Mordred, Lancelot, Arthur and I sat at the knights' round table.
My choice was clear.
Arthur and I had discussed it before breakfast and agreed it best if Mordred stayed behind.
"Mordred, although it was noble of you to come and offer yourself as an ally for the mission, I don't think—-"
Before I could continue, Arthur interrupted.
"I don't think we can complete this mission without you." Arthur stands, halting my words. "You can come along"
I looked up, surprised at his sudden change of heart.
I took a deep breath and tried to maintain her composure. We had both discussed this and had already agreed that Mordred would stay at Camelot.
"I think you would be a valuable asset. You will take guard." Arthur says, opening a map and pointing where Mordred would stay.
"You're allowing him to come?" I whisper, making sure he was still sane.
"I don't see why not," he said, shrugging. "The more the merrier, right?"he watches Mordred through a placid frown.
Mordred nods and thanks Arthur before nodding at me.
"Thank you my king. Thank you Lady Oshun"
"I will tell my mother to make arrangements." Lancelot bows to signal his dismissal and leaves.
I turn to face Arthur but he refuses to meet my eye. "Are you crazy!!"
"No" he says ever so calmly, as if I was the insane one.
"I see I have upset Lady Oshun." Mordred smirks suspiciously. He knew there was trouble between us.
"Yes, you have. It was very clear I did not want you to come. I thought the king and I were in agreement"
"My apologies if I caused you any dismay Lady Oshun. I can depart from the trip if you are uncomfortable" Mordred suggest.
"That is incessant" Arthur scoffs, annoyed at his accommodations. "Go pack your things. We leave in a fortnight."
Mordred nods and leaves.
Once we were alone in the room, I continue my tirade. "You should banishing him from Camelot as we speak! Inviting him to the trip! Arthur are you mental?"
Arthur only stares at me as I continue.
"Arthur he's going to kill you!!
Why did you say he could come along?"
Arthur is unmoved. He doesn't say a word.
"Arthur!!" I hit his shoulder so he would answer me but he only stands and moves to stare out the window.
"1283 people have died in Camelot Oshun.
1283 of my people.
My kingdom.
They have died because of this drought.
Innocent children....they are dying.
There's no crops
No food
No livestock
No money" he says, removing his crown to push a palm through his curls.
I remain quiet.
"I am king of this realm and I cannot even help my own people because of the sins of a god who was too selfish to focus on his own mission" His words stung me. I knew it was Shango's fault but I also remember I was here to fix the drought.
"I received word from the local villagers. The powers Shango and the other gods gave the humans? Well, those humans turned to use their power for evil.
They are Witches.
Harvesting power to endorse demise.
The drought is in part Shango's fault but also humans using their powers for evil."
Arthur turns to me and walks to hold my shoulders. "If Mordred doesn't come...destiny cannot be fufilled.
I will be as bad as Shango if I willingly refuse him the right to come along."
"No you won't!
You'll be noble and just." I grab his wrist, pleading with him to reconsider.
"If he stays here, you will not die. You will preserve our love"
"Our love?" He scoffs, breaking away, "and then what? We live happily ever after?
I a mortal
And you a goddess?
You stay here on earth and take care of me till I wither?"
I frown at his blunt realization.
"The good of the people come first Oshun.
Your mission to Olodumare comes first."
"And our love doesn't?" My voice trembles with hurt. Did he even care about me? About us anymore?
"Not when we willingly choose and continue to put innocent lives at risk."
The silence in the room was deafening.
"He is going to kill you!!
You will die! Why don't you care?" I whisper.
"Because it will rain"
"But then...there will be no king!"
"That's a sacrifice I will make. You're dream was clear Oshun" Arthur stares into my face.
"Then with that logic, he will kill me also"
"No he won't"
"He will! And you don't even care to protect me!"
"It rained after he killed me oshun. He has nothing to gain if he kills you"
"So that's it!!
You die and leave me alone...and what about me?"
"Your home is not here Oshun. Your mission will be complete." He reaches to grab me but I snap away.
"Don't touch me!!
You are selfish!
You have been looking for a way to end our story and you have found it Arthur!
I should have never told you about this dream or my powers or my origins!
And I should have never said I love you to a man who isn't willing to fight for our love...For me"
He reaches to snatch my jaw, pleading for me to calm. "Oshun...You know that's not true."
"It is! All your words were lies!" I slap him away and move to leave the room.
"Oshun. Listen to me" grabs my shoulders but I wiggle away.
"No! You said you would move mountains for our love
And part the oceans!"
"I meant every word" he yells.
"Then prove it!
Ban him from the mission
Banish him from Camelot!"
He doesn't say a thing. "I can't do that Oshun...because I love you.
No matter how much you fight against fate, my destiny is clear
Your destiny is clear.
You are a goddess
I am a mère man who has been entrapped by a goddess as beautiful as you." Arthur holds me tight
"I won't let him do it.
I won't let him kill you."
"Oshun" he tries to kiss me to calm me down but I was too riled.
"Let me go!" I push him away.
I know I shouldn't have said it... but I thought it was the only way to get back at him.
So I said it. And I will regret it forever.
I gathered the end of my dress and ran out the room, finding any place to escape.
Author Note:
You know Oshun is in the wrong when Arthur is making sense 👀
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