E x M #14 (Happy Birthday to you, you live in a zoo!)
Silence. Warmth. Darkness. Comfort.
Until her shrieking alarm sounded and broke all the wonderful peace she had been enjoying.
Elaine lifted her head off the soft pillow and reached to click off the wailing clock, sinking back down and snuggling into the comforter for one last moment of relaxation before she groaned dreadfully and swung off the soft blanket that was keeping her warm, letting her bare feet hit the cold, hard floor.
What a birthday gift, having to wake up at dawn to head straight out for work. At least she got to spend the morning alone in peace and quiet. . .Nevada spent the night!
Oh, joy. So much for the soft, blissful silence. As soon as Nevada wakes up, her mouth will be off at a hundred miles per hour about everything and nothing.
Elaine tiptoed past the guest bedroom door and glanced in, hoping to sneak past without waking her friend. Her shoulders drooped and she sighed when she saw the room was empty. That meant Nevada was already up, great.
Elaine padded in her bare feet straight into the kitchen, not even trying to be quick and stealthy anymore. To her surprise, the delightful smell of fresh coffee and sizzling bacon met her at the doorway. She felt her jaw drop when she saw Nevada moving to and fro, setting a plate full of food at the bar. Music was playing softly in the background as Nevada whirled around to face Elaine.
"Morning," Nevada said, wiping her greasy hands on the front of her oversized hoodie.
A smile of joy and surprise crossed Elaine's face as she slowly made her way forward, peering into the dishes sitting on the stove.
"Take a seat, madam," Nevada said, stepping out of Elaine's way and gesturing to the bar where she had set up everything for Elaine to eat.
"Just sit."
Elaine smiled as she hopped onto the seat at the bar and stared at her plate.
"Nevada, what are you up to? You hate cooking." Elaine asked, reaching for the coffee mug. She stared at the milky liquid for a moment before she sniffed it and finally put the mug to her lips.
Nevada gave a long sigh paired with an eye roll as she flicked knobs off on the stove. She flipped the pancakes and bacon one last time as she explained, "Martinus made me promise to give you a wonderful breakfast this morning when you got up. He literally made sure I knew how to make all this stuff and insisted I make him and Marcus a big breakfast a few days ago to prove that I could do it right. I'm pretty sure he just wanted the meal and not the proof."
Elaine giggled as she took another sip of the coffee and listened to the speaker switch tunes to One Flight Away.
"I also have a confession to make," Nevada said, strolling over to the sink and turning the faucet on. She put her hands under the running water. "I didn't actually make that coffee you have there."
Elaine stopped sipping and gave the beverage a concerned look.
"No no, don't worry! I got it this morning from Starbucks. But I did make regular coffee in the pot, I just thought Starbucks would be better for the birthday girl." she explained.
Elaine shrugged and continued drinking it.
"Speaking of birthday girl-oh wait! Did I mention 'happy birthday'? No? Well, Happy Birthday then." Nevada said, turning off the water and using her hoodie as a towel again. "But anyway, that vase over there is for you. Martinus dropped it off late last night."
Elaine's eyes lit up and she smiled as she popped another piece of bacon into her mouth before she jumped off the chair. She eagerly made her way to the other side of the kitchen's bar. She examined the vase filled with twelve gorgeous roses. There were eleven red ones and one white one, with a note tied around the vase with a ribbon. She lifted the note gently with her fingers as she caressed her nose with one of the delicate roses.
In every bunch, there's one who stands out—and you are that one. I love you, babe. I hope you have a great day ♡
-Love, Martinus
It was difficult to hold in the squeal that Elaine felt rising in her throat. She almost instantly gave up and let it escape her lips. Nevada immediately dropped what she was doing, grabbed a piece of bacon for herself, and made her way to Elaine's side. She peeked over her shoulder and asked, "What's it say?"
"He's just so sweet!" Elaine called, smiling and leaning over to smell the roses again.
Nevada snatched the note from her hand and read it, shaking her head, "You're so lucky."
"I know," Elaine sighed, obviously over the moon about the whole thing.
"Hurry up and finish eating, though, you've got a job to get to and you haven't even taken a shower yet!" Nevada said suddenly, nudging her friend.
"Okay, fine!" she agreed, tearing herself away from the roses and sitting back down.
Elaine hastily finished her whole plate of delicious-for-Nevada's-cooking-standards breakfast. When she was done Nevada stole the plate from Elaine and tossed it into the sink. Then she reached out and pushed the vase next to Elaine's face.
"Stay there!" Nevada demanded as she fished her cell phone out of her pocket.
"Just do it!"
Nevada turned her camera on and focused the lens on Elaine.
"Nevada! I haven't even put normal clothes on!"
"PJs are just fine, now shush!"
Elaine gave up and dropped her shoulders, staring at the camera as Nevada quickly began to sing.
"Happy birthday to you, you live in a zoo! You look like a monkey, and you smell like one too!"
As soon as she was finished, Nevada laughed and leaned against the counter, keeping her eyes on the phone screen.
"Haha, very mature," Elaine said sarcastically. "Can I go now?"
"Yup. I just had to do that for Martinus. He insisted."
"Seems to be an ongoing theme today."
But really Elaine was pleased, because even if she didn't get to see her boyfriend on this special morning, she knew he was thinking about her. She just couldn't wait to see him that evening.
Happi Birthday to my wonderful friend, CEDELAINE1!! I hope this day is filled with so many blessings for you, you gorgeous thing! Have fun, and listen to plenty of Marcus & Martinus today!
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