A few days later, Arthur went into the woods to start his training, just as Merlin instructed. He saw him bending by the river, cleaning blue stones in its crystal waters. Before he could make his presence known, Merlin spoke. "Ahh.. so Sir Ector's son has finally arrived?" he said through a light chortle.
Arthur chuckled, his handsome smile on display, and dropped his fish pail by the tree. "The only son Sir Ector claim is the one by the name of Kay." he curses, taking his shirt off to embrace the cold waters. Merlin stood from his feet and nodded, taking a small spellbook and sword from behind the tree. He threw it to Arthur who caught it clumsily.
"First rule? Always be alert" he instructed. Arthur nodded and gripped the sword in his hand, holding it up to the light of the sun. It was a magnificent sword, plus he liked the power he felt with a weapon in his hand.
"Feet forward and knees bent" Merlin came behind him and kicked his feet open, molding him into his stance that would prevent any incoming attacks.
And it is in the woods that their training began.
They trained day and night, in battle and spar; Merlin giving him potions to taste and lessons on identifying poison and toxins.
Following King's Uther's death, the bustling country of Britain, once known as the epicenter of wealth and progress, was infested with conflict and battle. Beggars lined the once-great streets of every borough while looting was the adopted norm. Britain needed a new king. One who would restore the balance and appeal.
But who was the man who could fulfill such a role like this?
The people of Britain knew of a wizard who went by the name of Merlin the great. He was a renowned wizard, handsome in stature and clever in thought. The people knew he used to move in the small circle of the former king, so they went to Merlin to express their criticisms.
"Merlin! We have been fighting nonstop." one Knight in the crowd groaned.
"14 years have passed and our city has turned to waste! Children are dying and people are suffering." another tall fellow yelled adamantly.
"We need a king who will bring us into harmony! Back to our former glory!"
Merlin raised a muscled arm to finally silence the people. "Your suffering is the cause of your people and impudent indecisions. Instead of coming to an agreement to select a new king, you men bickered and quarreled amongst yourselves." Merlin said calmly. The people grumbled, hearing the truth in his words but still barked their commands.
"Merlin, give each man a task"
"Or trial!"
"Something definite! We need a new king."
Merlin watched the large crowds as they expressed their concerns. Although he was hesitant, he agreed with their concerns. Britain needed a new king to restore and rebuild the crumbling nation.
So Merlin went on a quest to seize a sword from the Lady of the Lake he once knew to love, by the name of Nimue. It was there that he retrieved a sword by the name of Excaliber and placed it into a large stone of rough granite, announcing to the people that every eligible man in the kingdom could come and try to pull it from the rock, but he cautioned them, saying only the true king could pull it out from the stone.
Many months passed as men came from all over the kingdom. Young and old, rich and poor they came, each trying to pull out the sword.
But only one man.
One appointed fellow would be the heir to the throne.
Just as it said as Merlin engraved the promise into its base:
About 11 months later.
One night, upon finishing their training, Merlin came and spoke to him in camaraderie. "Almost a year has passed since you have been training under me Arthur"
'11 very lengthy months" he teased, looking at his mentor with the highest regard. As time passed, Arthur came to know Merlin as more than a teacher; he was a friend and confidant. He would trust him with his life.
"Surely you have heard of the infamous stone and the sword Excalibur?" Merlin spoke, steering the conversation to he knew Arthur dreaded.
"Fools, all of them" Arthur cursed, standing to wipe his chest dry of his sweat; it had been an awfully intense training day.
"Fools? Is it bad for men to hope?" Merlin hinted, standing to face the young boy, "Do you not wish to see if you could be king?" Merlin says, picking up his spellbook and sword.
"You must have drunken too much meade my friend!" the handsome fellow chuckled, "I am just Arthur. Son to a man who won't even claim me as his own. What can I bring to these people?" he whispered, resting his head against the tree and looking to the sky.
Arthur had lost the traces of boyhood in the past few months. A scruffy beard rested against his now defined jaw as rippling muscles attacked his form; each molded by the intense labor of training each night in the woods. Green eyes with vibrant flecks of blue decorated his face. He could easily be mistaken for a high ranking knight.
And despite his growing appearance, Arthur grew not only in stature but became sound in mind.
Merlin smiled knowingly, for he knew the young lad would bring so much more than he could ever dream.
Arthur bid his farewell to Merlin and returned to the cottage where Kay stood by the door.
"You thief!" the boy screamed, "give it back"
"Give what back?" he sighed rolling his eyes at his disturbance. He was always going on about something new.
"You were always jealous of me! Angry that father always treated me better! That's why you go to the forest and hide like the coward you are! You are ashamed and that is why you stole it" he snapped, pushing into Arthur's chest but he only sucked air into his teeth and pushed past him.
"I don't have time for this" Arthur cursed, but before he could retreat inside, Kay pulled him into his arms, fastening him into a chokehold.
"Let go!" Arthur muttered, grinding his teeth as Kay tightened his grip. Merlin always stressed to Arthur about using knowledge over strength. He had ingrained into his mind since the start of his training, but it was dire that his strength be used. So, without another thought, Arthur flipped him over and pushed him to the ground, holding his head against the gravel that filled the front of their cottage.
"Let go!" he begged, tears dripping down his eyes, "You are choking me! I can't breathe!!!" he sputtered excessively. Arthur lingered his hold, wanting ever so much to snap his neck in two for all the years of his torture and turmoil, but finally released him. He rolled away into the bushes near the other side of the path, making sure to create a measurable distance between them. He pushed a palm against his chest, impatient to regain his breaths and stood to re-adjust himself.
"When father hears of this! It will be your head Arthur!" he fumed running into the house to cry.
Arthur scooped another hefty plate of stew into his wooden bowl and consumed it eagerly, dipping his bread to pick up the pieces of meat. Sir Ector cleared his phlegmy throat and turned to Arthur. "So, what is this I hear about chocking your brother Arthur?" he probed.
"Well, Kay accused me of stealing something I did not" Arthur began the tale.
"Lies father" Kay sneered.
"But, he was correct when he said I choked him. You heard right, I did it." Arthur bragged, scooping another bowl of stew, "and I would do it again if the opportunity arose" he boasted. Arthur was not blind to how much he had grown the past year. The matured lad was not scared of either of them anymore. What more could they do to him, now that he could fight and defend himself?
Kay? He feared him no more along with Sir Ector.
Sir Ector looked at his adopted son and sighed, his eyes raking over the lad's overbearing physique. Even he was not blind to how much the boy grew. "What am I to do with you Arthur?" he cursed, filling his plate with more mutton and stew.
Arthur did not care and shrugged, still continuing to eat. Kay was not content with his father's nonchalant attitude toward his brother but new it best not to bother him; especially while he ate his meal.
Sir Ector turned his attention to Kay, now done with Arthur. "Kay, are you all packed for tomorrow?"
"Oh yes father! I have my royal robes ready." he bragged courageously.
"Ready for?" Arthur painfully asked.
"For the knighting ceremony when they crown me as King! We are set to see the sword in the stone!" Kay hit his chest, admonishing him for asking the stupid question, "We are visiting so I can claim my proper title as king to Britain"
Arthur scoffed and shoved another roll of bread into his mouth, filling his airways so he could hold his tongue.
"And what is so funny" Kay snapped, turning to face him.
"Nothing, just your delusions of grandeur." he mocked, picking up his empty plate to put it in the sink. "How long will you two be out of town" Arthur always anticipated the days Sir Ector and Kay went to travel. He had the whole cottage to himself which meant peace and quiet.
"4 days." Sir Ector promised.
"Good" Arthur mumbled beneath a relived breath before leaving to retreat to his room.
"Not so fast boy" Sir Ector lectured, prohibiting his departure, "You will be tagging along with us?"
"Me? For what reason?" he groaned.
"The kingdom requires that every eligible candidate under the age of 18 come to the stone."
"And how do they know which men came and went?" he asked, not willing to subject himself to the statewide quest.
"There is a list on the town square showing who has and hasn't attempted. Your name, along with Kay's are the only ones left on the list"
"But do you not think it is pointless to travel to a simple stone and sword? This whole thing is a scam, put in place to maintain peace until a king, chosen by the state is found ."
"Why are you so worried? You will never be king" Kay interjected, "and no amount of weight will give you an advantage." Kay bragged, chewing down at the cartilage of his bone. "I will take the sword out the stone and be the rightful heir to the throne!"
"Is that so?" he grins handsomely, amused by his confidence.
"Of course it is so! It has been destined by the stars, you pathetic brainless, stupid--"
Arthur moved to put him in another chokehold but Kay ran and flinched behind his father. Arthur smiled pridefully and watched his older brother cower in fear. It was comical.
"Enough! Both of your" Sir Ector yelled, banging his fist on the table. He looked at Kay then at Arthur, pleading for their silence so he could enjoy the rest of his meal. "Clean up the plates and pots in the sink and get out of my sight, BOTH OF YOU." he commanded.
Author Note
Kay is giving me the guy from Megamind teas....
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