Chapter 3
"So this little girl," the woman said smiling down at the little girl and bounced her higher up on her hip. "Must be your daughter." She finished and looked back up at Niall.
"Would you like to hold her?" She asked Niall as McKenna started swinging her feet in excitement.
"Yes p-please." Niall said nervously. The woman handed McKenna over to him. McKenna took two fingers out of her mouth and put them back in quickly and began sucking on them.
"Hi McKenna." Niall said lovingly as McKenna just stared up at her. Niall was amazed at how blue her eyes were, she had gotten his eyes, and Niall was glad she didn't get Carson's brown.
Niall just looked down at McKenna, grateful that she was in his arms again. Tears welled up in his eyes as McKenna just looked up at him and sucked on her fingers. Then her attention adverted to Liam when he stepped in front of Niall to get a look at the little girl in Niall's arms.
"Hello there cutie." Liam cooed at her, reaching into tickle her tummy but she just leaned more into Niall.
"It's okay McKenna." Niall said calming the little girls fears. Liam nodded and smiled at her.
"So would you like to adopt her?" The woman asked sweetly, not wanting to interrupt their moment.
"Yes, we would." Niall said quickly and looked at Liam. Liam smiled and looked over at the woman.
"Well follow me into my office and we'll draw up the paperwork." She said with a smile and turned on her heels and walked down the hall and into her office with Niall and Liam right behind her. McKenna clinging to Niall the entire time.
Niall and Liam sat down in front of her desk and sat McKenna on his lap as she pulled out the papers from the filing cabinet. Niall smiled down at the girl as she clutched onto Niall's shirt with one hand and almost her whole fist in her mouth as she watched the woman get all the paper work ready.
"Well here are all the papers." The woman said and slid the papers across the desk. "Now are you both adopting her?" She asked and they both nodded.
"Okay, well I'll need both of your ID's, just for our files." She said and they both pulled out their ID's and placed them on the table. She picked them up and walked to the other side of the room and made a copy of each of their ID's before returning them to Liam and Niall.
"Well I just need you to sign here and your all set." She said and handed them a pen. Niall eagerly signed it then handed it over to Liam who signed it and slid the paper back to her.
McKenna looked up at Niall and took her fingers out of her mouth. "Are you gonna be my daddy?" She asked sweetly. Niall looked down at her.
"I am your daddy sweetheart." Niall said as he held on tighter to the little girl.
She hugged him tightly. "Why did you give me up?" She asked looking up at him, with curious eyes.
"I was a lot younger and I didn't know how to take care of a baby, I wanted you to have a better life." He said as he rubbed her back absent mindedly.
"So you didn't give me up because you didn't love me?" She asked and his heart broke when she said that. "No baby. I would never do that, I love you with all my heart."
"I love you daddy." She said wrapping her little arms around him as best she could in the biggest hug she could manage. He hugged her back as tears pricked his eyes; he finally has his little girl back in his arms, and for good this time.
McKenna looked over at Liam and stared at him with curiosity. She had no idea who that other man was or why he was with her daddy. "Who is that?" She asked, not taking her eyes off of Liam.
"That's Liam, he's going to be your daddy too." He said pointing at Liam. Liam blushed and smiled nervously as he rubbed his sweaty palms together.
"So I have two daddies?" She asked looking up at Niall with those bright blue eyes he could never get tired of seeing. "Yes you do." Niall said and McKenna smiled up at him with joy then turned to Liam and reached her arms out for him to hold her. Liam hesitantly picked her up and sat her in his lap. He nervously bounced her on his knee.
"Hi daddy." She said sweetly looking up at him.
"H-hi." Liam said nervously.
She smiled up at him and wrapped him in the biggest hug she could. Liam instantly wrapped his arms around her and held her close, she was now his little girl and he will love and protect her till the day he died. He'd give her anything she ever wanted. She was his world now.
Niall just smiled as he watched Liam with his daughter, their daughter. A smile keeps across his face as Liam leant down and gave her a kiss on her head. He knew he would never get enough of seeing them together.
"When can we take her home?" Niall asked, tearing his eyes away from his boyfriend and daughter.
"As soon as I file these papers away." She said and got up, walked to the other side of the room and put the file away in the filing cabinet. "Now I wouldn't normally let a couple adopt a child and take her home the same day like this but in Mckenna's file is your name, DOB, and picture so I know you are her biological parent." She explained to Niall as she sat back down at her desk.
Niall just nodded and glanced over at Liam and McKenna. McKenna was standing on Liam's lap and was poking his nose. She giggled and then started jumping on his lap. Liam tightened his grip on her so she wouldn't fall.
"McKenna don't do that, I don't want you to fall." Liam said, concern in his voice. McKenna stopped jumping and turned in his grip and sat down and stuffed two fingers in her mouth.
"We need to break that habit of hers" Niall said with a small smile as he reached over to touch McKenna's elbow and pull her fingers from her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes as she started crying.
"Oh baby, I'm sorry." Niall cooed picking her up off Liam's lap and cradled her to his chest as she continued to cry. The woman watched as Niall cradled his daughter to his chest and her cries slowly quieted after a minute as she put her fingers in her mouth again.
"Does she do this a lot?" Niall asked the woman, looking down at his daughter as she sucked on her fingers.
"After she started eating big girl foods we couldn't get her to give up her dummy." The woman explained. "She still wanted bottle milk and we haven't been able to get her completely off of it yet."
"So she still bottle feeds?" Liam asked before Niall could. The woman nodded.
So does that means that she'd still want breast fed? "So would she still.. breast feed?" Niall asked the woman curiously. The woman hesitated then nodded. "Y-you could try." She said.
"Me? I don't even know if I could." He said. After he had McKenna he began to leak from his nipples and the doctor had told him that his body was producing milk for the baby and that it was going to last a few months. And after a few months it did.
"Try baby." Liam said sweetly to Niall. Niall blushed and lifted his shirt. McKenna pulled her fingers from her mouth and looked up at him. Niall nodded and lifted her slowly. She leaned in and latched on.
The woman smiled as the little girl suckled on Niall. She wasn't wanting milk she just wanted to use him as a dummy but Niall didn't object, it was still time spent with his daughter. The daughter he loved so much, the daughter he should have never given up on.
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