A week later
Of course a week had passed and Arthur had ignored me every day. I didn't know how many times I had to say sorry or pretend to show remorse. He wouldn't even meet my eye.
He had called a meeting for his trusted men of Camelot. He was instructing the men of Camelot to be prepared for a war.
"There have been talks of movement in Leeds of discourse. I have every right to believe that we as a whole should prepare" he confesses.
I guess he felt something in his spirit or in the air, maybe a premonition of upcoming doom but we would start preparing to defend the country for a war.
My seat was beside him on the right and Lancelot's was on his other side. Mordred was demoted to the middle of the table, opposite of Arthur. It wasn't a broadcasted snub but everyone knew if you sat at that specific position at the Round table, you had done something to displease the king.
"I believe another meeting is in the works for strategic planning and maps. Gather the men for prep" he commanded to Gwaine. He nods and commands the men to go about their business. Each man at the round table stands and disperses out the room until it was only me, Arthur, and Lancelot left.
"Lancelot. A word."
He stays and looks at me. I look to both men and bow before turning away.
"This involves you as well Oshun" Arthur frowns, closing the maps that were sprawled along his table side.
Lancelot and I stare at each other cautiously before slowly returning in our seats.
"I've been thinking of the best way to say this or even reveal the news, so I'm going to allow Lady Oshun to speak." Arthur signals for me to speak.
Only silence fills the room. He clears his throat and motions for me to speak.
"You have the floor Oshun"
I look at Arthur and frown. I was angry and nervous, two emotions wrapped into one. He was doing the right as king by forcing me to confess my mission but I hated the way he went about it. Everything was so cold and dismissive. He was still being distant and I loathed it.
"Well Lancelot. I haven't been quite truthful with you...I mean..."
"Is eveything alright Lady Oshun?" his rich blue eyes met mine and his eyebrows furrowed with a look of concern; he almost stood from his chair to hold me.
Although Lancelot had the worst taste in women, I had forgotten how noble and kind he had been.
I forced down the lump forming in my throat and forced a smile.
I stand from my chair and flip my white tresses behind my shoulders. "I am Oshun, goddess of love and passion. I am an Orisha sent to earth to protect"
Lancelot looked at me stating intensely. I could see he was actually listening, hanging on my every word.
But did he believe me?
"Do you understand?"
"Yes" he nods. I couldn't read his face.
"Do you belive me?" I ask again.
He hesitated and looked at Arthur before looking back at me.
"So let me get this straight. You're a goddess sent to earth to protect someone and you think it might be me?"
"Exactly." I say.
"Of course I believe you." He smirks.
"You do?" I smirk excitedly.
"Why wouldn't I? To come up with an elaborate tale such as this would be a waste of time and I know you are not a woman who wastes time with frivolous tales Lady Oshun"
What a charming man he was! I smile and nod my head appreciatively. "Thank you Lancelot. For taking my word." I sigh.
He nods and looks down. "I must apologize for my impudence Lady Oshun. It is hard to form your own thoughts when someone pollutes your mind with gossip and delusions. If Arthur was wise enough to appoint you as his advisor then I should have followed. Forgive me"
"I forgive you Sir Lancelot." I knew he meant it and that made me feel at ease.
He looks at Arthur and frowns. I heard rumors and I was led by them. A mistake on my part. But if I can be of any assistance to you Lady Oshun"
"Well in my vision, I saw Excalibur in a lake."
"A lake?" He asks.
"Yes, You were surrounded by a body of water holding it in the air" he looked shaken by the revelation.
"I am from the lake." He looked at me with much more respect. "My mother is actually... a goddess. A fairy, an enchantress. She is known as the lady of the lake"
"What?" Arthur looked taken back by the revelation.
"It was a secret I was entrusted to take to the grave. I told no one, not even you Arthur"
"Wow" Arthur huffed.
"I'm sorry. I made an oath to her. She raised me after the death of my father and was the only mother I knew" Lancelot returns back to me. "She guards the Isles"
Chills shot down my spine as I heard the revelation. All the pieces seemed to magically be coming together.
"We need to go there. We need to visit her." I whisper, still shocked by the turn of events.
He shakes his head in agreement. "When?"
"Soon. As soon as possible." I say urgently.
"In half a fortnight?" Lancelot asks. I nod, pleased with the duration of time.
"Of course!"
"I'll send a letter. She'll make room for our stay." Lancelot stands to leave the room. "I suppose the king will be accompanying us?" He stops and stares at Arthur who was still quiet.
"Yes. He will accompany us Lancelot. Write three of us will be coming."
He nods, walking past me but stops and watches me.
"I apologize once again Lady Oshun."
"You don't think me evil? Or a demon?"
"None of that Lady Oshun." He smirks, kissing my hand before bowing to Arthur and leaving.
Arthur still leans against his chair, staring in the distance.
"Everything is going too smoothly. I am fearful that the beginning will be easy and the latter will be harder." I make conversation, walking around the table to busy myself. I rub my shoulders awkwardly as he still remains silent.
I was annoyed now. More annoyed than I had been the last 7 days. I make away across the room and stand beside his chair.
"Arthur you have been distant for 7 days now! Ever since I revealed..." I stopped and looked into his eyes.
He stared into mine and frowned. He looked handsome.
Focus Oshun! Not now.
His glare was menacing. His eyes were dark. He pushed out his chair and stood, hovering over me purposely.
"What would you like me to say Oshun?" He whispers coldly.
"I dont want you to say anything Arthur!
I want you to hold me.
And kiss me.
And love me.
And f**k me!
And tell me I'm not an idiot for giving a piece of myself to you.
And tell me eveything will be alright and how no matter the distance that grows between us, our love story will withstand the test of time!"
He stares into my core and frowns.
"I can't do that Lady Oshun"
"Why not!" I try to hide my tears.
"Because you lied to me. How am I supposed to believe anything you say? I was fighting a dragon, burned to near death and you were f**ing him?"
"And so what if I was?
You said you fell in love with me when you first laid eyes on me.
Did you live me when you were sleeping with Ivtoria and Celia and Guinevere?" I shot back.
"That's not fair!" He fumed.
" My energy was depleted! And thank God for Mordred! If I didn't fill my power, you would have died! I had no energy to heal you nor the burns if it wasn't for him"
"I guess the other seven times were for good measure?" He yelled.
I was quiet.
"So that's it? I fix earth and we leave without saying goodbye? We start as we left off
As distant strangers?"
"I suppose it's the best way Lady Oshun"
I scoff at his use of my title.
"Fine" I frown, pushing past him and returning to my room.
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