E x M #6 (Dancing in the Rain)
"It's pouring out there!" Elaine cried, peeking out of the window. "How are we gonna get home?"
Martinus stepped over to her side, leaning forward to look at the sky. A crowd of people were gathering to their left, waiting for a table in the busy restaurant.
"Well we can't stay here forever," Martinus said, frowning at the growing crowd. "It's getting busy in here."
"I knew a romantic evening walk wouldn't turn out well." she moaned, shaking her head.
Martinus glanced at the watch on his wrist and sighed, knowing if he didn't get Elaine back in time that Nevada would lock all the doors and retreat to her guest room for the rest of the night.
"We have to go if you want to get into your house tonight." Martinus said, staring into Elaine's frustrated eyes as she turned to look at him.
"Why can't Nevada just be helpful for once," Elaine growled. "She's a lousy guest."
They stared thoughtfully at the rainstorm for a moment.
"You know," Martinus said suddenly, looking at her with a small smile. "It might be fun to walk through the rain together. Kind of a different way to end our date."
"It's cold out there, Tinus!" Elaine pointed out, wrapping her arms around herself for emphasis.
"Yeah," Martinus said, still grinning. "But not that cold."
Elaine sighed and shook her head, "It doesn't look like we have much of a choice anyway."
Martinus' smile grew, but Elaine remained reluctant to go out into the storm. He swung open the door and watched her as she pulled off her jacket and used it like a tent over her head. Martinus smiled and chuckled at her.
Elaine gave another wary glance to the sky before she stepped out into the downpour, feeling the chilly rain soak into her clothes. Martinus pulled his coat collar up to his jaw and hunched his shoulders before he followed her into the storm.
Elaine began trotting down the sidewalk, her sneakers splashing into the huge puddles that covered everything under the heavy clouds. She turned back to see Martinus following her, a bit slower, but still keeping up a hasty pace. He had a smile on his face that showed he was actually enjoying this.
"I told you it was cold!" Elaine called over the pounding rainfall.
"Oh please!" Martinus laughed, raising his head a bit and feeling the rain on his face. "Enjoy yourself! The rain is not that bad!"
She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
Martinus smiled at her and trotted ahead, letting go of his coat collar. He started splashing the puddles with his feet as he walked through them. He found a lamppost that was currently on, lighting up the rainy street, and he grabbed it with his arm, swinging around on it and stopping to see Elaine's angry face.
"It's not funny, Tinus! You could catch a cold!" Elaine said.
Martinus just laughed at her sterness and hopped off the post, following her once more. They soon passed by a hip clothing store on the corner of the street that was blaring music out of their outdoor speakers.
"Oh listen!" Martinus said, a grin crossing his face. "They are playing music!"
"So?" Elaine asked, continuing to walk by the building.
"So, let's dance!"
"In the rain?"
"On this empty, stormy sidewalk?"
"Why not?"
Elaine stared at him for a moment with the most disproving glare as she stood, her jacket barely shielding her from the rain.
"Come on, Elaine," Martinus urged, backing up towards the speakers.
"Martinus," Elaine whined.
Martinus raised his eyebrows at her and smiled widely, hoping she'd give in.
She didn't. He decided to show her.
The beat dropped, and Martinus went all out, moving and grooving to the song. He danced to the melody, clapping to the beat and striking the pools of water for emphasis. He began to mouth the words as he beckoned Elaine to join him.
She saw the joyful smile on his face and couldn't help but break into a grin. His smile lit up her world, even if he was doing something really stupid.
Suddenly, Martinus came over and grabbed Elaine's hands, causing her to drop her jacket on the wet ground. He spun her around and she let him pull her into a energetic dance to the beat of the music.
Their hair fell into their faces, their clothes clung to their wet skin, thunder began to rumble in the distance, the water splashed through their shoes and soaked their socks, but they didn't care. Because even though the wet night was cold and stormy, they had the smile on each other's face and that was what mattered most.
When the song faded away, Elaine had lost her distaste for the rain and was laughing right along with Martinus.
"Oh my gosh," Elaine laughed out, drawing closer to Martinus as the next song started. "That was actually really fun."
"I told you," Martinus said, beaming.
Elaine giggled as Martinus wrapped his arms around her and continued chuckling in her ear. Martinus tried to kiss her, but kept getting interrupted because neither could hold their laughs in.
"Let's go," Elaine finally said. "Before Nevada locks the house up for the night."
They set out back towards the house, no longer hiding from the rain. Martinus reached over and wrapped his hand around hers, and they walked across the rainy city together, their smiles lighting up the dark night.
When they reached Elaine's house, they hugged each other and parted ways for the night.
Elaine rapped on the front door, which was already locked. Nevada swung open the door on the first round of knocks and gave her friend and odd look.
But she didn't say anything until the two were in the kitchen.
"Well," she said, examining Elaine, who was soaked to the bone. "Looks like you two had fun."
Nevada tossed a large towel towards Elaine. The rain covered girl gladly caught it and buried her face in its dry, fuzzy warmth.
"We did," Elaine replied, keeping her smiling face hidden in the towel as she remebered her rain dance.
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