One hundred seventy eight
Person A starts using Person B's body to work out. Like right after they wake up, Person A puts Person B in their arms and starts running around their bedroom singing cute little love and positivity songs like I'm walking on sunshine and just being a huge adorable dork before laying Person B back down. Person B kind of hates it but loves it at the same time because on one hand: they're being woken up, picked up, and spun around like a rag doll but on another hand, they are up for the day, waking up early helps them get their work and personal problems done faster, and Person A looks really cute singing in the morning so Person B only grumbles a little bit about Person A being too energetic and getting Person A back by being a little tease to them later. That's not the only thing Person A does either. Person A also likes to put Person B on their shoulders whenever there's snow on the ground outside. Whenever Person A does bench presses, Person B is told to sit on their chest and give them a sort of strip tease and the objective is for Person A to take an item of clothing off of Person B while bench pressing but Person B is allowed to move around to avoid Person A's hands. It's a cute but hot activity for the both of them. And during the sexy times, Person A likes to be on top so they can see how long they can hold up both themselves and Person B for however long it progresses
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