The morning had begun with sirens blazing down the street, summoning Tamayo into the office far before Nezuko managed to finish the newest loaned novel she was enthralled in. The sun had come up by the time she finished the last page and was able to set it down on the coffee table as the first rays brushed against her skin.
Her demon cells had long ago learned to touch the sun and they rejoiced under the warmth that the golden light brought. She lounged on her couch and let out a little sigh as her eyes wandered the room for a moment.
Yushiro's newest painting was drying in the corner, a gorgeous array of violet flowers and a silver moon in a dark sky. She never did get how he managed to put such beautiful things into a painting - Tanjiro had the same gift, at least with landscapes. Yushiro could beat anyone at portraits.
Gentle footsteps descended down the creaky wooden stairs causing Nezuko to turn around and smile as Tanjiro descended the stairs, his eyes bright and a gentle smile on his face.
"Morning," Nezuko greeted.
"Good morning," Tanjiro smiled.
"How did they all sleep?" Nezuko asked as she looked to the wooden roof above them.
"Tonbo had a nightmare," Tanjiro answered softly as he walked into the kitchen - likely with the plan to make breakfast before the young ones work up.
Nezuko's eyes narrowed as she got to her feet and followed Tanjiro into the kitchen. "What about?"
"She didn't say, but she thought she was back in her last home for a moment," Tanjiro answered.
Nezuko bit her lip as she felt the demon blood in her bring a growl to her lips.
"She'll be alright," Tanjiro's voice was always so soft and he gave Nezuko a soft look as he began pulling eggs out of the fridge.
Nezuko swallowed her anger and began to set the table as Tanjiro fried the eggs in a pan.
"Everyone else slept alright," Tanjiro assured her. Nezuko smiled a bit as she thanks heavens that little Momo hadn't had another night terror.
Speak of the devil - someone with little feet came charging down the stairs, almost tripping by the sound of it.
"Nee-sannnnnn!" Someone had crashed into Nezuko's leg and was hugging her close, little fingers curling into her long shirt as the perpetrator tried to climb up.
"Momo!" Nezuko laughed as she whirled around and picked up the little boy, lifting him up and smiling as she took in the kid's sleepy eyes and happy smiles. "How did you sleep!?"
"Good. Where's breakfast?" Momo asked looking to the empty table that Nezuko had yet to finish setting.
"Give it a moment!" Tanjiro laughed from the kitchen.
"Is anyone else awake?" Nezuko asked.
"No, just me!" Momo chirped.
"Ohhh, well we should wake them up before school starts, shouldn't we?" Nezuk snickered.
Momo giggled, pressing his hands on his face as he nodded.
"Let them sleep," Tanjiro scolded.
Momo pouted and then quickly wiggled out of Nezuko's arms to go find Yushiro - judging by the yelp and the giggling - he's succeeded.
"YOU LITTLE - " Yushiro's voice echoed down the hall making both siblings. If it was any other kid, they'd be concerned, but Momo dealt well with Yushiro's antics and vice versa.
Eventually most of the younger children made it downstairs, following the smell of eggs and bacon. There were five children, all in all, three young ones and two teenagers. Nezuko smiled as she watched Momo and the others chow down on their breakfast like they had been starving, except of course for Kanku.
"Nezuko," Kanku asked, her little eyes peering out from behind her bangs. "Where's Tamayo?"
"Miss Tamayo went to the hospital early today," Nezuko answered as she poured them all juice, being mindful of how Kanku had hardly touched her food.
"Will she come back?"
"Of course," Tanjiro answered warmly as he ruffled Kanku's hair.
Maki, as always, was silent as he devoured his meal.
The sun rose a bit higher and Nezuk found herself ushering off the youngest to the bus stop outside, waving goodbye as they funneled into their little yellow bus. She walked in and listened to the chaos upstairs as Tanjiro awoke the older two.
They were a foster home. One that took in every unwanted child they could and did their best to give them a better home. How anyone could look at Maki, Kanku, or Momo and not want them was beyond Nezuko. She loved them all, just as she loved all the kids that came into their house. She didn't care that Momo couldn't focus and caused trouble - that his teachers never understood him, he was just chaos and fun wrapped in a little kid. She didn't care that Kanku was a little skittish or shy, she was sweet and had quite the hand at drawing. She didn't care that Maki was silent, he was sweet and if she ever got her hands on the jerks who made him feel like a waste she'd kill them herself.
Tamayo had found the kids and Tanjiro could never say no to another child under their roof... Thirty years ago they'd taken in almost ten brats - it had almost driven Yushiro mad.
They probably wouldn't make that mistake again... but had it really be a mistake at the end? Eh, Nezuko wasn't so sure.
She could list off every kid who's lived under their roof. She could remember their first nightmare, the first time they smiled, the first word or sentence they'd dare to say to her, the first fight, the first letter home from some annoying teacher, the first award, everything.
Tanjiro could too... but Nezuko always found he was better at remembering more personal things. He could always calm a nightmare or distract a child who had been throwing a tantrum, he knew just what to stay to quell a panic attack or soothe an outburst. He remembered birthdays and their favorite flavor of ice creams, their least favorite classes, and their greatest fear.
Speaking of Tanjiro and his "way" with kids... it sounded like Osoree was giving Tanjiro trouble. Nezuko laughed as she came up the stairs and saw Tanjiro herding a frazzled-looking Osoree to the bathroom, her hair a mess and her eyes heavy under bags.
"You shouldn't have stayed up so late then!" Tanjiro was lightly scolding as he led her to the bathroom and handed her a hairbrush.
"Can I stay home?" she moaned.
Tanjiro felt her forehead and gave her "the look".
"No, you're not sick," he shook his head.
"Please?" she groaned.
"No, in you go," Tanjiro ushered closing the door as she trudged in and throwing Nezuko a small smile. "You may want to fire up the car, they're gonna be late."
"Naturally," Nezuko sighed. She jerked her head to the final closed door. "How's Zi?"
"They're in a mood," Tanjiro managed.
"Uh oh, are they feeling okay?" Nezuko asked.
"They have an English test today, so they're having some anxiety," Tanjiro soothed as he knocked on Zi's door.
"I don't want to go!" Zi's voice yelled from within.
"Zi, you're gonna do great. I heard you studying last night, you sounded great!" Nezuko tried.
"English is a stupid language!" they cried back.
"That's fair," Nezuko grimaced.
"Maybe it won't happen today?" Tanjiro tried to offer, staring at the closed door.
"It's happening today," Zi groaned.
Nezuko tilted her head as she sensed the child sitting on the other side of the door, practically distraught.
Tanjiro threw Nezuko a gentle look.
"You make sure Osoree doesn't fall asleep at the sink, I'll see if I can coax them out," Tanjiro soothed.
Nezuko nodded and left Tanjiro to gently sit at the foot of Zi's door and talk to them.
Nezuko loved the kids. She loved them to death and back, even when Osoree fell asleep in the back of the car on the way to school. Even when Zi glared at the building like it was Muzan himself. She loved her kids.
In every life, for every century, as long as she would live she would give kids like them a home. She'd give them a place far from hurt and pain where no one would ever harm them again. She'd made them a life free of demons - and she'd make sure to keep it that way.
She, Tanjiro, Yushiro, Tamayo... they were all that remained from the old times (though it was rumored Ubuyashiki was still alive and kicking). The trials of demon slayers had been forgotten and their strife long sense dismissed as fiction, but Nezuko knew the truth... and so did all of the children who ever lived under their roof.
Not the young ones, of course, they wouldn't be able to keep a secret - but once they got old enough, old as Osoree and Zi, they'd be sat down and Nezuko would pull out an old box with pressed wisteria flowers and a single black sword kept sharp and clean, just in case.
They'd listen as Nezuko would tell them about demons and demon slayers, about crows that talked and monsters that couldn't touch daylight - and usually the kid would laugh when Yushiro told them the truth...
But then Tanjiro would look them in the eye, and he's smile gently - sometimes he'd burst into flames if he felt the kid could take the shock...
And the kids would know.
The kids would know that they were raised by demons, that they had lived with the remnants of a time long past who masqueraded as humans, and usually, they'd stay.
Osoree and Zi stayed. Nezuko had faith the others would stay. There had only been one or two in the past who had run away, back to the foster care system (they usually said it had gotten too weird for them and Nezuko wasn't just going to force them to come back).
But those who did stay learned. They learned the basics of holding a sword (nothing extreme obviously, but just the basics). They meditated and learned breathing techniques (nothing like the painful ones Nezuko had been forced to learn) but the kids learned something. They learned the names of old friends and enemies. They learned what to look for in a demon, what to watch out for so that if it ever happened, they'd be ready.
Not that Nezuko expected them to run into demons - if it ever did happen she'd be horrified... but the world hadn't been created with demons on it and there was no guarantee a demon would never return.
That was why Nezuko and Tanjiro stayed immortal. That was why they lived on, not to gain power or chase after foolish things as Muzan had desired, but to make sure that the world never had to face another Muzan, that demons would never again rise up to strike fear into humanity.
They would live and wait and watch until the end of days. And until that day they would offer a home to all the unwanted and hurt - just as the demon slayers had offered Nezuko after she lost everything.
They'd live and they'd live.
Not an empty life or a pointless existence, but one full of laughs and smiles that gave Nezuko a reason to welcome the day.
She'd miss all those she left behind to mortal lives, but they never left her. Giyu and Sakonji lived on in every brook and river she came across, she heard Kyojuro's laugh in every crackling fire, Shinobu's smile danced with every butterfly, much like Kanao's rare laugh. Zenitsu's spirit flashed with every thunderstorm and Inosuke's cackle was in every child's rambunxious scheme.
Yes, she loved her children. She loved her friends. She loved her home.
And she loved her life. She loved her life, no matter how long it was cursed to be, because she was able to spend it with her brother and Tamayo and Yushiro (no matter how annoying he could get).
She loved her family.
And it would never be taken from her again.
(Aaand that's my cheesy ending for ya. Shhhh, don't talk to me about angst - I want fluffy demon foster home and I wrote fluffy demon foster home. Sue me. This chapter is my 3 a.m brainchild and you can't take it from me. Lol, love y'all and I hope you liked it)
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