Oshun was not the same after the night Guinevere lost the baby. I knew she felt as if it was her doing but that was further than the truth. Oshun leans her head against mine as we walk throughout the palace. I thought it better if she slept in my room for the time being. I hated waking up without her and seeing the state she had been in, it was better she stayed close by.
Everyone in Camelot knew we were an item. It was a secret I could hold no longer. I didn't care if the world was against it or if my advisors disapproved, all that mattered was Oshun. As we continue through the palace halls, Oshun turns her head to Mordred in the distance, instinctively clutches my arm. "What's wrong?" I whisper against her scalp?
"Nothing. Nothing Arthur" she muttered looking to the ground as we pass him.
"King Arthur. Lady Oshun" Mordred bid his greetings. She nodded her head just as I did but continued looking at the ground. We walk a couple more minutes until I stop her near the flowers of the gardens.
"What did he do?"
"Who?" she says absentmindedly, pretending as if she didn't know.
"You know who Oshun"
"Nothing...he did nothing. I just remember the night of your ball and what he did. It is not a pleasant memory." she admits, forcing a smile upon her lips.
"King Arthur. The knights are at the round table waiting for your guidance" a servant announced, interrupting our moment of peace. I grabbed her jaw, pulling her close before placing a kiss against her forehead.
"Arthur go. I am fine." she lies.
"Are you sure?" I ask her again but she simply nods and kisses my chest.
"I am fine Arthur. I will go find Bertha and Mary and beg them to prepare a picnic or something." she smiles, growing excited at the thought.
Arthur caresses my lips once more, making every fiber of my being relaxed. He did not know how much his hold comforted in these troubling times. I knew what I did to that innocent babe and my guilt was eating me up. I wished so much that I could tell him but I was scared of his rage. Arthur would never forgive me if he knew I had a hand in the killing of his child. "Arthur" I whisper, trying to find the words to tell him but Lancelot came behind him, interrupting our moment.
"The men are ready for you Arthur" He announces before glaring at me. I was a bit confused by his hostility and focused on Arthur once more.
"I hope you are in good spirits by the time I return" Arthur whispers against my neck, before attending to his friend.
The meeting broke and my feet were eager to see Oshun. I knew she would probably be with Mary and Bertha in the garden at the picnic she anticipated. As I make the trek there, I see Bertha and Mary conversing amongst themselves in the foyer. "Where is Oshun?" They turn and bow to show their respects.
"Oshun? We haven't seen her all day my Lord." Bertha expresses.
"She said she was off to have a picnic with you two?" I explain but both women shook their heads, finding misunderstanding in my statement. Where would she be then? I walk to the garden blindly, trying my best to think where she would have ventured to be but fume as I see her in the arms of Mordred. I wondered why he wasn't in the meeting of knights! He was too engrossed in this meeting with Oshun. She wiped off her tears, staring at him with fervent intensity.
It was the only color I saw as I stormed over to him, immediately knocking him from behind.
"Arthur stop!" she screams, trying to snap my sanity back into place but her shouts and bellows did nothing for me. I couldn't fathom having this man touch my Oshun. How dare his polluted hands caress my beloved's skin?
And so we fought. Connecting each fist with each knuckle. We didn't miss a blow, with every hit he connected I struck two more to pair.
"Stop it! BOTH OF YOU!" she yelled, trying to come between us but her efforts were futile. We were two brutes, fighting till the first sign of blood painted the floor. It was a pleasing assurance of success to the victor. I would kill him and make the ground flow red with his blood.
I heard the faint chatter of Oshun's voice as she came behind me. "Arthur stop!" She tried to pull me off him but madness was all that consumed me. We tumbled carelessly, knocking over every marked statue and stone, not caring who or what, was in our way. Before long, I heard a sharp crack before a brief scream.
Oshun had lost her footing and tripped, banging her head on the stone of the fountain.
Author Note:
Lol has anyone seen that tik tok that was like: "girls trying to break up fights" with the "do you notice me do you notice me" song playing in the background lolz. That's what the fight scene reminded me of.
Sorry, it was so short! I just wanted to let you guys know this book is alive and well. I'm editing the chapters so I can FINISH this book.(on wattpad). I think there's a few chapters left before it is finished.
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