Underworld Pronunciations
A lot of the names in the series sound pretty strange to us, because they're not common names that we hear every day. So, here is a helpful guide on how to pronounce the names appropriately!
*Note: Greek Bs sound a little like Vs (if you speak Spanish, they do the same thing with their Bs)
Sons of Hades
Charon: care-ohn
Cerberus: kehr-behr-uhs
Zelios: zeh-lee-ohs
Cain: kay-n
Abel: ay-buhl
Malachi: mah-leh-kye
Theo: thee-oh
Ambrosius: ahm-bro-see-uhs
Nikias: nih-kee-ahs
Children of Lucifer
Jaques: jah-kees
Akin: ay-kihn
Thorn: thor-n
Bali: bah-lee
Wednesday: wehns-day
Raven: ray-vehn
Dania: dah-nee-ah
Alaric: ah-lar-ick
Noe: no-way
Sept: seht
Kat: cat
Leon: lee-ohn (his worshippers referred to him as leh-ohn)
Alexion: ah-lehx-ee-ohn
Adrian: ay-dree-ahn
Remi: reh-mee
Hades: hay-dees
Lucifer: loo-sih-fur (not technically a god, but...)
Hannibal: hahn-ih-bahl (in Atlantean, it's pronounced "hahn-ee-bahl")
Xenon: zee-nohn
Callias: kah-lee-ahs
Persephone: per-seh-foh-nee
Morpheus: moar-fee-uhs
Thanatos: thah-nay-tohs
Seth: seht
Mictlantecuhtli: mikt-lahn-teh-coot-lee
Demeter: deh-mee-ter
Zeus: zoos
Nemesis: neh-meh-sihs
Philotes: fee-loh-tees
Nyx: nihx
Erebus: ehr-eh-bahs
Stanton: stahn-tihn
Seven Deadly Sins
Anza: ahn-zah
Devereaux: dehv-eh-roe
Constantine: kohn-stan-teen
Jericho: jeh-rih-ko
Minerva: meen-air-va
Kasey: kay-see
Valeria: vahl-eh-ree-ah
Cronus: kro-nohs
Hyperion: hi-peer-ee-ohn
Menoetius: meh-nee-tee-ohs
Prometheus: proh-mee-thee-uhs
Epimetheus: eh-pih-mee-thee-uhs
Iapetus: E-yah-peh-tohs
Coeus: koi-ohs
Crius: kree-uhs
Mnemosyne: neh-moh-seh-nh-ee
Oceanus: oh-see-ahn-ahs
Phoebe: fee-bee
Rhea: rhee-ah
Tethys: tee-thees
Theia: thee-ah
Themis: thee-miss
Blaine: bl-ayn
Ayo: ah-yo
Holly: hah-lee
Keros: keh-rohs
Jahlia: Jah-lee-ah
Castiel: ka-stee-ehl
Dorean: doh-ree-ahn
Fos: fohs
Skotadi: s-koh-tah-dee
Tayo: tah-yo
Diodorus: dee-oh-doh-rehs
Kyros: kye-rohs
Hopefully that's everyone. If not, let me know and I'll add them. There are some that are purposely missing, though. *evil laughter* ANYWAY GOOD LUCK ON PRONOUNCING THESE.
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