who knows? Maybe he'd make you his little bitch, too."
"T-this is rape... I didn't want this..." I managed, turning my head back to glare at him.
"Sure," he chuckled, "But look at how hard you are for me... you're secretly enjoying this, aren't you?"
I shook my head vigorously, and Hikaru grabbed my hair, tugging it hard. "So, are you ready to talk now?"
"N-no," I insisted, "I won't tell you."
Hikaru laughed and thrusted harder, his hand moving from my waist to my neck, his hand wrapping around my throat. He hit my prostate and I jolted, moaning brokenly as his hand tightened.
"Haha, you see? It's fun; you're enjoying it. Relax, baby, I'm gonna make you feel so good."
He slammed his hips into mine and I felt lightheaded as he struck my sweet spot over and over again. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." I swore, a heavy feeling swelling up in my core. Hikaru moved his hand to my dick, his hand smoothly fitting around it.
Matt, Mom, Dad, help...
"You gonna cum soon? Don't worry, I'm gonna bury my cum deep inside you."
"No, please," I begged, "I won't tell anyone. Don't do that, please."
"You're a man, you won't get pregnant," he said, stroking my cock, "Come on, Lawliet..."
No, no, no, no, no!! Fuck!!
"...cum for me."
I released with a high shriek, semen shooting out of my shaft and onto the bedpost and wall. I felt warm fluid enter my ass, and a sudden feeling of emptiness.
"Look at you, Lawliet," Hikaru snickered, taking in the view. "Cum flowing out of your gaping ass... tears staining your face... god. I could go for a Round 2."
I sobbed, looking back at him. "How could you?"
He smiled darkly and licked up my spine. "Because, right from the start," he mumbled, "All I wanted was to break you."
He put back on his jeans, pulling a butt plug from his pocket and shoving it in my ass. I moaned at the sudden intrusion but my sobs made it hard to tell the difference. "Oh, and another thing," he said, grabbing my Polaroid camera and taking a picture of me. "Tell Near that I sent this."
He placed the developing picture on my bed, away from the light, and took the belt off my hands. If I had any energy left in my body, I could've fought him. But my body just fell onto the bed. Hikaru crouched down and kissed my forehead.
"That's all for now, cumdump," he giggled, "Until next time."
With that, he left the room, leaving me to crumble into myself. I grabbed the bag of my parents' things and pulled out a picture of Mom, clutching it to my chest as I cried myself to sleep.
Help me, Mom.
~{Y/N}'s POV~
We were walking together again, talking our own conversations, and a feeling of nervousness hit me like a wall.
"Help me, Mom," a male voice said, pand the feeling got worse.
I stopped walking and Mello noticed, stopping as well. "Babe? What's wrong?" He asked, and I sat down, the feeling of uneasiness overtaking me.
"I don't know..." I said, "But something's wrong..."
"What's wrong, babe? Tell me."
"Like I said, I don't know, but," I continued, "I think something bad happened to Lawliet."
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