one hundred and fifty eight
Person A and Person B are at the fair, unbeknownst to the other at the same time, and they are paired together on a ride because their friends are already riding. Person A loves rollercoasters, and Person B is absolutely terrified.
Person A: I’ve been waiting all day to get on this ride. It’s pretty popular, y’know?
Person B: Oh. That’s nice. *looks noticeably ill*
Person A: Are you okay?
Person B: Me? Oh, I’m fine. It’s just that I’ve heard a lot about how rides can often break down and result in deaths and other injuries. You know, one time I heard that a ride got stuck for three hours before help arrived and -
Person A: Wait. You’re not actually scared of a silly little ride are you?
Person B: What? No! Never! Why would I be scared of - *winces when the ride moves and grabs a hold of Person A’s arm in a vice-like grip*
Person A: *chuckles* It’s alright. I’ll keep you safe *puts arm around Person B’s shoulders*
The ride starts, and the entire time, both A and B are screaming their butts off for various reasons, and eventually, B starts to enjoy themselves.
The ride ends, and they both get out to meet their friends. They all find each other and both groups end up hanging out for the remainder of the day. As night falls, people start to leave, and eventually, it’s just Person A and Person B left. They walk around aimlessly for what seems like hours, until they stumble upon a photo booth.
Person A: Care to join me? I’ll pay.
Person B: Sure. It’ll be the picture to help commemorate the day I got over my fear! And I have you to thank for that.
Person A: *subtle blush* Well then, allow me to lead the way.
A grabs B’s hand and drags them in, not noticing a similar blush cross B’s features.
They pile in and select the settings, which are all in color, and a total of four pictures will be taken. The first two are just funny faces, but A feels adventurous after the third and drags B onto their lap. The picture captures the look of shock on B’s face, and the smug look on A’s. In an attempt to get back at A (although to be honest B had been wanting to do this all day), B grabbed A’s face and kissed them. The picture captured the moment where the roles were reversed and A was shocked while B was smug.
The pictures printed out and A reached around B to grab the two copies, one for each of them. A then looked outside of the curtains to make sure there was no one waiting in line. A flashes a grin to B, and getting the hint, proceeded to kiss A again, this time with much more passion and intensity. At this point, B had completely straddled A and had wrapped their arms around A’s shoulders. A had taken that opportunity to slide their hands up B’s thighs and under their shirt, and proceeded to rub small circles into B’s hips. They both broke for air and B rested their forehead against A’s.
Person B: We should really get out of here unless you planned on getting caught.
Person A: *kisses B* Maybe. But I still want to continue this.
Person B: That can be arranged.
Person B slides off of A’s lap and hold out a hand. Person A grabs hold and they walk out of the booth and towards the parking lot.
Person A: You know. If we want this to become a thing, I’m gonna need a number.
Person B stops to grab their phone and they quickly exchange numbers. They continue walking until they reach A’s car.
Person A: This is my car, and there’s plenty of room in the back.
Person B: That may be, but mine just so happens to be right next to yours, and it’s a little bigger.
A smirks, B unlocks their car, and they slide backwards to the other side, leaving plenty of room for A. A slides in quickly after, and they resume their session from earlier. B is quick to remove their shirt and toss it over A’s shoulder, and A descends on B, leaving many marks they B would be sure to remember the following morning, with B leaving similar marks all over A. The two get lost in each other, with both realizing that this had been one of the best days ever, and with both thinking of the relationship that was sure to come out of this.
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