9 - A Dire Warning
A few months later, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke were fit enough for another mission. Nezuko relayed all of the information she had gained from Tanjiro to the Master before eagerly going on on her next mission.
She was intent to find Tanjiro or Muzan... or Lower Five.
The demon slayers had scoured the mountain but hadn't found a trace of Tanjiro or the lower moon. Nezuko was ready to go and resume the search elsewhere.
She had received a new sword and almost got stabbed in the process by the sword's furious forger but that had been fine...
Inosuke had almost been murdered too for bashing rocks against his sword... it was fine, everything was fine, they were fine...
All three of them had learned Total Concentration Breathing, constant, and that made them all feel rather accomplished. Now, they were off on a new mission, this one took place on a strange thing called a "train", although that name meant nothing to Nezuko until she actually saw the thing.
That was another fiasco. Nezuko reminded herself to send Tanjiro a mental picture of it the next time they spoke, he would be awed by it.
After another fiasco involving Inosuke headbutting the train and police chasing them, the trio finally boarded the train and sat down, appreciating the moment. After the train began moving, the group decided to explore a bit. It was rather startling to Nezuko to be moving so fast while she did nothing but it was also immensely awesome.
A few minutes into their exploration they found a familiar face.
"Rengoku?" Nezuko asked peering over the seat at the man who was chowing down on his eleventh bento box while announcing "Yummy".
He was certainly a unique character.
The now quartet of demon slayers sat down and talked fervently with one another. Inosuke challenging the pillar to an arm-wrestling match which was hilarious to Nezuko and Zentistu, especially when the boar-masked boy was sent crashing to the floor.
Nezuko asked Kyojuro about the demon corps and how to become a pillar.
"You sound like you're interested," Kyojuro laughed.
"I am," Nezuko nodded, "If I became a pillar, I'd pose a serious threat to Muzan... and maybe that would lure him out of hiding."
"You want to be bait?" Kyojuro asked.
Nezuko smiled, "I want to be a thorn in his side."
Kyojuro laughed and decided that he too liked this girl, "Well, I could make you my tsuguko. That would definitely start you off on the right path."
Nezuko tilted her head, confused, "But... I don't use flame breathing."
Kyojuro dismissed that and began to explain how the breathing styles weren't so different. Nezuko was listening until a familiar presence weaved into her mind; Tanjiro.
"Danger" she heard him hiss.
Nezuko jumped to her feet and looked around.
"Nezuko-chan, what is it?" Zenitsu asked.
Inosuke had his head out the window and was laughing.
Kyojuro looked at the girl and then around at the train car.
"Something's wrong," Nezuko announced. She looked down the train car but saw nothing except the conductor moving down the train, punching people's tickets. Tanjiro's mind focused on the conductor and Nezuko did as well...
"Danger!" Tanjiro's voice hissed urgently.
Kyojuro suddenly stood up and gently pushed the conductor aside, drawing his sword. The demon appeared momentarily, but it didn't last for more than a few seconds. Kyojuro dealt with it before Nezuko could draw her sword.
"Wow," Inosuke murmured, he had pulled his head out of the window just in time to witness the decimation of the demon.
Kyojuro looked back to the three and smiled. The children were all gawking and Kyojuro chuckled.
As Kyojuro returned, the conductor shakily asked him if he could punch his ticket. Nezuko mentally applauded the man for continuing to do his job, even with that recent event of a monstrosity appearing before him and a stranger pulling out a sword and killing it. Tanjiro's mind, however, disagreed, warning her that all was not well.
As the conductor asked Nezuko for her ticket, she hesitated. Tanjiro was warning her, he was pleading that she stay alert. She had the ticket punched and swore to Tanjiro that she would stay on the lookout.
That promise lasted a few hours.
Nezuko was sleeping soundly, emersed in a peaceful state of mind
But the hunter was out. She had been found and Enmu giggled to himself as he sent his followers out to finish the work. Once the spiritual centers of the demon slayers had been destroyed, they would be easy prey.
Nezuko however, wasn't prey. She was dreaming, for the first time in a long time, she was dreaming without nightmares.
She was much younger and was with her family, curled up in a blanket, listening to Father tell them all a story of the sun and the moon and how they were brothers who at first loved each other and then fought one another. She was leaning on Tanjiro and when her father got to the portion where the moon covered up the sun, she whimpered. Tanjiro laughed and pulled her closer to him. Mother was smiling as Father told the story, holding a snoozing newborn Rokuta in her arms as she looked at her husband. The other children had all fallen asleep and were snoring contentedly.
But... Nezuko had a strange feeling. Like there was someone watching her. She looked behind her and saw no one, she looked up at her big brother and smiled. She was safe here.
Outside of her dreamworld dangers lurked but it all went unnoticed by the girl who was happily listening as Father finished the story.
There was a knock at the door before Father could finish the story and Nezuko looked to it, confused. Who was visiting home at this time of night? Father got up and opened it... and yet no one was there.
"Maybe a stick hit the door after the wind blew it off a tree," Tanjiro offered.
"Perhaps," her father answered.
Nezuko looked around, once again feeling watched. She looked at the window and saw something duck under the windowpane.
"There!" she cried pointing. "There's someone outside."
Father immediately grabbed a lantern and a hatchet while Tanjiro put on his haori.
"It's probably an animal, enticed by the warmth," her father dismissed. He stepped out alongside Tanjiro into the winter's night. Nezuko listened as they walked to the side of the house. She stepped into the doorframe and looked out into the darkness... someone was there.
"Wake up!"
Someone was yelling. Who was yelling?
"Wake up!"
Nezuko looked around but it seemed like no one else could hear it. She turned away and suddenly Tanjiro was in front of her... but it wasn't Tanjiro, he had strange cat eyes and a panicked face.
"WAKE UP!" he cried grabbing her shoulders.
Nezuko's eyes flew open and she looked over her comrades. Standing over Kyojuro was a woman who was trying to tie a rope to his wrist.
"What are you doing?" Nezuko demanded sitting up. The woman looked to her in fear.
"Danger!" Tanjiro's voice yelled.
"There's another demon, isn't there," Nezuko asked unsheathing her sword. The woman took frightened steps back, "And you're helping him."
Tanjiro leaned back on the wall, relieved that Nezuko had finally come to her senses. He could sense that she was safer now, alert, and very, very angry. Tanjiro followed Nezuko through her trial against Lower Moon One. She had grown so much, she was confident and strong. Tanjiro could sense her determination and spirit and it made him so proud to know that his younger sister had come so far.
A harsh scent hit his nose; Muzan.
Tanjiro severed the connection to Nezuko immediately and cleared his mind. Muzan slid the door to Tanjiro's room open and stared inside.
"Come," Muzan ordered. Tanjiro stood up and walked up to Muzan's side. The two of them walked through the infinity fortress, Tanjiro wondering what it was Muzan wanted this time.
Muzan led Tanjiro to an open platform in the infinity palace.
"Kokushibo," Muzan ordered coldly.
Suddenly, a powerful scent filled Tanjiro's nose and Tanjiro looked in horror at the demon who appeared before Muzan and him... Upper One. His aura was so powerful that Tanjiro wanted to tremble.
"Master," Kokushibo greeted, bowing reverently.
"I require your abilities," Muzan demanded.
"Anything you wish of me, Master," Kokushibo answered.
"I need you to kill the lower Moons," Muzan instructed, "I would ask Doma, but I'm afraid he may take that too personally," Muzan explained emotionlessly.
Kokushibo didn't look at all stunned by the order to dispose of his kin.
"And Akaza?" Kokushibo asked, "He would surely enjoy the fight."
"I've sent him to dispose of the flame pillar, to see if these hashiras are truly worth fearing."
"I will not fail you."
"I don't want you to do it now, I want to use them once more... to test the boy's skills," Muzan murmured looking down at Tanjiro who's skin was crawling. The flame pillar? Why did that seem familiar? He couldn't think about it now.
"How do you want it done?" Kokushibo asked.
"In a way that will send a message, if you wish, take a few pointers from Doma," Muzan ordered.
"What message am I sending?" Kokushibo asked.
Muzan's eyes glowed, "That I have no time for weaklings."
Nezuko had beaten Enmu, but her stomach had been pierced and she was losing blood.
"Nezuko-chan!" Zentisu cried running up to her.
"I'm alright, it'll heal," Nezuko gritted holding her wound.
Zentisu looked to Inosuke concerned. Suddenly the two saw another passenger in need of assistance and rushed to help.
"DANGER!" Tanjiro's voice cried in her head. Nezuko's head snapped up.
"What is it Nii-chan!?" Nezuko cried.
"Upper Three! Upper Three! Coming! Danger!!" Tanjiro's voice cried frantically.
"Well done Kamado, my girl," Kyojuro laughed running up to Nezuko, "You managed to use a full focus breath! You're one step closer to become a pillar," he praised, oblivious to the terror clutching her heart.
"Rengoku" Nezuko cried looking at him, "Tanjiro says that there's something coming, he says that Upper Three is coming!"
Kyojuro looked shocked and then scanned the area, "Did he say when?"
"He doesn't know," Nezuko said trying to decipher the mess of emotions that were tumbling through her.
Kyojuro stood up and readied his sword, "Focus on your breathing, young Kamado, if you center your breathing you'll be able to heal faster and overlook the pain."
Nezuko nodded looking at her wound that was slowly knitting back together, "ZENITSU! INOSUKE!" she cried.
Zenitsu clearly heard her summons and pulled Inosuke from the injured civilians the boar-child was trying to help/scold.
"What's wrong?" Zenitsu asked, "I heard you call."
"An Upper Moon is coming but I don't know when!" Nezuko told them frantically, "Could either of you - "
"I've got this," Inosuke cackled, planting his swords in the ground and outstretching his hands as he reached out with his senses.
Zentisu listened intently and readied his sword, "What do we do against an Upper Moon?" he asked Nezuko who was almost healed.
"Pray," Nezuko breathed, "And then win."
"Something's coming from above!" Inosuke yelled.
"It's here!" Zenitsu yelled.
"Rengoku!" Nezuko warned.
Kyojuro was already prepared. As Akaza dropped down on them, Kyojuro attacked.
The fight moved quickly. Akaza and Kyojuro were two forces of absolute power that the trio of kids couldn't compare to. The only time they were actually able to make out the individual movements of the two was when they took small breaks to catch a breath or in Akaza's case, regrow an arm. Nezuko got to her feet and gripped her sword, she was afraid... terrified in all honesty.
"We can't go in there, we'd only get in the way!" Zenitsu cried to Nezuko.
"Zenboku is right," Inosuke agreed.
"That's not my name, you know that right?" Zenitsu asked unamused of his comrade.
"Faith," Nezuko heard Tanjiro whisper, "Have faith in yourself."
Nezuko closed her eyes and she felt the battle. She knew she was weaker than Kyojuro... but she would be able to take a hit, she could, at the least, be a shield. She was fast, she was strong, she could help.
"I need help, Tanjiro," Nezuko pleaded, "I can't do it alone."
Confidence flowed into Nezuko, Tanjiro's confidence in her, something else came with it. Suddenly, Nezuko felt rejuvenized, powerful, and certain.
She could do something.
The dust cleared for a moment and Nezuko spotted Kyojuro, bloodied and bruised.
Upper three, who had said his name was Akaza, was facing his opponent and he sighed, "There's no point to continue like this Rengoku. You're a human and so you can't compete with my power. Those wounds you have could kill you, while to me, they'd be mere scratches. Come on Rengoku, become a demon! Fight with me for eternity! Human's can't compare to demons."
Kyojuro readied his blade and smiled confidently, "It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak. I will fulfill my duty! I will not let anyone here die!"
Akaza sighed and prepared to end the fight, Kyojuro readied himself.
There was a fierce yell as suddenly someone emerged from the dust beside Akaza; Nezuko.
"Kamado, no!" Kyojuro cried.
"NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DIE!" Nezuko screamed raising her sword and driving it into Akaza's neck. Kyojuro ran forward to help, his sword raised. He stabbed Akaza's chest causing the moon to scream. Akaza went to punch Nezuko who's sword was slowly cutting through his neck but the punch was caught by Kyojuro who held his sword firmly in one hand and Akaza's fist in the other. Akaza's other hand shot out and ripped through Nezuko's stomach causing her to scream.
The three stood in a stalemate.
Suddenly, Akaza looked to the horizon in horror and realized that the sun was rising. Nezuko, though now with an arm through her stomach, was still slowly slicing through Akaza's neck, her eyes glowing in pain and anger as she willed her sword to move mere centimeters and slice through the demon's nearly impenetrable skin.
Akaza tried to move but Kyojuro held his fist firmly and the sword through Akaza's chest was burning. He had to move! He had to live!
He ripped his body away, not caring that he had left one of his arms behind in Kyojuro's hand, the other he ripped out of Nezuko's body. Kyojuro's sword slid out of his body and the demon sprinted for the tree line as the sun peeked over the horizon.
"Nezuko," Kyojuro breathed catching the girl as she fell. The wound in her stomach was large and the girl was choking on blood.
"Breathe, Nezuko," Kyojuro instructed the girl, clenching her hand, "You must breathe and hasten your healing. You are not a demon, you can still die!"
"YOU COWARD!" Zenitsu screamed running past the duo and chasing after the moon, "YOU BASTARD!"
Zenitsu didn't run far, as Akaza vanished from view the boy sprinted back to Nezuko's side and fell to his knees.
"Nezuko-chan... are you alright?" he whimpered to the girl.
Nezuko smiled weakly, breathing slowly, "I don't know," she murmured weakly. "I mean... I'm not dead."
"Why did you do that, you could've been killed," Kyojuro reprimanded her.
"I couldn't... lose..." Nezuko murmured, a smile on her face, "I couldn't lose... anyone... anyone else... I couldn't... watch... you die."
Kyojuro smiled softly and held the girl. Inosuke was trembling, "Don't you die Nezuko!" he choked, "Don't you dare!"
Nezuko smiled at Inosuke, "I knew you knew my name," she laughed, and then her eyes closed.
"Nezuko-chan!?" Zentisu cried in panic.
"She's alive," Kyojuro assured the two of them, "She's resting. But she still needs medical attention."
"Then we have to go!" Zentisu cried desperately.
They took off once again, beaten and bruised, with the unconscious Nezuko in Kyojuro's arms.
Far away Tanjiro sighed in relief... she'd done it. She had beaten Upper Three and saved everyone. She'd survive. Nezuko had grown and Tanjiro was proud. She'd survived an upper moon, Akaza no less, Muzan would not be pleased.
The boy smiled to himself, for the first time in a long time.
(Ta-daaaaa, Kyojuro lives. Yayyyyyyyy! Hope y'all liked it! Thanks so much for reading and have a wonderful day/night!!)
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