I stumbled out the throne room, still angered by my fresh interaction with Guinevere. How dare she treat me like some common whore? Threatening me with violence.
I couldn't allow her to get away with it!
I would find Arthur and tell him at once. As I made my way down the lively corridors of Camelot, I bumped into the man named Mordred.
"Sir Mordred." I gasped, quickly hiding my blood soaked sleeves.
He immediately pulled me into his arms, prohibiting my certain fall. "Lady Oshun, I apologize. I didn't see you." he smiled, his brown eyes boldly meeting mine before trailing down to my gown soaked in red.
Once he saw the unmistakable pigment, his brows furrowed with rage. He pulled my jaw to face his eyes, noticing the dark mark imprinted on my cheek.
"What happened? Who did this to you." he queried. His tone was nothing short of lethal.
"I .. .fell... Sir Mordred. That is all "I lied, pulling my eyes away from him. I determined it futile to tattle now, especially to a man who held no power over her.
He could do nothing.
It was better I told Arthur about his wife and suggest the ways he could control her.
"Fell?" he repeated after me skeptically, looking behind my shoulders to the door I had just emerged from. Mordred had been here for a couple of days so I knew he was more than familiar with the architecture of the castle.
"I was getting more honey from a tree and... I fell down and scratched my sleeve."
He ran a thumb against my cheek, pressing it gently to feel its tenderness. "It seems fresh?" He whispered, nodding softly as he watched me lie.
"It just happened Sir Mordred." I snapped pulling away from him. He contemplated my words but nodded, taking my word as true. I knew he could no longer pry for I would not allow him.
"I do hope the honey does not get you into more trouble than it's worth Lady Oshun" he said unmistakably. I already knew the tone of his voice and backed away. "If you'll excuse me" I cursed, pushing past him and running down the halls to return to my room.
I needed to tell Bertha and Mary of all that had happened.
"You must tell Arthur Lady Oshun!" Mary fumed scrubbing the blood stain from my light blue dress. She was more upset at Guinevere than me.
"And what will that do? You know Arthur would kill her if I told him what she did and about Sir Lancelot. It will only be her blood in my conscious." I sighed. Although I wished to tell Arthur, I decided against it for Arthur's rage was lethal. Sometimes even I grew fearful thinking what would happen if I ever crossed him.
"I hate her!" I announced to Bertha, standing naked in the tub. I see my reflection in the mirror across the room and begin twisting and turning in its reflection, holding my flat stomach beneath my palm.
"My lady! That is the fourth time you have stood to observe your stomach! Are you afraid of growing bigger?" Bertha cursed, getting annoyed at my restlessness.
I look at Bertha as she pushes me down to the waters and washes my bloodied arm. "Bertha... what does it mean if your stomach goes like this?" I show her, mimicking the direction Guinevere's pointed.
"It means you ate too much honey" she cursed beneath a breath, "or it could mean one is pregnant"
"Pregnant?" I repeated after her.
"Yes it is when a women... well... you carry a baby in your womb"
"A baby?" I gasped, standing again from the waters. I was still not accustomed to all these earthly terms.
"Yes. A baby Lady Oshun. We're you not a baby in your realm in the heavens?" Mary asked me curiously.
"In the heavens we were not...born. Only created by the divine father" I informed them. They looked at each other hesitantly before helping me out the waters.
"What is this baby you speak of?"
"A baby is a small human. Like...like?" Mary trailed on. "I have to show you!" she grumbled getting frustrated on finding the right words.
She quickly pauses her breath and ran to find something. A few minutes pass before Mary returns with a small human in her hand. "A baby Lady Oshun" she exclaimed holding the weirdest thing I have ever seen with glee.
"This is what you mortals call a baby?" I ask through a lazy smile. The baby was small and pale, having no hair atop its head. I had seen animals cuter than it.
"Yes. It only comes from a women after they give birth. This is the reason why someone's stomach would protrude" Bertha continues leading me to the bed so she could braid my locks.
The baby started yelling and instantly, I jumped. "Why does it do that!"
"It needs its mother." Mary smiled, rocking the babe in her arms. I stepped over to where Mary stood and stared into the baby's face.
"Take him back to Lidia Mary. I think Lady Oshun understands"
"Yes Bertha!" Mary nodded turning to leave the room.
"No!" I stopped her, preventing her departure. Mary turned around and stared into my eyes as I looked at the babe. "I want to hold it?" I suggested. She nodded and carefully passed it over, gently dropping it into my arms. I rocked it gently, smiling as its incessant crying ceased.
How precious and innocent this babe was! Sure it was ugly but..it was so pure and small. The baby presses its cheek against my chest, gently falling asleep in the warmth of my arms.
My feet hurry to the edge of the chair in the corner of my room before I sit down with care. "I want a baby! How do I get one Bertha?" I asked unmistakably.
I am not sure why Bertha started to choke on her air while and Mary stifled her giggles.
"And what is so funny?" I pouted, observing their change in demeanor.
"Well... Lady Oshun! I'm ummmm...." I had never seen Bertha turn so red. "That is a question you must ask Arthur"
"Why him?" I challenged her concept.
"Because...he will know" she advises, gently running a hand against the babies cheek. I nodded and looked to the baby as it yawned. "Fine. Dress me at once! I need to see the Arthur."
Bertha and Mary spring into action, dressing me in a soft red gown before leaving me to find Arthur.
I walk through the castle in quest of the king. I was happy to show him my new possession. "Arthur!" I yell, smiling as I see him in the distance. He whispered something to the men he was conversing with before dismissing them to the study room. He spoke a few words to his knights before they guarded the hallway, prohibiting anyone from disturbing our conversation.
He comes over to greet me, pulling my lips into his. "How long has it been Oshun? I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks" he cursed, pushing his lips to part mine once more.
"Only 2 days Arthur" I chuckled, wiping his lips with care. He notices the baby within my reach and plays with its tiny hand.
"Look" I bragged, lifting the baby into his face.
"I see. Whose baby is it?" he lifts a brow, still playing with the baby's hand.
"It's mine" I shrugged assuredly.
"What?" He chuckled, pulling away from the little human.
"It's my baby now. I want it so I took it" I shrugged but am met with his skeptical gaze. He observes the emptiness of the hallways, looking to find it's mother.
"Oshun, where did you get this baby?" He asks, lifting it into his arms to take it from me.
"Mary gifted it to me. I saw this baby and liked it so I took it. It is not the prettiest baby but it's heart is pure and now? It is my baby"
"Oshun you can't just ....take babies. That is not how babies work on earth" He sighs, trying to hide his fury. I frowned at him while he scolded me, confused at this unjustified anger.
"How do babies work then? I want one!" I suggested.
Just before he could explain, Bertha came running over with a woman I had never seen. "My baby!!" the womb gasps, snatching the baby from Arthur's reach. She realized the man who held it and immediately fell to her knees. "My king! I apologize. I did not...realize it was in the King's mighty hands"
Arthur pardoned the lady's oversight and nodded. "As long as the baby is returned to his mother, all is well in Camelot" he announced.
"Thank you your majesty!" she smiled, bowing to him once more before she looked at me with anger, turning on her heel to depart. Bertha nodded to the king then to me before turning to follow after her.
"Great! You gave my baby away. Now I have to take another" I frowned, already plotting on my newest venture. Arthur couldn't help but smile as he heard my words, pulling me into his arms. "There is so much you must learn Lady Oshun" he smirked, gently running his lips against my cheek.
"Like what?" I frowned , resistant to match his energy. "I still do not know why you laugh" I scolded him, crossing my arms in annoyance. I hated their earthly customs and traditions.
"Look Oshun" he sighs, pulling me into his lips to soften my anger. We smacked passionately, unmoved by the chance of ever getting caught. Arthur continued our heated embrace, pulling me tight against his chest before the guards called him from across the hallway.
"I must go" he frowns, placing two single kisses against my palms, "but I'll explain this to you later. Maybe tonight?" he said, kissing me softly before waiting for my confirmation.
I nodded, relieved he had asked me before assuming he could come to my room.
"King Arthur! The men are waiting" the guards said again. He kissed me once more, cursing beneath a breath once he realized he really had to go, and left.
I watched him head back into the study room before turning to busy myself in the castle library.
Author Note:
Hmmm what kinda honey do you think Mordred was taking about?
Absolutely no one asked but....
My knew book entitled godhead is out!
Hope you guys can support and go give it a read (if you guys watched The great on Hulu it's basically the show in a nutshell but of course with a black lead!)
So y'all go check it out.
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