E x M #7 Part Three (Screw Up)
Rich celebrities and high class couples were laughing and drinking to the merriment of each other. The elegant dining room was filled with the smell of rare and delicious foods prepared by the absolute best chefs in the country. Fabulous gowns and sharp suits were on every esteemed person in the magnificent room. It was the night of the celebration and an expensive feeling was in the air.
Backstage was bustling with the buzz of excited conversation and stressed out performers. Everyone was in their very best clothes as they trotted to and fro, primping in mirrors and singing scales.
Amidst all that crazy activity, Nevada managed to locate Elaine, sitting in front of a makeup mirror playing with her hair.
"Are you ready?" Nevada asked, leaning over her shoulder and smiling at her friend's gorgeous face.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Elaine said, grinning back at her.
"I know you're gonna do great! You voice is perfect for the song!" Nevada enthused, doing an excited dance with her hands.
"Chill out, Nev!" Elaine laughed.
"I can't! I'm too ecstatic!" Nevada exclaimed.
Sparkle peeked her head into the bright dressing room. She had on a gorgeous blush pink dress and a heavy pair of stage headphones on.
"Five minutes!" She said.
"Thank you, five!" Nevada replied. Then she turned to Elaine. "Let's go! Off to the stage, my friend!"
Nevada chuckled quietly when she saw Elaine wobble a bit as she made her way to the center of the beautiful, dark stage. Elaine had never been the most graceful person, especially on high heels like the ones she was wearing. Nevada craned her neck, peeking out into the large crowd to find out which celebrites were there.
Nevada knew she shouldn't have done so, as it would make her more nervous if someone she admired was in the crowd. Sure enough, among the fancily dressed people were two actors she recognized easily, Bryce Dallas Howard and Max Charles. She shrunk back a bit and turned her eyes to focus on Elaine instead.
But she was surprised to see Elaine's face when she did so. There was a painful fire that sparked in her beautiful brown eyes at that moment and Nevada watched as Elaine turned and whispered something to the band members that were performing the music. Nevada followed her friend's angry glare to the crowd and she felt her heart skip a beat.
"Oh no," she muttered.
Martinus was so focused on how spectacular the banquet-feast thingy had turned out, that he didn't realize who was currently stepping onstage. That is, until Marcus nudged him and pointed.
Martinus couldn't hold in the gasp when his eyes landed on the wonderful sight of dressed up Elaine.
The gorgeous short black skirt of the dress swished around her thighs as she stepped carefully onto the middle of the stage. Dainty gold earrings dangled from her ears and her deep brown hair was wrapped in an elegant style. The lace top of the dress stopped at her shoulders to show off the sleek golden bangle bracelets on her wrist.
Unfortunately, Martinus' echoing gasp drew her attention straight to his wide eyed stare.
Her eyes landed on him and he felt his heart break when she gave him the most horrible scowl. There were so many different emotions showcased on her beautiful features as she whipped around and whisper-screamed something to the band.
Is she going to back out of her performance? Martinus wondered.
His thoughts were silenced when the pianist began to gently play his magnificent instrument. Elaine lifted the microphone to her lips as she started to sing the soft words.
Martinus instantly recognized the lyrics of Troye Sivan's song, Fools.
I am tired of this place
I hope people change
I need time to replace what I gave away
And my hopes, they are high
I must keep them small. . .
Martinus felt his heart sink to his shoes as he watched the tears shimmer in Elaine's shining brown eyes. Her words where directed at him and he could feel the eyes of his peers watching him, but the only thing he could focus on was the pain in her eyes.
"I have to get her back," he thought, feeling the rapid beat of his aching heart. "But what can I do?"
Only fools fall for you
Only fools
Only fools do what I do
Only fools fall
As she sang through the chorus for the second time, an idea came to Martinus. He knew what he could do, he only hoped he could follow through with it.
Nevada was pacing silently back and forth, her hands on her mouth as she thought about how horrible Elaine's performance could go because of the perviously unanticipated disasters that had just surfaced.
"Nevada!" Sparkle called softly, frowning at her. "Stop pacing in those huge heels! You're making me nervous!"
Nevada stopped short and apologized. She was about to go back to the wings of the stage to watch Elaine's finish, but at that moment someone rested their hand on her shoulder. She whirled around and almost collided with Martinus.
"Martinus!" Nevada exclaimed, shock in her wide eyes.
"Shh!" He cried, pressing his finger to his lips. "I need your help!"
"Sure! Anything!" Nevada quickly said, nodding.
"I need to get onstage and perform! Elaine is still going to join the crowd after her song, right?"
"Well, that's what I heard but she did see that you were here, so. . ."
"She also saw me leave, and I don't think she'll miss this amazing party if she can help it." Martinus told her.
Nevada nodded, "Right."
"Did you arrange it?" Marcus said, coming up behind his brother.
Nevada felt her breath get caught in her throat when she saw Marcus, dressed in his best suit with his hair flipped to one side of his face.
"Wow," she breathed.
"What? Is my hair messed up?" Marcus asked, looking down and surveying himself.
"No, no!" Nevada said gently, shaking her head. She kept her eyes on his face. "You look great,"
Marcus looked shocked at her words for a moment before be slowly turned his gaze from her face and tried to surpress his smile as he mumbled, "Thanks,"
Nevada bit her lip as she felt the butterflies flutter into her stomach. Then she heard a surprised cry behind her.
"What the heck are you two doing back here?" Sparkle demanded.
The three wheeled around and met eyes with the stage manager.
"Fantastic timing!" Nevada exclaimed, going to Martinus' side and hooking arms with him. "They need to be put back in the show!"
"Excuse me!?" Sparkle growled.
Suddenly Nevada felt bad for asking.
"First you pull, then you think I can just add you randomly to my perfectly planned performance? You're all CRAZY!"
"No, but we have to!" Nevada exclaimed. "They need to perform to get Elaine back with Martinus!"
"Absolutely not!" Sparkle called.
Suddenly the assistant stage manager ran up to Sparkle, grabbing her arm.
"What happened?" She asked Sparkle.
"What happened with what?" Sparkle growled.
"With Elaine! Why'd she change her song?"
"She did what?" Sparkle hissed.
"She decided last second to change her song to Fools! You didn't know?"
"You can sure as heck bet I didn't know!" Sparkle yelled down at her assistant. "Where is she?"
"She's about to get off stage," the cowering woman told her, pointing.
"That little-!" Sparkle called out as she made her way to the wings as fast as she could. "Nevada! Come with me!"
Nevada looked frightened, like a deer caught in the headlights.
"I'll save Elaine!" Nevada exclaimed quickly to the twins, lifting her dress off the ground and following Sparkle. "You go to the other wing and get onstage!"
"Got it!" Martinus said, giving her a thumbs up and heading in the other direction.
Nevada ran as fast as she could, teetering on her enormous heels. She barely overcame Sparkle as she heard applause errupt on the otherside of the wall. Then Nevada ran right onto the stage and plucked the microphone from her friend's hand, latching onto Elaine's arm when she tried to retreat backstage.
"Thank you everyone!" Nevada exclaimed, knowing once she introduced the twins that Sparkle would stay backstage and pretend it was partnof the show. "Now we have a very special treat for you guys! Please welcome Marcus and Martinus Gunnarsen!"
Applause errupted again as Nevada saw the boys step onto the stage. Elaine tried to wriggle free and bolt backstage, but Nevada fought hard and barely won thanks to her superior experience with high heels. She practically shoved Elaine down the steps and into the crowd as she handed off the microphone to Martinus with a wink.
Nevada drug Elaine by the arm through the crowd and to the twins' vacant seats. She pushed her friend into the chair giving a friendly grin to the neighboring celebrites.
Nevada glanced over to the left stage wing to make sure Sparkle wasn't coming out. They were safe. Nevada had to sacrifice her performance but she knew it was worth it.
The whole audience watched silently as Martinus leaned over to the band and whispered his song choice. Marcus nodded with a smile and the two listened carefully as the guitarist started this time.
Elaine's face became absolutely disgusted as Marcus began the first verse.
Is it over?
I just gotta know
Cause I'm reaching
But where did you go?
Nevada looked over to see her friend's angry face and tear stained cheeks. The two met eyes and Elaine shook her head. She no longer looked beautiful and elegant, but instead dangerous and hateful.
"I hate you," she mouthed to Nevada, clenching her jaw and blinking back her hot tears.
Nevada felt her heart skip a beat at Elaine's comment. She turned her eyes to watch Marcus perform instead. When Martinus took the chorus, he looked directly at Elaine's face, his voice breaking slightly when she gave him the darkest look he'd ever seen.
Gotta get you back to me
Get away my misery
Tell me is it gonna be another lonely heart tonight?
Without you, without you
Nevada gave the two the loudest applause when the song came to an end but her heart fell to her feet when she turned and saw Elaine making her way to the back of the crowd as fast as she could. Martinus practically lept off the stage and took off after her, Marcus following close behind.
Nevada picked up her skirt and went after the three of them as fast as she could. She burst out into the chilly night air, quickly regretting it. She hugged her bare arms and searched the dark parking lot for her friends.
She spotted Marcus standing idly and watching Martinus screaming Elaine's name. She went and stood next to Marcus, rubbing her arms and listening to Martinus' painfully desperate calls that echoed throughout the darkness. But there never was a reply.
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