Fifty seven
Mall shenanigans
Person A: do you have any spare change? I wanna make a wish *points at fountain*
Person B, with a nonchalant expression: *whiPS OUT THEIR WHOLE WALLET AND POURS A HANDFUL OF COINS INTO THEIR HAND* take them all
*Person A and B are on an escalator adjacent from a large mirror wall*
Person B: look at that cute person in the reflection
Person A: *glances worriedly at all the other people*
Person B: ...*lifts finger to point at Person A*
Person A:
Person A: oH !! GOODNESS Y OU MEANT ME!!! :'DD
*in clothing store*
Person A: I'm buying this shirt for you, you'd look good in it
Person B: but u would look way better in it
Person A: but,,, they only have in it your size,,,
Person B, starting to get red: e exactly
[that can either be hilarious or adorable depending on if Person B is smaller or bigger than Person A LMAO]
*in a game store*
Person A: *suggests they play Mario games on the demo Nintendo consoles*
Person B, thinking: ok why not
Person B, 30 minutes later, walking out of the store, with a pout and a grinning Person A in tow: yOu can't just distract me with kisses and expect me NOT to yell in frustration for you making me lose I'm-
Person B: I'm tired
Person A: it's only been like 15 minutes
Person B, starting to cling to Person A: that's whyy
Person A, blushing n smiling: ok ok break time
Person A & B: end up lazily chilling in the food court for like 2 hours
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