Day One, Osomatsu, Stop yelling at Guy Fieri
CH 3: Day One, Osomatsu, Stop yelling at Guy Fieri
You wake up peacefully to the sunlight of a new day shining in through the slits of your blinds. You yawn and sit up, stretching your arms and checking your clock. It's only nine thirty, you have plenty of time to shower and get dressed before you head over to the Matsuno home for the first day of your penalty. After you get out of bed you head into your bathroom to shower, feeling a mix of dread and excitement for your day.
You step out of the shower, now squeaky clean, and put on your regular clothes. You decided last night that you'd change into your 'uniform' after you got to the Matsuno home. After all, it would seem weird for someone to walk around town in a maids uniform. You collect a few things, including the uniform and your overnight things (as you'd be staying over there for the week, so as to efficiently maid all day), and put them into a backpack before heading out of your house.
Luckily the walk over to the Matsuno home isn't very long, since you live on the same street. You decide to skip knocking on the door, sure that everyone is still fast asleep, and just enter the house. You walk down the familiar hallway and head to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you before you start to change.
You strip down to your underwear before attempting to put on the frilly, and somewhat confusing, maid outfit. You hold it out in front of you, contemplating the best way to get it on. Over the head? Step into it? Does the apron stay on the dress, or do you put it on after? You cautiously step into it, pulling it up around you getting it almost completely on, when the door to the bathroom slowly opens and reveals a very sleepy, and pajama clad, Osomatsu (complete with messy bed hair).
Osomatsu rubs his eyes sleepily and yawns, "Hurry up Choro-" he stops mid sentence, looking up at you and realizing you're not infact Choromatsu. His cheeks flush madly as he sees you not fully dressed.
You of course modestly clutch the maids outfit to your chest and eep surprisedly. "G-GET OUT!" You half yell, half stammer, at Osomatsu. He slams the door rather quickly, leaving you to continue changing, and embarrassedly mumbles out an apology from the other side of the door.
You continue changing in silence before he speaks up again, "So, uh, you almost done in there, (Your name)?" Osomatsu, who's still standing outside the bathroom, apparently, asks.
Coincidentally you had just finished changing, you slowly open up the door and see Osomatsu pinching his nostrils and tilting his head. "Yeah, what do you want?" You respond, now ready for your maiding to take place. Osomatsu holds out the hand that was on his nose, showing you it's covered with a moderate amount of blood.
"Tissues would be pretty cool right now." He laughs, making his way past you and into the bathroom to get tissues.
"Wow you got a nosebleed that easy? You guys really ARE virgins~" you tease, smirking at Osomatsu as he wipes the blood from his face with the tissues.
He tosses them in the trash and walks over to you, leaning on the counter and returning your smirk. "Why wouldn't I get a nosebleed after seeing my beautiful maid half dressed~?" Osomatsu replies smoothly winking and effectively flustering you.
You shake your head and roll your eyes at him, "So is there any reason you're still in here?" You try to change the subject, and just ignore his 'flirtations'.
"Yeah, I have to change into clothes." he points at himself, more notably at the pajamas he's wearing.
You nod understandingly, "Ah, I'll go-" your suggestion gets cut off by another one of his usual attempts at, well, flirting (I guess?).
"Ahh~ There's no need, you can stay and watch if you'd like (Your name)~" Osomatsu blows you a kiss and starts slowly unbuttoning his pj shirt, trying to be seductive.
He only makes it to the second button before you burst out laughing. After another moment or so of side-aching laughter you manage to compose yourself, "Nah, I-I'm fine..." You manage to say, snickering a little bit while looking at the confused look on his face.
"Why was that funny? I thought for sure it'd fluster you!" He questions, wishing to know the error of his ways.
You get a few more giggles out of the way before responding, "You know, I was a little flustered at first" you pause, taking in a deep breath to help suppress any laughter that may surface, "but then you reminded me of Karamatsu, and I just-" you started laughing again, your hands clutching your stomach as Osomatsu's expression quickly changes to one of disgust.
However your laughter proves rather infectious, causing him to break out into laughter and own his painfulness. "H-hey, what about this then?" he pauses, winking and putting one of his hands on your shoulder, bringing the other one up to his chin, in a very Karamatsu-esque way. "(Your Name)~ My, Osomatsu Girl~" he says in a deeper tone than his regular voice, imitating Karamatsu.
You thought it was fucking hilarious. You were laughing so hard you actually had to lean against Osomatsu, you grabbed at his pj shirt and balled up your fists, clinging to him for support. The two of you continued laughing, him wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. After a moment or so, the two of you manage to stop laughing and catch your breath. It takes you a moment to realize how close you are to Osomatsu; once you do realize you quickly unball your fists, letting go of his pj shirt, and blush wildly. He on the other hand, hasn't noticed yet, and has taken to resting his head on your shoulder, his arms still wrapped around you.
"Hm? Something wrong (Your name)?" He asks, looking at you happily, before his eyes widen in realization. He quickly releases you from his embrace, blushing all the way to his ears, before stammering out an apology. You nod and quickly leave the bathroom, shutting the door behind you loudly. You hide your face in your hands, still blushing like crazy, and slump down against the door. You just kind of sit on the floor outside the bathroom and try to calm yourself down, and wait for your heart rate to return to normal. That was too cute for you to handle.
The door you've grown so used to, as a constant pillar of support, suddenly gives away. You eep a little as you fall backwards, your head landing on, the now changed, Osomatsu's feet. He looks down at you with a concerned expression, his face (and yours) still a bit flushed. "A-ah, sorry (Your name)! Are you ok?"
You quickly get up and brush your maid uniform off, giving Osomatsu a reassuring nod. "Yeah, it takes more than that to stop me." You pause, remembering the incident for a brief moment, before snapping back to reality. "Anyways! What do you want for breakfast?" You offer, walking into the kitchen with him trailing behind you.
"Ah, you're even offering to make me breakfast? You're such a good maid!" Osomatsu teases, pulling out a chair and sitting down at the table.
You roll your eyes at Osomatsu and shake your head. "So you want breakfast or not? I'd be fine if you starved to death, less work for me." You shrug as you open various cupboards and cabinets, getting out a pan and some pancake mix.
"Ahh you'd miss me!" He leans against the chair and grins as you turn on the stove and pour pancake batter into the pan.
"Yeah, yeah, anyways," you pause turning around to face him while the pancake cooks, "What are we gonna do today? Or rather, what are you gonna 'order' me to do?" You ask curiously, gesturing at him.
"Hmm...Well, I didn't really think you'd actually do this!" He laughs at you a little, earning a glare as you go back to watching the pancake instead of his stupid face. "But yeah, we'll probably just play Mario Kart and drink beer." He eventually decides, cementing his choice with a small nod.
"Awesome! That sounds way funner than cleaning." You smile at him as you serve him his pancake, complete with a smiley face (a whipped cream mouth and strawberries for eyes). He laughs a little, clearly not expecting your culinary masterpiece to be adorned with such a goofy (and tasty) smile. "Is there a problem with your breakfast?" You ask, smiling and preparing another pancake, this one for yourself.
Osomatsu giggles a bit more before responding, "No, but now I'll feel bad when I'm eating it! My conscience is gonna kill me!". He shakes his head and stabs one of the strawberry eyes with his fork, then pops it in his mouth, savoring the sweet eye flesh of the poor pancake smiley face. You place your own meal on the table and sit down next to him, your own pancake sporting a similar innocent look.
You both happily continue eating your pancakes, Osomatsu then collects the dishes and puts them in the sink, leaving the dishes for Choromatsu to take care of. Osomatsu grabs a six-pack of beer as you two walk out of the kitchen; the rest of the sextuplet herd walks in, giving Osomatsu jealous looks as they pass by. Osomatsu returns their jealousness with his usual smirk, and goes about setting up Mario Kart once you two reach the main room. Of course once it has been set up, the two of you eagerly select your characters, both ready to try and savagely beat the other. Blue shells encouraged.
"Eyyy, f-fuck you Toad!" A quite inebriated Osomatsu slurs at the TV screen, while he angrily takes a swipe at Toads likeness with the Wii remote. Of course since the Wii's primary feature is motion control, Osomatsu's character takes a hard right, and drives off the road and into the black abyss only known of by failures. You giggle at his drunken mistake, a little buzzed from the half a beer you drank. You don't really like the taste of alcohol, but this was what Osomatsu wanted to do today, so you decided to nurse your one and only beer. He grunts frustratedly and flops over onto the ground, proclaiming that he is done with Rainbow Road for the time being, leaving his poor character stuck in an in infinite loop of driving off the road; how tragic. You pat his head sympathetically; Osomatsu did drink the other five beers in the six-pack, he's pretty drunk at the moment. It takes you some effort, but you manage to finish rainbow road while Osomatsu drunkenly rambles at you about how much he hates Toad. After you finish the race, (only making 4th place) you pull Osomatsu over to you and rest his head in your lap in attempt to shush his ramblings.
After a while of stroking his hair and nodding your head politely in response to his nonsense, Ichimatsu shuffles in the room and flops down on the couch. "...Can I have the TV now?" He mumbles pointing at it, the screen still displaying the results from your last race.
You nod, "Yeah, go ahead!". Ichimatsu switches off the Wii and the regular TV programs come on. Ichimatsu switches from channel to channel for a moment, before deciding on...the cooking channel? He smirks and leans back against the sofa, as the intro to 'Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives' starts playing. Osomatsu immediately sits up and glares at Ichimatsu, whose attention is directed on Osomatsu and not the show.
"I'm tryina play Mario Kart!" Osomatsu annoyedly slurs at Ichimatsu, picking up his discarded Wiimote and trying to steer a nonexistent cart. He quickly forgets about Ichimatsu, becoming rather engrossed in his 'race'. "Fckuin Guy Fairy's a fciuun cheadter!" Osomatsu complains, looking at you and waiting for you to chime in and confirm that Guy Fieri was IN FACT cheating at Mario Kart.
You patronize him, smiling and nodding, "Mhmm...Those damn blue shells, am I right?" You pat him on the shoulder, deciding it's time for him to go to sleep. He grins at you, dropping the Wiimote and hugging you.
He hiccups and says, "You're waaaayyy cooller than Guy Ferbiry, (Your name)!". You grab onto his arm and pull him up onto his feet, with some amount of difficulty, his arms wrap around you in a big bear hug. You start walking to the Sextuplet's room, with him in tow.
You eventually reach the bedroom, earning strange looks from Choromatsu and Karamatsu, who were getting ready for bed. Osomatsu catches your drift and manages to stagger to the bathroom and change into his pj's, well, with a little help from Choromatsu. Osomatsu staggers out of the bathroom a little later; almost falling over but luckily enough for him, you manage to catch and steady him. You head back to the bedroom and flop him down on the futon. He crawls into it sleepily and mumbles out a thank you. You smile and nod in return, and get up to leave the room. His hand gently grabs yours as he looks up to you with a pleading face and mumbles out, "Cuddle widtyh me..."
Your heart melts a little bit, you blush and fidget, eventually stammering out your response "S-sure. I'll n-need to go change though...". He smiles happily at you and lets go of your hand so you can go change. You smile back at him and go change into your pj's, luckily the bathroom was free so you didn't have to keep Osomatsu waiting very long, after changing you head back into the bedroom and crawl in the futon next to him.
Osomatsu immediately wraps his arms and legs around you, embracing you as much as he possibly can, making you blush happily. You wrap your arms around him, enjoying his warmth.
"Thank you...For hanging out with me today." He says as he nuzzles your neck sweetly.
"Of course, I had so much fun with you, Osomatsu." You giggle a little at him, and stroke his hair.
He falls asleep not much later, still clinging to you in full cuddle mode. You begin to drift off too; you did have a pretty exhausting day after all, yelling at the TV, encouraging your Mario Kart character to go faster, etc. In your last waking moments, you quickly kiss Osomatsu on the cheek. His eyes slowly open and he smiles upon seeing you, he kisses you on the cheek back, and you both fall asleep in eachothers arms.
Of course at some point during the night, the others enter the room and see you two cuddling, the sight of which causes jealousy to consume them as they grumpily get in the futon.
Pretty fuckin great day, (Your Name).
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