E x M #4 (Movie Night)
Elaine checked the clock on her phone for the millionth time.
"Popcorn is ready!" Nevada called out as she trotted out of the kitchen with two large bowls filled with buttery popcorn for them to enjoy.
Elaine sighed in a frustrated way as she checked the time again, even though it hadn't changed.
"Martinus still isn't here," Elaine growled, turning her phone over and over in her hands.
Nevada sat one of the bowls down on the coffee table then went around the back. She sat the other in the empty space next to Marcus.
"Well, did you text him like I told you too?" Nevada asked as she leaned her arms on the back of the sofa, watching Marcus scroll around on his iPhone.
"Yes," she mumbled. "He didn't reply."
Nevada didn't seem to care as she grabbed a handful of popcorn from next to Marcus and stuffed in into her mouth.
"What should I do?" Elaine asked, hoping to steer her two friends' interest away from Marcus' snapchat.
Nevada shrugged, not even taking her eyes off his phone. Marcus suddenly turned his head and stared at Nevada, who practically had her head on his shoulder.
"Are you really watching me as I scroll through my personal cell phone?" He asked, kidding with her.
Nevada blushed a bit and backed away.
"Guuuuys!" Elaine moaned, checking her phone again.
"Look, Elaine. I texted him too and he hasn't replied to me either. He's his own, independent person. He can think for himself and if he's late, he's late." Marcus said.
"Well if he's not texting y'all back, let's watch the movie without him." Nevada said. She now had shied away from Marcus and was taking a seat next to Elaine.
"We can't start it without him!" Elaine cried.
"I didn't come all the way here to wait for your boyfriend, I came to watch a movie." Nevada said.
"How about you text him, and if he doesn't reply within ten minutes, we can start the movie." Elaine suggested.
"No way!" Nevada cried. "I'm not texting him! I never text him unless its an emergency."
"Why?" Marcus asked, furrowing his brow.
"I dunno, I just don't want to bother him or anything." Nevada said, shrugging. It was obviously not her true reason.
"Come to think of it, you never text me either." Marcus noted, turning back to his cell phone.
Nevada turned her face away with a small shrug.
"Back on track you two!" Elaine demanded. "You won't be bothering him, he's technically bothering us because he's late!"
"Elaine," Marcus said. "We can start the movie and if he shows up, we'll restart it or something. Okay?"
Elaine sighed, checking her phone once more.
"Okay," she reluctantly gave in.
"Hey guys," Martinus said, slowly stepping into the door. He had a sheepish smile on his face. "Sorry I'm late."
His rich brown eyes scanned the quiet room to see Marcus and Nevada both sitting on the couch, separate from each other. They both had odd expressions on their faces.
Martinus stopped and gave them a confused look. Marcus was running his pointer finger across his throat, signalling for Martinus to stop. Nevada was violently shaking her head back and forth.
"Wha-?" Martinus muttered.
But it was too late. He'd been heard.
"Late? Did you just say late?!?" Elaine cried out, appearing in the kitchen doorway.
"Good Lord," Nevada mumbled, running her hand over her face. She knew what was coming and she felt sorry for Martinus.
Elaine marched right up to Martinus, her firey eyes causing him to reconsider all of his life choices.
"I said I'm sorry," he told her, looking pretty innocent considering his crime.
The argument was already enough to make Marcus take his eyes off his iphone and watch in anticipation.
"Sorry doesn't cut it!" Elaine shouted. "You made us wait for such a long time until we just couldn't wait any longer! You didn't text or call or tell us what was wrong or why you weren't here! I was worried about you being hurt or something but it turns out your just a jerk!"
"Elaine, please-"
"Don't you 'Elaine, please' me, mister!" She exclaimed.
"Just listen! I'll show you why I wasn't here. You just have to come with me." Martinus said.
"I'm not going anywhere!" Elaine growled.
But the sweet puppy dog eyes he gave her melted her hard heart to utter mush.
"Please," Martinus said, taking her hand. "It would be such a waste to send Nevada out there alone to eat her heart out."
Martinus pointed to Nevada who was currently shoveling all the leftover popcorn into her mouth. Elaine and Marcus both followed Martinus' finger to where their friend was absolutely obliterating the leftovers. Marcus let out a laugh, causing Nevada to shrink in embarrassment as she sat the bowls of popcorn on the floor, away from her.
Elaine smiled at her then turned her eyes to Martinus.
"Send her out where?" She asked, suddenly feeling intrigued.
"I'll show you," Martinus said, leading her towards the door with a huge, goofy smile on his face.
They opened the door and headed out into the starry, cool winded nighttime.
"Don't leave me here!" They heard Nevada cry as they closed the door.
They both laughed out loud and continued walking.
Martinus brought Elaine to a large clearing in a nearby wooded area and she stopped short and gasped.
The beautiful, dark clearing was wide and flooded in moonlight. There was a checkered blanket in the middle where a wide array of food and snacks were spread out, including a cake and two liter soda.
"Tinus?" She asked as he lead her to the cute little picnic. "Did you do this for me?"
"Of course I did," he said.
She barely saw his sweet smile in the dark clearing, but it made her happy anyway. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I forgive you," she whispered as she gave him a smile and sat down.
Martinus stared down at her for a second, watching as her beautiful, dark hair swished around her face as she reached around the blanket gathering stuff to eat. He slowly sat down, keeping his eyes on her.
"You look beautiful in the moonlight," he said, a small grin on his lips as he watched her.
She giggle and blushed a little.
When the two had finished eating, Martinus sat all the food in a basket and cleared the blanket. As soon as it was free, Elaine flopped down onto it and turned her eyes to the wonderful star above.
Martinus settled in next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She cuddled into his side and rested her head down on his chest.
"Isn't this nice?" Martinus asked, sighing contently.
"Yeah," she replied. "It really is."
It was silent for a moment as they basked in each other's presence under the stars.
"I bet Nevada's embarrassing the crap out of herself in front of my brother right now." Martinus said.
They burst out laughing.
What a wonderful life they had.
Author's Note
Idk what came over me but I decided to show some of my worst traits here tonight. Including: being akward (especially around my crush), eating all the time and in a sometimes rude way, and totally sticking my nose into other people's business. Lol idk.
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