Ashes, Ashes
~L's POV~
My feet felt heavier with every step. It had been the nerves and urgency that were powering me, but the emotional and physical fatigue were catching up to me as I desperately looked for any sign of Ryuk or Light.
Come on, give me a break...
My thoughts were circling around me, from B's panic attack, to Lawliet being raped, to Light having a baby behind my back. I'd never been so emotionally riled up in my life, and it scared me. "I just can't catch a break," I complained to myself.
In the distance, I finally laid eyes on figures in the distance.
Yes!! The Shinigami!
I picked up my face, my mood lightening up a little bit. As I got closer, I immediately recognized one of the Shinigami. "Ryuk!!" I called.
The creature turned to look at me in surprise. "L?" He said, "What're you doing back here? Where's Light?"
"That's the problem," I explained, "B's crazy boyfriend bumped into us so I ran and gave the notebook to Mello and his wife. But we need your help to get us back to Earth. And I need your help to find Light."
He gave me a look of disbelief and sighed. "The drama never ends with you people, does it?"
"You were the one that wanted something to sate your boredom, right? Here you are. Now, come on, Ryuk, we don't have much time."
Ryuk rolled his massive eyes and followed me as I began to search for Light, forgetting all about B, A, and the others.
~{Y/N}'s POV~
I sat down beside Mello, leaned against him in a fit of exhaustion, both mentally and physically. My stomach churned, and somehow, as time advanced, it kept getting worse. "Mello," I whispered, "I have a bad feeling about this."
He looked down at me with his shining blue eyes and gave me a soft glance of sympathy. "I know, baby, but we can't do anything until L comes back."
Matt walked over and sat behind me and began to play with my hair. "I can always tell when you're nervous, y'know."
B, who was standing and pacing back and forth, sighed and placed his hands on his hips. "You're not the only anxious one."
"He's not the first psychopath we've dealt with, B," Mello said, "So I don't get why you guys are so scared."
I took Mello's face into my hands and looked into his eyes. "I'm not scared, I just have a bad feeling."
Matt patted my shoulder and motioned for me to follow him. "Here, let's go for a walk, yeah? You and me."
I looked at B and Mello and nodded, "Okay. You two behave, okay? Call out for us if you need to."
"Yes, dear," Mello sarcastically groaned as B slowly dragged himself to Mello, sitting down beside him.
I trailed behind Matt, taking hold of his hand as we aimlessly wandered the dark and weary areas of MU together. "You know, {Y/N}, I'm really proud of you," he said randomly, and I looked up at him with shock.
"What?" I said.
"I said, I'm proud of you." He repeated, "For as long as I've known you, you've been so... strong-willed."
"T-thanks, Matt," I mumbled, not having expected the sudden compliment. "You've been pretty strong and brave this whole time, too."
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Brave? Please, {Y/N}."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I chuckled, "You've been really brave. Hell, you died for us, Matty."
He seemed to look at me with weary eyes, and I sighed. "What's the matter, Matty, you're not yourself right now."
This time it was Matt that sighed, placing his hand on my cheek. His eyes shone so brightly, even though there was barely any light around us.
Something's... off... with him.
"{Y/N}, after all this time, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out." He whispered.
"Haven't figured what out?" I questioned.
"That I'm in love with you," he admitted, and everything in me just came to a halt.
My breathing ceased as Matt turned away from me, shame plastered across his face like paint on a canvas. I softened as I realized that this was Matt, and that out of everything, everyone, that was in my life, he stood out as one of the most important people in it.
Matt began to walk away and I snapped out of my trance, chasing after him and grabbing his hand. "Matt, don't walk away from me."
When he turned to look back, tears were silently streaming down his face, and I knew how serious the situation was. "Matty..."
"T-this whole time," he sobbed, "It's been you! I've always been in love with you! I thought, with Mina, I could, y'know, move on, but now... I'm right back at square one!!"
I put my arms around him. "Shh, Matt, its okay-!"
"No! It's not okay! I'm disgusting, {Y/N}!! I'm in love with my best friend's wife!" He yelled, and I squeezed tighter.
"Mail, you need to calm down," I said, "It's okay, Matt. You're okay."
We both fell to the floor as he finally hugged back, burying his head in my shoulder and sobbing as I figured out what the fuck to do.
~Near's POV~
"Okay, Near," Roger said, sitting across from me in his office, "What is it that you needed to tell me?"
"Before I tell you," I replied, "You have to promise to keep this on the low."
"...what did you do, Nate?"
I took a deep breath. "I killed Hikaru Yagami."
Roger's eyes widened and he stood up, gaping down at me in surprise. "You did what?"
"He raped Lawliet a few times, and when I caught him the first time, I gave him a warning. Then he did it again, I caught him, and I lost it."
Regaining his composure, Roger sat back down and leaned in. "So? How're we gonna dispose of the body?"
"Gevanni's gone ahead and dealt with that. The only thing is that you need to dispose of everything Hikaru owned and had. Including records of his education. From this moment on, Hikaru Yagami does not exist."
He nodded and I ran a hand through my hair, playing with the curls. "Does Lawliet know?" He asked, and I clicked my tongue.
"Yeah, and he's torn about it. After all he's been through, he still feels bad about it."
"Well, don't worry too much," Roger assured, "I'll see to it that our little secret is safe."
"Thank you, Roger," I said, "I'm surprised that you're so okay with this."
"Well, after all," he chuckled, "We can't have the World's Greatest Detective's reputation tarnished, now could we?"
"That's true."
"Don't worry, Near, I'll ensure that everything is dealt with and that anything connected to Hikaru is disposed of."
"Thank you," I said, and stood up, shaking his hand.
Then I walked out of there for the first, and last time.
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