Official Translations
Here is a compiled list of translations for the Underworld Chronicles! If your translation is not listed, you have no been approved yet or have not asked for approval (which could warrant your translation being removed). There should not be any repeats here. Also, apologies for clunky links here. They're not transferring well lmao
The Underworld Chronicles Italian -
The Underworld Chronicles Indonesian -
The Underworld Chronicles German -
The Underworld Chronicles French -
The Underworld Chronicles Portuguese -
The Underworld Chronicles Arabic -
Once again, if a translation is not listed here, it is not approved. This could warrant removal of the translation as it violates the guidelines below.
Guidelines for Translation:
Credit must be given to rotXinXpieces specifically.
Link must be provided for original version.
BOTH of these MUST be provided in the summary of the book AND in a disclaimer in the beginning.
If you do not follow these translation guidelines, I will have your translation removed. If you see a traslation of my work that does not follow these guidelines, let me know immediately so that it may be removed. I know this seems strict, but I've had my work stolen before and I am really not in the mood to deal with it again. Follow these rules and there will be no problem.
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