I couldn't believe Lady Oshun as she suggested the unsharpened statement. I had never met a woman quite like her.
"Anything?" I ask her, my mind saturated with lust.
"Anything you like" she smirked, leaning a hand against my chest. I took it and kissed it, taking relish in its warmth.
"Deal" I said unmistakably eager for her to guess incorrectly. I hated how my mind ran wild with thoughts of her. Her lips pressing against mine, how perfect her body would mold into mine.
She broke away from me and turned to the arch of vines once again. "You do know I am not from here sir Mordred?"
"There have been some rumors" I stated.
"Rumors? Like?"
"Some say you are a Witch? Others? A Demon. Some even call you Enchantress?
"Oh! I like that one" she smiles, gently picking a leaf from the branch of the vine. "And which do you think I am Sir Mordred?" she asks curiously, trailing the leaf against her cheek.
"Maybe a demon? Your eyes tempt me each time I pass by?"
"Oh?" she smirked, pulling closer to me.
"Maybe a witch? For you have cast a spell on me and I am locked in your trance."
"Surley not a witch" she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Maybe you are an enchantress? A goddess?" I sighed, pulling her into my arms. She smirked and nodded, lifting her gaze into mine, "you look unworldly...like you do not belong here" I say, running a palm against her cheek. Before I pressed my lips against hers, she pushed a finger against my lips, stopping my embrace.
"I knew there was something dark about you and your mother the moment you came. All these years, there was no talk of a heir to King Uther's throne"
"So?" I say starting to sweat as she catches onto the plan.
"That cup was filled with poison wasn't it?" she frowned, pulling away from me. "You wanted to posion him sir Mordred but for what reason?" she frowned again, "to take the throne? And become king?"
I was silent as she guessed correctly. But how?
She couldn't possibly know?
How did she know?
"I was never going to drink the cup...but I knew if I pretended to consume it, the culprit would come forward eventually. Seems like my theory tang true and you proved yourself guilty." she bragged spinning on her foot as she waited for my words.
I smirked as she guessed correctly and sat on the stone pillar. "So you will tell Arthur and I will be dead?"
"Maybe?" she shrugged, picking another leaf from the floor, "Or?" she chimed again.
"Or...." I wait impatiently as she hinders her words.
"You fulfill your end of our agreement and I never speak of this again?"
"I will kill him in the future." I reminded her.
"And I will protect him either way? That is my duty is it not?" she shrugged nonchalanty. For someone who had just unraveled a plot to kill the king, she sure was ...calm?
"You love him? Don't you?" I accused.
"Did those words ever come from my lips?" she smiled, tilting her head.
"I can tell .... I can see it" I say somewhat spitefully, jealous of her affection for the king.
"What? You can see it in my eyes?" she chuckled lazily, spinning the leaf between her fingers. "They are pools of white with nothing in them? What do you know about me?"she cursed beneath a breath.
I nodded, accepting her words and looked to the sky. There was a sort of awkwardness before she spoke again. "I need you to kill Guinevere." she said ever so calmly.
"Kill...the Queen?" I repeated after her.
She nodded calmly and looked down at fountain, trailing a finger against its surface.
"Lady Oshun..." I begin my case to reject her request.
"You said you would do any favor I asked if I guessed correctly?" she reminded me.
"Lady Oshun...she is the queen"
"And Arthur is king?" she smirked softly, not understanding the reason for my rejection. "Arthur is ranked higher than Guinevere, is he not? It was so easy for you to kill him so why do you hesitate at Guinevere?" she asked me.
"Because what!" she asked looking to me as I hunched forward on the pillar. I couldn't answer her question. I had no reason to hesitate but Guinevere was not my intended target... I only had my sight set for Arthur.
"Mordred you promised" she pouted, lifting my jaw to face hers. Her features were even more beautiful under the afternoon light.
"You want her dead because Arthur loves her?" I accused. She giggled so loudly, making me feel foolish for the statement. She finished her fit of laughter smiled warmly, gently parting the curls in my hair. "Oh Mordred. Don't you know Arthur is in love with me?"
"A man can't love two women..can he?"
"And who says he is in love with her?" she whispered, gently circling the end of her fingers against my scalp. "No Mordred, that is not the reason." she frowned, looking away to the fountain as another bird perched in the waters.
"Tell me the reason." I say.
"Do you really want to know?" she sighed, leaning gently into the archway. I nodded silently watching her as she watched me.
She walked to wear I sat and unbuckled her gown, pulled down the sleeves of her dress before turning to show me her back.
Dark scars and scratches painted each part of her dorsal. Some still looked fresh. I run a finger against her skin but she winces in pain at my contact.
"Who did this?" I fumed, pulling her waist and turning her around to face me. How dare they stain her scared body!
"The prettiest maiden in all of Camelot" she says mockingly. I knew the reason why...but I still did not expect something like this from Guinevere? She would barley maim a fly!
"I was not the first of the king's wide array of women" she shrugged. "She killed the other three." she frowned then chuckled. "I actually thought it was her who tried to poison me tonight but she doesn't possess the capacity to be so smart"
"Why haven't you told Arthur?"
"I haven't had the chance?" she frowned.
"Lies" I shake my head in undeniable anger. Guinevere could not simply get away with this!
She already knowing the cloud of darkness surrounding me and smiled. "I was planing to kill her. No Guinevere? No more of her torture. Simple"
"And Arthur would make you queen if she died?"
"You don't know me at all Sir Mordred? Me? Queen of this pathetic mortal realm?" she laughs again. I smiled watching her animate as she lit up with pride. Her chuckle was contagious.
She wiped her tears of joy away before looking at me. "Kill the queen and I won't tell Arthur. Once you kill her; I'll have a deep looming secret and so will you. We will be even"
"Fine..." I looked at her then down to the floor, "I will do it"
"I knew you would see it my way Sir Mordred." she smirked, gently lifting my chin before kissing me on the forehead. She gathered her dress and went on her way back to the castle.
"Oh!" She pouted, turning around to face me. "You might have to sleep with her to poison her. It's the only language she speaks but I am sure Arthur doesn't mind!" she bragged turning around again to make her way into the palace.
Arthur guided my hips against his manhood. I was relived, slowly feeling my strength coming back to my soul. I stare into his face as he pulled me deeper.
Maybe I Should ask him now? About the kiss?
"Are you... close to sir Mordred?"
"Close is not the word I would use" he grumbled.
"So a friend?"
"Acquaintance" he corrected me kissing my lips with care. I ran a palm through his loose curls as he deepened me.
"Arthur" I moaned in bliss. His passion was so raw and real. He bit my shoulder as I pressed my lips against his neck. "Are we not going to discuss what he did? At the party?"
Immediately he stops, pausing my hips and stared into my eyes. "Do you really want to talk about another irrelevant man as I am inside you?" he said annoyed I had brought it him up yet again.
"Don't you find it strange that he kissed me?" I goaded him on. I couldn't reveal to him Mordred's true intentions but still decided to have a little fun.
He smirked and stared into my eyes, gently pressing his lips against mine. "Why are you so fixated on discussing him?"
"I am not! I just... wanted to know what you thought? That's all"
He pulled out of me and stared at the ceiling. "If I tell you what I truly felt, you would be fearful of me."
"Never...Tell me" I say, resting my head against his chest. He sighed and nodded, pulling a strand of hair away from my face.
"Anger... rage... everything and nothing" he admitted, "I had a sword in my pocket and I wanted to take his tongue, cut it off, and make him eat it when his lips touched yours..." he trailed off.
I couldn't help but smile as I saw his jealousy. Arthur was obsessed with me and it was quite amusing.
"What if I told you... I enjoyed it?" I test his patience. He pulled my jaw forcing me to stare into his eyes. "You jest Lady Oshun" he whispered, making chills form against my body.
I looked into his eyes and smiled giggling as he lifted me up again before kissing me fondly. I broke from him and stared into his eyes. "Arthur you know I jest. I slapped him did I not?" I remind him.
He was thankful for my answer and pressed his head back into his pillow.
"And how was your party?" I asked, already knowing his answer.
"Fit for a king" he bragged pridefully, "It was wonderful. Plentiful food, a cake, dancing and mead. It was all a king like me could ask for. I must thank the planner for her services"
"You must! Who was the blessed soul?"
"She went by the name lady..osha? Osu? The name escapes me at the moment" he teased. I wrapped my arms around him tilting my head as he still thought.
"Might her name have been Lady Oshun?" I reminded him playfully. He smirked and rested his palms against my waist, pressing his lips against mine in passion. "Thank you... for everything."
"Oh! I almost forgot" I broke from him and stood but he snatched my wrist and pulled me into his arms. "Let it be forgotten" he smirked running a warm palm against my perky butt.
"Arthur! It is your gift" I begged, trying to break free.
"You are the only gift I need Oshun" he said, gently running his lips against my cheek. I blush like a fool and turn away, hating myself for acting this way around him.
"Surely that isn't enough Arthur" I cursed already knowing he would reject it. He pulled me into his chest before pressing his lips against mine. We continued eager for a second round but I broke and ran to the other side of the room. "I worked hard for my gift! At least open it" I said,bending over to dig out my gift from my satchel. It was a medium sized box filled to the brim with something special.
He pulled the box from my reach and pulled away the bindings. "Gwain said he was giving you a whore and Lancelot a flute" I giggled, remembering their admissions.
"Really? But I did not get any of those" he chuckled.
"Then I thought it best to ask Bertha and Mary. They said to get you something heartfelt. Something meaningful that you would cherish."
He smirked and pulled out each item. It was a brush set and 6 jars of paint. "Kay mentioned that the painting in your cottage was yours. I'd figure you might want to start up again." I suggested.
Arthur looked down at the items in the box before lifting his gaze and inspecting my features. His eyes scanned each part of my face, taking me in with total regard.
"You hate it don't you..." I frowned, his lack of words made me assume.
"I—-" he couldn't find his words.
"It was either this or a jar of honey? But it wouldn't be of benefit to you..."
"Oshun..." he stopped me and slowly pulled me into his arms, attacking my lips with admiration. We continued until he broke staring into my eyes again. "When I was back in the cottage...I had to use tree branches as sticks to paint and berries as pigments. I never had...a real set like this?" he said, lifting it once more.
"So you like it?" I smiled excitedly.
"I love it.." he says pulling me into his lips once again. We fought for dominance until he broke and stared into my eyes, "I love you Oshun"
My heart froze at his sudden revelation. Did he just say he loved me?
I only thought he was obsessed with me? But to be in love with me? I couldn't believe it.
"Arthur.... I don't think you mean what you say..."
"Oshun... I have never been more sure of something in my life. I love you ... I am absolutely obsessed with you" he curses, pressing his forehead against mine as
he rubs my neck.
Although I had feelings for Arthur... I couldn't admit that I loved him.... not now. We had known each other for a year now but... I just couldn't bring myself to say it.
"Arthur.... my heart is not ready to love again" I admitted staring into his eyes.
"I am not telling you to open your heart to me... but I needed to say it to you before..."
"Before what?" I asked him. He was silent and rested a palm against my cheek. I looked at him, feeling tears forming in my eyes. "I have to go"
"Oshun...don't" Arthur begged. I bend to find my dress and fix myself before leaving. "This was a mistake Arthur.... I should have never asked you that day..."
He stood after me and pulled me into his arms. "The only mistake I made was making Guinevere my wife. It is a day I regret daily. I want you to be my Queen Oshun"
"Arthur! Stop it! Stop this! You sound deranged!" I yelled, trying to break from him to depart.
"Who hurt you?" was all he asked, staring into my orbs, refusing me to leave his side.
"No one" I lied pathetically. He wiped away my tears and stared into my eyes. "Tell me Oshun...who broke your heart"
Author note
Who broke our girls heart?
You think Oshun loves Arthur?
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