17 - The Infinite Hell
(Darkest chapter right here folks. It gets worse before it gets better)
Tanjiro was thrown on to the floor, letting out a cry of pain as he landed.
"You insubordinate insect," Muzan hissed kicking the boy and sending him flying across the room. Tanjiro slammed into the wooden wall and crumpled, trembling.
"They've definitely followed us," Akaza warned looking out the open door of the infinite fortress.
"Just have Nakime transport us elsewhere," Doma smiled.
Muzan's face had veins splaying out under his skin as his rageful eyes stayed glued on Tanjiro, "No. We have them where we want them; I want everyone who's seen me to die," Muzan ordered.
"Yes, master," Kokushibo bowed.
"Kill the hashira, tear them apart, and then rip the demon slayer headquarters to the ground. Tonight is the end of the demon slayers," Muzan growled.
"And the girl with the hanafuda earrings?" Akaza asked. Kokushibo shifted, his eyes darting to his master.
Muzan was silent for a moment, turning so that his back was on all present, "Kill her."
Tanjiro eye's widened as he sat up and he growled. He didn't remember much from his life but he remembered Nezuko; how kind and sweet she smelled, how she was always smiling. He also knew death - he remembered screaming and blood and he never wanted those two memories to come together. He couldn't let Nezuko die!
"Nakime!" Muzan ordered. There were multiple biwa sounds as suddenly the demons were transported. Tanjiro suddenly found himself on an open platform, Muzan equidistant from him as they had been before they had been transported. Nakime sat before Muzan, her one large eye emotionless with the kanji for Upper Four etched into it.
"Kaigaku," Muzan snapped. The demon appeared by his side instantly, kowtowing reverently to the man.
"Yes, Master?" Kaigaku asked.
"Demon slayers trespass here, kill them," Muzan snarled.
"As you wish," Kaigaku answered before running off.
Tanjiro was quietly trying to stand. He had to get away and find Nezuko. He had to escape again!
"And you," Muzan murmured, his voice soft but furious. Tanjiro looked up and found that Muzan was staring at him from over his shoulder. Nothing else had to be said, the fury in Muzan's eye was more terrifying to Tanjiro then anything he had ever witnessed.
Tanjiro was frozen in trepidation. His mind had left him leaving only an empty void of fear.
"All this, for a simple meal," Muzan scowled turning to face the boy.
Tanjiro remembered it vividly; the smell, the bloody mess, the taste that stained his lips as a cold hand had tried to force something down his throat. Simple meal? There was nothing that Tanjiro was more afraid of than what Muzan would make him eat.
"Since you've been so disobedient," Muzan murmured walking forward, his eyes never faltering from their quarry. "I suppose I should repay you."
Tanjiro found the strength to stand and did so gingerly and slowly, it didn't help. Muzan's movements were too fast and in a moment Tanjiro found himself in the familiar position of having his neck clenched by the demon lord who held him up, the boy's feet dangling inches off the floor.
"Rest assured," Muzan cooed, a sick smile on his lips, "I'll shove the corpse of every demon slayer killed today down your throat, including whatever remains of your precious sister."
Tanjiro's fear was replaced by a strong protecting urge and he growled and thrashed at the mere thought of it.
Muzan's eyes narrowed but before anything else could be done there was a crash and the demon lord's attention was turned to the right where Akaza had just burst through a wall, pursued by two demon slayers; the water and flame pillar.
Tanjiro utilized his Master's distraction and twisted his body viciously, ripping out of Muzan's grasp, falling to the floor and racing away. Scrambling for a few moments before steadily breaking into an immensely fast flight through the hallways of the infinity fortress.
"Nakime," Muzan sneered watching the boy disappear. Nakime's eye narrowed but her biwa string wasn't strummed.
"He's moving too fast," Muzan spoke for Upper Four, "Very well. Just ensure that no one leaves this building. Separate the demon slayers and when the boy becomes stationary and vulnerable, send him below."
Nakime nodded slowly and began strumming, still trying to track the boy who was moving remarkably fast, even by demon standards. Slowly, Muzan walked away, his eyes glimmering with rage.
"How are they doing?" Master Ubuyashiki asked weakly as he sat in his bed. Lady Tamayo sat in a chair at his bedside
"They're alright for the moment," Yushiro answered skeptically closing his eyes and seeing through one of his enchanted papers.
"The sun will rise in a few hours... they may be able to hold out until then," Tamayo prayed. She looked at the poison in her hand and her eyes narrowed.
"They can," Master Ubuyashiki vowed, his breaths sounding distant, "They will."
The demon slayers had all been split up. Giyu and Kyojuro had found themselves facing Akaza. Genya, Gyomei, and Muichiro were exchanging blows with Kokushibo. Shinobu had sought out Doma and was engaging with him. Nezuko, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Kanao were sent to the opposite side of the fortress and were now running around blindly, Yushiro's cards on their foreheads. When the crows had first delivered the papers to them, they had been skeptical but now, it was helpful to have Yushiro seeing what they saw.
"Zenitsu, can you hear anything!?" Nezuko demanded as they ran. Her chest wound had healed but her kimono was still wet with blood.
Zenitsu shook his head.
Nezuko clenched her jaw and connected to Tanjiro, "Nii-chan... where are you?"
The images she received from Tanjiro were snapshots from the infinity fortress, every area looked the same... there were no defining features for Nezuko to pinpoint. She cursed and sent a few pictures of her own... Tanjiro didn't know where she was either.
They continued running until Zenitsu stopped dead. His head snapped up as he looked to his left, down a hallway.
"Zenitsu?" Nezuko asked stopping.
"The hell, Zenitsu, let's go!" Inosuke cried, he had reclaimed his boar mask and was wearing it once more.
"Kaigaku," Zenitsu stated, his aura completely different. He straightened and looked down the hallway.
"Kaigaku?" Nezuko asked, recalling that name from Zenitsu's tale. Suddenly, Tanjiro sent her a mental image; a demon with stripes on the side of his face, grinning smugly as he drew a demon slayer sword, his pupils sparkling with the kanji for Upper Six gleaming.
"He's an Upper Moon," Nezuko warned.
"I hear it," Zenitsu nodded, "Go on without me. Find your brother."
"I can't just leave you - "Nezuko began.
"I'll be fine," Zenitsu answered, his voice having a strange tone to it. This wasn't the Zenitsu they knew...
Nezuko looked down and closed her eyes. Zenitsu deserved this, he deserved to avenge his master. She wasn't the one to lecture anyone on the morales of "revenge" or "being safe".
"Alright," Nezuko agreed, "I'll see you later."
Zenitsu smiled and looked to Nezuko, "Of course!"
With that, the group split up again. Zenitsu strode down the hallway and entered a room.
"I can hear you," Zenitsu scowled looking to the door across the room.
"Such a disrespectful tone to take with your superior," a voice laughed as the door slid open and Kaigaku stepped out.
"Since you've become a demon, I no longer think of you as my superior," Zenitsu stated firmly, his eyes blazing with anger, taking Kaigaku by surprise.
Zenitsu wouldn't let this traitor go.
Nezuko continued to run alongside her three companions when the biwa sounded out and she suddenly found herself falling in midair, alone. She cursed her luck and braced for impact as she slammed onto the floor below. Slowly, she pushed herself to her feet; bones were definitely broken. She was now hurt, alone, and had a bad feeling in her chest - she couldn't tell if it was Tanjiro's or hers.
"NEZUKO?!" Inosuke roared looking around.
"She's gone," Kanao stated simply.
"YA BETTER NOT DIE NEZUKO!!" Inosuke roared.
Tanjiro was running blindly, desperate to escape Muzan. He skidded around a corner when a strong scent slammed into him; Doma and blood... there was another familiar scent - that one hashira with the distant eyes, the insect hashira.
Tanjiro ran towards the scent; Doma meant death and the thought of someone kind like the insect hashira dying made Tanjiro feel...
Nezuko would be sad if she died... Tanjiro didn't want Nezuko to cry.
Doma was moments away from his victory. The Insect Pillar was weakened; she had no chance of winning.
But before Doma could move to absorb the pillar, something slammed into him. Claws gouged themselves into his eyes and ripped upward. There was a startled gasp from the Insect Pillar and an angered scream from Doma.
When Doma's eyes healed he opened them and looked around. He made out a flash of green and burgundy before being attacked again. Claws ripped into Doma's side by the demon didn't seem to flinch.
"You're fast!" Doma laughed recognizing his attacker. Tanjiro landed between him and the Insect Pillar, snarling protectively.
"Of course, you'll likely be punished for this," Doma recognized opening his fans, "So I'll do you a favor and stop you before you can get yourself into even more trouble."
At his words, the roof above them opened and hell rained down on Doma, it came in the forms of Inosuke and Kanao.
Inosuke's and Kanao's swords flew outward slicing Doma's flesh away. The Upper Moon only smiled and jumped away.
"Kanao!" Shinobu cried weakly from where she lay bleeding on the wooden floor.
"It's okay Nee-san," Kanao murmured, glaring at Doma, "I won't let you die."
"Hey, you're Nebukon's brother, aren't you?" Inosuke asked looking back to Tanjiro.
Tanjiro tilted his head, puzzled by the unfamiliar name.
"Dammit, I mean Nezuko!" Inosuke corrected.
Tanjiro slowly nodded.
"Well, we lost her so you gotta go find her!" Inosuke cried.
Suddenly, Doma had thrown an ice attack that Inosuke and Kanao had to avoid. The attack raced for Shinobu who felt two strong hands grab her and pull her away. She found herself outside the room, dragged there by Tanjiro who was panting and looking around fearfully.
"They can't... they can't do this alone!" Shinobu cried weakly.
Tanjiro gave a small whimper as he peered into where the two were fighting.
"He didn't eat me... so he didn't get poisoned!" Shinobu objected.
Suddenly, Tanjiro felt the sight of Nakime settle on him and he took off running. He would have to hold faith in Nezuko's friends - he couldn't let Muzan catch him though! He couldn't... he could smell blood and fear at the thought and a shudder raced up his back forcing him to run faster.
Tanjiro fled until he no longer sensed Nakime but as soon as she had gone, Tanjiro suddenly sensed Upper Six; Kaigaku.
Just as Tanjiro identified the scent, there was a vicious crash above him and a few moments later, the body and head of Kaigaku landed with a hard thud at Tanjiro's feet. Tanjiro looked up and saw another one of Nezuko's friends, this one falling. Tanjiro acted quickly and caught the demon slayer before sitting him down and propping him up on the wall.
The blonde demon slayer opened his eyes slowly and peered at Tanjiro, "Tanjiro?" he asked.
Tanjiro had nodded, looking the boy's wounds over.
"Nezuko... Nezuko's looking for you," Zenitsu breathed.
Tanjiro let out a whimper. He knew that. He knew she was looking for him and being foolish! He knew that she was likely in danger! He just didn't know where she was!!"
"You've gotta help her," Zenitsu pleaded, "You've gotta find her before she gets hurt!"
Tanjiro gave a firm nod, even though he was lost for what exactly he should do.
"Don't worry about me! Go!" Zenitsu cried.
Tanjiro didn't need to be told twice. He raced away, smelling for his sister at every turn.
Giyu and Kyojuro continued their struggle with Akaza, neither side losing ground as the fight progressed, anger thrumming in the blood of the three fighters.
Tanjiro had smelled another battle. This one below his feet. He could smell Kokushibo and a few other scents but no Nezuko. He almost raced alongside until he sensed a large amount of blood. So much human blood. There was so much death.
Tanjiro gritted his teeth and looked down. He couldn't just stand by.
These people took care of Nezuko when he couldn't, he'd seen them all in Nezuko's mind and how she cared for them. If they died she'd be sad, he couldn't just let them die.
Inosuke and Kanao were struggling. They had landed a few hits on the demon but they had yet to strike his neck. Then, flying forward like a dragonfly, Shinobu raced forward and pierced Doma's heart with her sword, screaming the name of her late sister.
Doma chuckled and grabbed Shinobu's face, ripping into her skin with his claws.
"You're so determined," he chuckled.
"SAY GOODBYE!" Inosuke yelled running forward. Kanao did the same, minus the screaming. Doma threw another attack.
Kanao was able to dodge thanks to her sight while Insouke was caught in the icy prison.
"I will not let you take anyone else away!" Kanao cried jumping forward and slamming her sword into his neck. Shinobu pushed her sword further into Doma's chest, hissing determined.
"TAKE THIS!" Inosuke yelled, throwing his blades which clanged against Kanao's blade, forcing the pink blade through Doma's neck.
"CAW! UPPER TWO IS DEAD! UPPER TWO!" the crows screamed in jubilation to the demon slayers.
The message distracted Genya for a moment so when the next attack flew for him, he wasn't ready. Kokushibo, Upper One, was by far the worst opponent he had ever faced. He had already been ripped apart by the demon so when the sword attack flew for him, ready to split him down the middle - there was a breath of relief when someone pulled him out of the way; Tanjiro.
The demon looked to Genya, clearly concerned. Genya only gawked in confusion.
Kokushibo noted the demon's appearance and scowled.
"You have yet to learn your place," Upper One commanded throwing an attack that forced Sanemi and Gyomei to desperately dodge. Tanjiro leaped up to dodge the blow and sprang forward using his heightened sense of smell to avoid the oncoming attacks. His gaze was set on the young boy who had just run up and stabbed Kokushibo in his chest; Muichiro. The boy was going to die if someone didn't help him!!
Kokushibo was moments away from killing Muichiro when Tanjiro's foot connected with his face, breaking his nose and cracking his neck. The young demon then used his claws and dug into the Upper Moon's dominant arm, trying madly to stop him from using his sword. Kokushibo tried to pry the young demon off of him. As the wind and stone pillar rushed in Kokushibo's eyes widened and Tanjiro recognized what the demon was about to do before he did it.
"WATCH OUT!" Tanjiro's voice was ragged from how long it had been since he used it, but now he screamed as swords sprang from the monster's body. Tanjiro was able to break a few immediate ones, stopping the mist pillar from being slashed apart and snapping another sword that seemed to be aimed at the demon-eating boy.
Muichiro, now spared from death, let out a fierce yell and his sword began to glow red as he pulled it downwards, cutting into the now monstrous demon's organs. Tanjiro acted as a nimble parasite, jumping around and attacking Kokushibo's hideous form. Genya unleashed his blood demon art rooting yet another tree to Kokushibo's back. Gyomei landed a firm hit on the Upper Moon's head and Sanemi eagerly rushed in to assist as did Tanjiro.
"They've grown... brother," Kokushibo breathed as he watched the slayers descend.
With the power of the wind and stone pillar, Kokushibo's head went flying off with a clean slice causing immediate rejoicing until the fibers began to re-stitch themselves.
"FUCK!" Sanemi yelled moving forward to attack again. Tanjiro only watched in horror as the moon regrew his head.
"I... have conquered death," Kokushibo snarled once his mouth had reformed. "ANY ATTACK YOU THROW AT ME WILL BE FRUITLESS!"
And then, the demon hesitated after seeing his reflection in Sanemi's green sword. His hideous form made him freeze in disbelief which was exactly what the group needed.
Sanemi screamed and cut off one of Kokushibo's arms while Gyomei's spiked ball crushed Kokushibo's newly formed head. Tanjiro rushed forward and grabbed a weakening Muichiro who's red sword seemed to be steaming.
This time, the blow to Kokushibo seemed permanent as he began to disintegrate leaving nothing but a flute, wrapped in some cloth, which fell to the ground.
Tanjiro dragged a wounded Muichiro over to Gyomei who put a hand on his forehead.
"He will be alright," the man assured the demon. "Tanjiro, I assume."
Tanjiro nodded silently, the blind man smiled in response.
"Genya!" Sanemi cried running over to his brother.
"Nemi!" Genya laughed slowly stumbling over.
Genya only smiled sheepishly, "I'm not dead yet.
"Speaking of which," Genya said looking back to Tanjiro and running over. "Thanks, you saved me... twice I guess."
Tanjiro beamed, which broke the hearts of everyone present. The demon shakily offered Genya a hand which the demon slayer shook gratefully.
Before another word could be spoken there was a solid strum of a biwa making Tanjiro freeze and suddenly the ground below him and Genya was gone and the two fell through an open shōji door. Tanjiro thought quickly and kicked Genya in his stomach, propelling the demon slayer upwards. Genya flew through the open doors right before they closed and returned back to their old state.
Genya landed in shock on the solid floor.
"Genya!" Sanemi cried running over and looking at the ground in a paranoid fashion.
"They got him," Genya breathed looking at the floor in shock. "They fucking got him back because he saved my life."
That was true but Tanjiro wouldn't have it any other way as he fell down that familiar abyss for what felt like an eternity.
Tanjiro landed on a hard wooden floor and slowly shifted to his hands and knees. The fall had hurt and everything in his body was screaming in pain. He opened his eyes that were swimming and blinked them to clear the stars that were dancing around him. The room he was in was dark, it was hard to make out its perimeter.
"Hello, Tanjiro," a cold voice murmured, Muzan's voice seemed to emanate from the room itself, weaving its way through the air and curling around the boy. Tanjiro sat up, his body rigid.
There were footsteps that seemed to echo in the room, bouncing off every surface and filling the space. Tanjiro's large pupils just barely made the outline of Muzan as he entered. He was holding something in his hands, the metallic scent of blood filled Tanjiro's nose and the boy scrambled backward, putting distance between him and the demon lord. He scrambled as far as he could before colliding into a wall and pushing his back against it, facing the demon lord in fear.
Muzan held a bloodied corpse in his arms and looked at the boy, chuckling at the sight of the desperation on his face.
"Tanjiro, I'd like to tell you a story," Muzan murmured walking to the opposite side of the room from the boy, moving agonizingly slowly yet purposefully. "Once, there was a man who was taking his cart to market, down an old road and as he was driving, he struck a dog who ran before his wheels. He did not, however, abandon the wounded dog, lying helplessly there."
Muzan dropped the body and it fell to the floor with a splat filling the room with the intoxicating smell of marechi blood. He heard the boy whimper a bit and smiled as he began to advance towards Tanjiro.
"The man, being a good man, took the dog home," Muzan explained, "He nursed it back to health and did everything he could to help the poor thing. But there was something that the man couldn't fix; the poor dog refused to eat. Even though he was weak, even though the kind man pleaded, the dog would not eat. Whenever the man tried to feed him, the dog would lash out, snapping and growling even though he owed the man his life."
Muzan was now mere feet away from Tanjiro and the boy was trembling as the tempting scent of the dead body captivated him.
"So finally, the man had to make a choice. Should he give up and put the poor thing out of its misery, or should he force the dog to eat?" Muzan was speaking in a distant voice, the tale sounding otherworldly. Muzan finally stopped in front of Tanjiro and crouched down. Tanjiro could clearly make out his eyes now, they seemed to glow in the dark room like cold embers, illuminating Muzan's threatening smile.
"What should the man do?" Muzan asked his voice growing softer as he looked at Tanjiro.
"Kill it," Tanjiro's fearful voice pleaded, "Kill the dog."
"I'm afraid that's the wrong answer," Muzan murmured. In an instant, Muzan grabbed Tanjiro's hair and was dragging him across the room. The boy screamed and struggled as he was pulled towards the body and then thrown beside it. Tanjiro's eyes fixed upon the corpse and he tried to hide the saliva that was dripping from his mouth uncontrollably. Muzan knelt down, grabbed Tanjiro by his neck and forced the boy against the wall.
"I can't let you starve," Muzan soothed. "That wouldn't be fair."
"I don't want to," Tanjiro pleaded, tears dripping down his face as he tried to fight the strength of the demon lord.
"What you want is irrelevant," Muzan snarled suddenly, his tone reverting to its familiar cold and harsh manner. Muzan's hand which was wrapped around Tanjiro's neck then navigated upwards, grabbing the boy's jaw and forcing his mouth open, Muzan's thumb and forefinger prying the boy's jaw down, unaffected by Tanjiro's sharpened teeth. Tanjiro hissed and tried to struggle but the demon lord held him fast and didn't seem the least bit concerned about the boy's fruitless effort to resist him.
There was a sickening sound and suddenly something was shoved into Tanjiro's mouth, the sick metallic taste was too familiar and Tanjiro tried to yell in defiance and spit it out but Muzan forced his mouth closed and with immense force slammed Tanjiro's head into the wall that the boy was propped up against. Pain erupted in Tanjiro's head and small bright dots danced in his vision. He wanted to thrash and scream and spit the substance in his mouth out but Muzan was too strong. Tanjiro's head was slammed into the wall again and the boy heard something crack. Warm wet blood ran down his neck and his vision began to fade.
"Be a good boy, and swallow," Muzan's icy voice commanded. The demon Lord's grip loosened and Tanjiro opened his eyes that showed nothing but blurred darkness.
Tanjiro then weakly shook his head, tears streaming down his face. Tanjiro hardly felt the next slam into the wall, he heard his head impact the wooden wall behind him but there wasn't pain, just darkness that engulfed him. He felt something slide down his throat - it was a foreign feeling. He couldn't remember ever eating something. Why didn't he eat?... He felt so much better now that there was something in his stomach.
NO! No, he mustn't! He must never eat!! Everything in Tanjiro's mind screamed that fact to him.
"Good boy," Muzan cooed releasing the boy's jaw and brushing the hair out of Tanjiro's face, "Now was that so bad?"
Tanjiro's gag reflex activated as the boy shook, repulsed and disgusted by the taste in his mouth.
"So, you're still trying to fight your instincts," Muzan sighed, watching unimpressed as the boy tried to force himself to throw up what his body so badly desired. "That's okay, the second bite is always the hardest and after that... After that, I don't think you can resist temptation."
Tanjiro struggled as his jaw was once again grabbed and forced open. Another handful of bloody flesh was pushed into his mouth and the vicious cycle repeated itself over and over again.
Muzan was wrong, the second bite wasn't the hardest, the eighth was.
Tanjiro struggled admirably against his own mind and body. With every bite, Tanjiro felt a small bit of his humanity being stripped away but he grasped the humanity he could hold and refused to let go. The cycle became a gruesome dance of pain, blood, and tears but still, Tanjiro held on fighting with all he had. It was a losing battle, Tanjiro could feel it. With every bite he swallowed, he could feel the craving grow stronger. His body, which had been so long as starved, was desperate for the power that was hidden in flesh. With a terrible realization, Tanjiro recognized that he was starting to accept the flesh, becoming less and less resistant to the texture and taste.
Muzan saw it too and a smile began to light up his face. The boy was losing.
Suddenly, as Muzan began to shove another handful into Tanjiro's mouth, Tanjiro's claws flew up and pushed Muzan's hand away.
"Please..." Tanjiro sobbed, his face covered in blood and his tears.
"Please?" Muzan questioned dangerously.
"No more... please no more," Tanjiro pleaded desperately.
"No more?" Muzan echoed threateningly. He slammed Tanjiro's head against the wall again earning a cry of pain from the boy. "Who ran away?" he demanded.
"Me," Tanjiro whimpered.
"Who disobeyed?" Muzan growled.
"Me," Tanjiro sobbed.
"Who. Owns. You?" Muzan's voice was absolutely powerful making the boy shiver.
"...You," the boy shuddered, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Who do you obey?"
"Who are you loyal to?"
Tanjiro hesitated and Muzan heard the boy's thought loud and clear; Nezuko.
Muzan slammed Tanjiro's head against the wall again, knowing full well that the boy's head was already split and that the crimson blood that was pouring down the boy's neck was his own.
"You don't remember anything about that girl," Muzan snarled, "She's a shadow of a memory to you and yet you cling to her foolishly."
His words were true but Tanjiro trusted himself, he knew Nezuko was good, he knew he shouldn't eat, he knew Muzan was evil.
"You leave me little choice," Muzan sneered using his fangs to bite into his own wrist drawing blood. The smell of Muzan's blood sent terror coursing through Tanjiro's veins. He couldn't forget! He couldn't lose himself!!
"No...no, please," Tanjiro begged, his eyes wide.
Muzan's nails scraped against Tanjiro's cheeks as he once again forced the boy's mouth open. Tanjiro writhed and struggled until Muzan's wrist was shoved into his mouth.
The thick substance of blood touched Tanjiro's tongue and it was like a jolt of power.
Muzan's eyes were cold as the boy began to convulse in agony as the substance dripped down his throat. The boy tried to scream but it was muffled by Muzan's arm and Muzan's other hand held the boy firmly in place as he convulsed and writhed.
Muzan's eyes narrowed and he focused on the blood that he was giving the boy. He directed the blood to the boy's mind, intent on killing the rebelliousness in Tanjiro. Veins bulged under the boy's skin as his muffled screams echoed in the room.
"You will be docile," Muzan snarled. The boy was too strong, too much like him. "You will be docile if I have to strip you of every ounce of free will!"
(*deep inhale*
*deep exhale*
When you've written a villain too well that even you want to punt him into the sun. Like... I'm ready for Muzan to get his ass kicked? Are you guys ready?
Cause I'm thinking that he's gonna get punted in a few chapters? Ye? Yeah...)
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