"Don't be too late now boy, you hear?" Sir Ector stamped his foot in the wooden cabin as the handsome young fellow gathered his belongings. Arthur opened his mouth, impatient to return his demand, but assessed it better not to. "Yes father." Arthur nodded, taking the small fish pail to the river in the woods to catch their dinner.
"It is useless to send him father. Arthur is weak, small and spineless." Sir Ector's son, Sir Kay, teased him. He was tall in stature and quite handsome; his face was strong but undefined. "We will starve again since he never catches enough fish for us to be satisfied" he groaned, resting lazily on the living room chair.
"Make sure you catch enough fish this time!" Sir Ector ordered, standing over Arthur and pushing him out the door. Arthur rolled his eyes as Kay lounged in the room, munching on a bag of old seeds and nuts. If it wasn't for the fear they instilled, Arthur would have run away. They treated him as nothing more than a pest ever since Lady Ector died a few years ago. Ever since she died, a great shift in the house was apparent, each man pushing their anger onto him. She was the peace that managed all their conflicting personalities.
Arthur bent to pick up the worn-out fishing pail and started his journey to the river. Arthur loved going to the woods. It gave him the opportunity to escape his unfortunate home life.
Arthur was the town recluse, having no friends or companions thanks in part to the whispers given by Kay. Although he would like to have a friend, he was used to being alone. At just 16 years of age, Arthur knew more than his counterparts. He was sound in mind and keen in heart.
There in the clearing, at the ends of the woods, laid a beautiful river. A soft spring trickled against the grey stone rocks piled meticulously down the river path. Arthur peeled off his shirt showing his slightly toned physique, along with his trousers and waded in the waters. He tiptoed carefully into the water, searching for the quick movements of the fish. He would try to catch at least 3 fish; he better lest he be boxed by Sir Ector.
A few hours passed as the sun tucked itself beneath the silky white clouds. It was getting late and Arthur had only caught 2 fish. Holding the pail close, he snapped his palm into the waters, desperate to catch another fish but to no avail.
"Stupid fish" he cursed, stomping out of the waters and into the muddy grass. He dropped to his feet and sank beneath a tree, resting his head against its tree bark. Just as he closed his eyes to rest, a sly fox came to sniff around and pulled a fish from his bucket.
"Hey! HEY!!" the young lad yelled, chasing after it. He tried to grab his tail but the fox was too quick!
Now only one fish remained in the pathetic pail. A few more baby foxes came and circled around him, whimpering from their hunger. Arthur looked at them pathetically, contemplating whether he should sacrifice his peace of mind for their hunger.
"Here," he smiled, throwing the last fish into their mouths. The foxes howled, overcome by joy at their fresh new food and retreated into the woods.
Now what was he to do to?
As Arthur pulled on his clothes and shoes, a bright light appeared in the distance and a man as tall and ethereal as the mighty oak tree appeared. Any other man would have been frightened but the young boy was not. He only gathered his things and approached the bright glare and staring at the magnificent being before him.
"Do not be scared young Arthur" the man said.
"How do you know my name? he asked.
"Nevermind that" the man smiled taking in the young boy's stature; he hadn't seen him since he was a babe. Even looking at him, he knew he was fit to be king.
But he was not ready, not yet.
"How foolish was it for you to try and catch the fox, then willingly give it the last show of your labor"
"They looked hungry. I will still get boxed for bringing two fish. SO what use is it?" the young boy sighed. The wizard smiled and took in his features, admiring his thought process.
"You have wisdom I cannot even teach my oldest students. Arthur, you were meant for more than this. You are greater than even I"
"Who are you?" he asked curiously.
"I am Merlin the Great. A wizard who was once close to the late king Uther. May his soul rest in peace" he whispered, saying a quick prayer beneath his breath. "I am here to train you, Arthur"
"Train me? Are you of sound mind."
"Very sound" he chuckled.
"But I am a nobody, a reject." Arthur sighed, picking the pail to return to the cottage, "What use would you possibly find with me?"
"Litte do you know, how these words will come back to bite you." the great wizard laughed. He pointed a finger to Arthur's pail and in it appeared 20 fish throbbing fish, more than a week worth, maybe even two weeks worth for their cottage of men.
"How did you do that! I mean- You!" the boy stuttered, amazed by the wizard's feat.
"Now, return to Lord Ector before he adds onto your punishment. Meet me in the forest at the end of the week. I will train you then" he commanded, patting him on the shoulder.
Arthur, still mute from the wizard's actions, nodded and returned to his cottage in the village.
Author Note:
Things are going slow now but they will certainly pick up soon! Gotta introduce the main characters! I think well meet our heroine in the next chapter!
Let's get to 50 reads for the next update
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