Soooooooo....we were looking back at out notes for years ago, and we found the stupidest thing ever... Just.....*cringes*
You'll understand when you see it. Beware of the cringyness below.
Stop Chain Messages!
About Chain Messages...
Chain messages are one of the worst things in the world.They are no just very annoying they are bad for animals.They are making the population of animals very low and some are extinct or very close to being.Here is where you can help.Go to so that you can help any animal that's in need.You will be the hero of they're story.So go to now.So your choice will change the world!
What to do...
What you need to do is...
1- Go to so you can help
2- Pick your Chain animal that you want to help
3- Stop chain messages and contact us so we can donate to the Chain animal of your choice
4- Tell your friends about so more Chain animal will be saved
5- Try your best to stop chain messages and never give up on your Chain animal
How to to stop chain messages...
If one of your friends sends you. A chain message tell them that you will not be part of chain messages.And there you have it! You just stopped a chain message! And if you do that every time you see a chain message you will have done lots yfor your Chain animal
What is a Chain animal...
A Chain animal is one of the animal that you can help.If you go to you can fine out more.
What is a chain message...
A chain message is a message that you get that says "send this to 10 people or..." Or something like that.They are messages that you usually get more then one of.These messages are not only bad for animals they are VERY ANNOYING!
Things chain messages do...
chain messages as you know are bad for animals.But even animals like cats get sad when other animals are getting extinct.Take a cat for example it is very sad because tigers are get a lower population and dogs is really sad because wolves are getting s lower population just like tigers.Just like people say great minds think the same.The cat and the dog are both sad because of the problem that is...Chain Messages!Thats why we need to stop! So help other animals and not just your Chain animal.
Why we are doing this for animals...
Why we are doing this you ask? We're doing this for the world.People not really see how much we need animals for example cows. We need them for they're milk and dogs. W e need them as are pets. If you have a pet just think of all the fun you have had with him then think of all of that disappearing! So that's why we're doing this we're doing this.We're doing this for animals and for all of human kind!
To go to
To go to all you need to do is go onto your computer laptop or mobile phone and type in and pick the one that says " stop chain messages and save animal kind" and there you have it
So go to now for more information
😊 thank you. P.s... If you just read all of that...your plain crazy!!
Ugh...just let me explain....
When we were like...probably nine, with our very bad writing skill in hand, we both hated chain messages. We would get them all the time, and it would dive us crazy. So, we decide to make a website, dedicated to stop chain messages. (Candy dad, who is awesome btw, actually downloaded an app, and let us make the website. We actually had it on the internet for a while, but I think he took it down. Sorry to all the people who actually looked up the link, lol. But shout out to Candy's dad. He's awesome!!!" Wow! We were smart back then!! The decrease in animal populations was really big at the time, so we were all like: "Wow!! Somebody need to do something about this!!! Chain messages must be bad for the environment!!!" Thus, was created.
Also, another thing we found was a think we called #UnwrappedGifts. And that happened to be a chain message. We created thait, around one month after If you wanna see #UnwrappedGifts, tell us in the comments!!
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