"Arthur..." Oshun whispered, leaning up to face me. The sun had just risen from its shadows in the sky. She looked around the small room to observe the surroundings. It had been hours before she had awoken, having fainted in the late hours of the night. She was most likely concealing her lack of energy.
I wanted to be upset at her but I understood her actions. Our relationship was finally growing and the interaction between us was well. To do anything that would interfere with our relationship was my biggest fear.
"You fainted again" I went over to her, pulling her close into my shaking arms. Although I knew I could restore her powers, her fainting spells always left me fearful.
I couldn't bare to loose her...
She looked into my eyes, uncertainty resting in her ivory orbs.
"My powers...I wanted to tell you but" her voice hitched as she looked into my eyes. Closer and closer we drew until our lips crashed together.
Desperately she unbuckled my clasp, pulling me into her arms as I helped her the rest of the way. I ran a finger against her cheek, gently peeling the straps of her dress away. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I pushed myself inside, deeper and deeper I went as she bit my neck with heat.
Carefully, I flipped her over, making sure to see the markings that trailed down her back. They were illuminated but only barely as I ran my lips down her spine. On her back was the only way I could lay with her, it was what her energy allowed.
Slowly, I locked my fingers between the surface of her hands. pressing each palm against the side of the bed and resting my chest against her spine so I could slowly re-enter. She moaned with each rising breath, arching her back so I could enter in deeper.
How I loved making sweet love to the woman I cherished.
Her walls adjusted to my length as I pumped her into incoherency. She turned her cheek to rest against the pillow, closing her eyes as I pushed into her core.
"Arthur" she groaned my name as I pulled her chin to the side. I kissed her lips with gentle care as she closed her eyes in pleasure. I was fueled by her weakness.
I finally reached my high, her energy now filled and released inside her, gently pulling her hair against her cheek as I kissed her neck. I pulled her safely into my arms, smacking her lips love as she stared into the sky.
I only held her for the rest of the day, never wishing to ever let her go. It was the first time she stayed within my reach, rubbing her palm against my chest as we held each other in care.
"I think we should get going my king" she whispered, running her lips against my neck. I chucked, looking up to face the ceiling. She knew I was trying to delay the meeting with Sir Ector.
"I don't think I can go back to the place I was once hated. To be turned away all your life... it makes one mad." I revealed. She looked into my eyes and shrugged. "Eventually it does" she smirked, packing her curls into a neat braid.
"You know disappointment? Surely a beauty like you has never heard the word no?" I scoffed.
"Many times." she smiled, pulling on her nightgown to redress again. There was so much I still did not know of the beautiful goddess that had fallen onto earth. I pulled her into my arms, gently running a palm against her nape. "I want to know everything about you"
Oshun 🍯
I contemplated opening up to Arthur. I could see a change was apparent but surely he did not care for my story? He had never asked either way. " I am the youngest diety in the heavens."
"Youngest? How old are you?" He asked.
"Old? I don't understand?"
"Well, I am 17 on earth. Every year we humans have birthdays which marks another year of life.
"We have no concept of age? We are just created and I was created last by Olodumare" I shrugged. He looked shocked but accepted my truth. "I couldn't do anything up there being the youngest"
"Like what?"
"I was banned from traveling with the other deities to earth. There was seven of us. 8 counting me."
"I see." He hummed, looking into my eyes, "tell me more"
"Well...." I shrugged, looking to the sky to think "what more do you want to know?"
His left arm was under my head while his right arm embraces me. "Tell me who this Shango guy was" he asked curiously. My heart froze at the mention of his name for it was a name I had promised to banish from my mind.
"Have you ever been in love Arthur?" I asked him curiously.
"No" he lied, looking away to avoid my gaze.
"You dare lie to the goddess of love?" I smiled, resting a hand against his chest to feel his heart beat. He chuckled lazily but pulled my hand into his.
"Maybe" he smiled, pressing his lips against my cheek. I looked at him curiously before continuing.
"Shango was my first love but I was foolish to love man who would never love me back" I confessed. I couldn't believe I was revealing this to him. I was often left heartbroken since I loved with every fiber of my being but yet, I could never find someone who loved me in the same way.
He looked into my eyes, gently running a finger against my brow. "Maybe you never truly loved him? Maybe you thought what you deemed love to be mistaken for desire?" he suggested. I couldn't believe the wisdom coming from his mouth.
"So the king is not as dense as he seems?" I teased. He chuckled, taking relish in my humor and flashed a handsome smile.
"What do you know anyways" I teased him, pulling off him before standing to refresh in the bathroom. He chuckled at my resilience and pulled on his pants to redress.
"Arthur...I know you've been avoiding it, but we should be on our way"
"Maybe I don't wish to go?"
"Surely we didn't travel all this way to turn around to Camelot? You'll regret it if you don't say goodbye to him."
He contemplated my words, coming behind me in the bathroom to wash his face. I leaned against the wall, watching him as he dried his skin in the mirror. Slowly he nodded and moved to redress so we could head out.
We pulled up to a small cottage near the outskirts of the town of Chesire. It was small but sufficient; nothing was in excess but nothing was lacking.
He helped me off the horse and led me to the small path that lead to the wooden door.
Three knocks sounded at the door before the man named Kay opened it wide.
"Arthur... you came" he whispered, looking over to me and smiling.
"Hello" he greeted me warmly. I nodded politely but stood behind Arthur.
"Please...do come in" he invited. Arthur pulled me in front to lead the way while he followed close behind.
Arthur ducked beneath the frame of the door, his height too tall for the small room. Carefully, he trailed his hand against paintings and books that lined the walls. "They are still in the same place" he scoffed, whispering to me softly.
Kay stood at a distance watching Arthur as he refamiliarized himself with the surroundings.
"He is just past there." Kay interrupted him, signaling him past two closed doors. He looked back at me and I nodded, encouraging him to go along to see the man he called Sir Ector.
Author note
Well that's all folks! Catch me in Vikingr for next weeks updates! See you soon (hopefully)
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