When I wake up, the strange sounds of the unknown chatter through my ears. Only darkness filled my vision as I forced my eyes to open. The hot air of the realm...filling my lungs.
Where was I?
The last thing I remembered was resting peacefully in my quarters in the upper heavens, dreaming of the days my time on earth would commence.
Could this be it? Earth?
My fingers stretch out, seeking to find a path to freedom in the darkness, but it was hopeless. It was only when my eyes cemented onto a small tunnel of light in the distance that my heart jumped with anticipation.
It was that light in which I followed to the outside world.
Carefully, I wander to the end of the small tunnel and peer out, inspecting the environment to see where I was; but the scenery was still unfamiliar.
It was a land so foreign to me.
I was in some sort of meadows? Or forrest?
I couldn't really tell.
Tall mountains and hills danced across the plains while soft grass encircled around me. A clear frothy spring dipped into the distance of the forest, painting the partitions of the land. The views did nothing to rile my spirit for the beauty in the upper heavens was far superior.
This couldn't be the famous planet that all the deities bragged about...could it?
I stumbled to my feet, struggling to escape the openness of the cave. I couldn't breathe in the hard air of the atmosphere and crawled against the ground, pulling myself to find something to lean against so I could stand.
Soon, my eyes travel to the waters in the distance, thirsty to relieve the dryness of my throat. I stumbled to the edge of the stream, cupping my hands to consume the crisp waters.
Once I regained a bit of strength, I stood to face the grim silence of the afternoon.
So this was earth?
The realm I once dreamed to dance across?
What god would be so foolish to willingly trade their life of luxury for a place like this?
I pull the reigns of my horse, leading him to a peaceful bend in the forest. It was here I would rest for the night and regain my strength before I ventured on the journey again.
I tie my house to a nearby tree and carefully peel away the shirt from my chest, moving to wade in the depth of a nearby forest spring. The afternoon sun would soon touch the horizon.
I couldn't help but grit my teeth once I waded into its shallow waters. The cold richness of the spring tingled against my open wounds.
The peace of the forest had me thinking of my future and life in Camelot. Being a king was nothing more than a death sentence. Long days and nights in the kingdom, wondering each night, deciding on who to trust or not. It was exhausting.
Maybe someone else was supposed to be the chosen king of Britain?
I dragged myself out the waters to dry off then attempted to dress my wounds the best as I could.
I tried to be optimistic, but I was loosing blood fast despite trying to apply pressure to the wounds.
My ears perk up to a sound near the bushes beyond me.
I was not alone.
Carefully, I stood and tiptoed to scan the environment...someone was here; that I knew, but I was unsure if it was a friend or a foe.
Just as I bent to pick up Excalibur, I see a woman as magnificent as light emerging from the stillness. Dark sienna never looked so magnificent on a woman. Pale ivory hair adorned her crown as she emerged from the depths of the spring, pulling herself above the level to the edge.
The way her body reflected the droplets of water was hypnotic; each droplet dripping down her smooth skin with purpose.
She had such an unnaturally invasive beauty,
...almost godlike.
She tossed her wet mane from her chest and looked up into the sky. Her emotions were not easily hidden on her innocent face and the pain was evident in the crease of her lovely brow and the down-curve of her full lips.
She continued to watch the sky, taking in her surroundings but quickly buried her head into her body, sobbing against her knees with fear.
What an elegant cry.
How I wished to be the shoulder she cried on; to be the person that pacified her into peace.
A galaxy of small lights and specks twinkled against her flesh whilst she cried near the trees.
I dared myself to remain still, but my temperance would not allow me for I had to meet her. I needed to find out who the divine being was.
I tried to tiptoe to where she cried but my feet betrayed me in the process. Her face quickly shot up and turned to follow the noise in the bushes, where I was hidden.
"Who's there?" she whispered, her voice was as sooting as a gentle breeze. She slowly crouched to her knees, shooting up as she herd the same rustle again.
I couldn't help but watch her as she stared into the shrubbery; her very presence arrested me into submission. She pouted as she saw the outline of my sword and stood to start her trip to escape, stepping backwards into the shadows.
"Wait!" I yelled, desperate to never see another thing besides her. She met my eyes but quickly ran away, going through each tree and bush, trying to separate from me.
"Wait! I meant no harm" I pleaded but still, she continued to run. Despite her head start, I was a few steps faster, even with my bruises.
She went through a roaring waterfall that streamed deeper into the woods and slipped into its cave, hidden in the crevices behind the rocks.
I stood at the head of the mouth, hesitant to follow her inside for I knew if I followed her, I would have to make a choice:
To follow my heart, or be with Guinevere forever....
It didn't take long for me to make a decision, so I banished every memory I had known of Guinevere and continued forward; into the cave where the enchantress had retreated.
I observed the pale man as he walked into the cave. Was I stupid for leading him in here?
"Hello!" he yelled, his voice booming into the air, "hello?"
Should I make my presence known?
"I know you came in here." he smirked.
Boy...was he adamant.
I tiptoed to get a closer view but still remained in the shadows. His features were strange....they differed from the dieties in the heavens.
Was it a human?
Yes... I think he is a human!The first one I had seen since my lading in this realm.
He was as tall and toned as Shango and had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. But he looked so alluring? His features were prominent and symmetrical. He had silky black hair and striking blue eyes, the same color of the dye we used to give offerings. From them comes honesty, gentleness and a dark intensity.
Pick your poison I guess.
"I meant no harm... I just have never have seen someone as ....as..."
I cautiously unveiled myself, stepping into the light of the cave. He only looked at my face, his eyes trailing down to my figure, raking it in with enjoyment. He watched the blackeyes of my nipples rise and fall... I was still naked from my swim.
"As what?" I asked him boldly, moving to meet his gaze.
She finally stepped into view, running a palm against her wet hair. Her skin was darker than any flesh I had seen in Britain. It held a hue so rich, it reminded me of the warm embers of a summer fire.
She was completely naked from her swim, her long legs and slender body captivated me; the white color of hair was intense, flying wildly across her head.
She formed her lips pouted into a sneaky smile, bitting the bottom carefully; it was as if she was tempting me to approach her.
"As...beautiful as you." I finally confessed. She turned to leave the cave again but I instantly stopped her, grabbing her arm to stop her. Just as I pulled her chin to face mine, my vision blurs and I started to stumble, weakened by the open wound in my chest.
I stumbled backwards into the rocky cave walls, looking down to inspect my hand and chest, I was losing blood fast.
She bent beside me, resting a gentle palm against my skin. "You're hurt" she whispered, lifting the cloth that dressed each wound.
"Yes... I got into a..fight to the death" I smirked, looking to hold her gaze.
I tried to force my eyes to remain open but I was weakening as each moment passed.
Then, a calming darkness came over me and her face was the last thing I knew.
3 days later.
My eyes opened wide as I felt a damp cloth across my skin. She was bent over me, rubbing a towel against my forehead delicately. I hesitated to speak, only staring at her with intrigue.
She was even more beautiful in the daylight.
Her beauty was so rare, it was like nothing I've ever seen before. Her dark umber skin and gentle ivory orbs. The way her hips moved as she walked to the stream to collect more water.
She was the charmer and I the snake, being hypnotized by her melodies.
Only a subtle smile formed against her lips as she turned around to meet my gaze. She crossed her arms showing off the white markings tattooed along her back. They looked like the constellations that Merlin had shown me in the sky.
"I... who are.. you?" I struggled to speak, cursing beneath a tired breath as I felt the pain shoot through my side.
She stood from the edge of the spring and sauntered to where I laid, oozing sensuality as she approached.
She rested her finger against my lips and frowned, coaxing me into silence. I did not protest, for I didn't even have the strength to speak.
My shirt had been torn to be tied around my arm and wrist. She took a small chunk to wipe my forehead once more, frowning as she watched my eyes. I winced in pain and dared to look down at the wound near my chest.
"It wouldn't hurt if you stopped moving" she smirked, still focusing on treating my wound. I tried to take heed to her advice but the pain was overwhelming. Elaine's father had really done a number.
I dare to look at her and carefully inspect her features. She had gold marking against her skin with ordinate gold and jewelry. Some may have deemed it excessive but it worked for her.
"You do not look like us humans" I confess but she ignores me, forming the water into a ball and hovering it against my palm where blood dripped.
I was not shocked or amazed as she worked. I was used to this magic although this one was different, it did not take me by surprise.
Merlin had shown me better; but still, there was something so unnatural about her... so spellbinding.
I yearned to know more of the umber skinned beauty who has encaptured my heart.
"Thank you" he muttered wincing in pain as I treated his wounds. I nodded and looked into the waters once more, continuing to clean his wounds.
One I was done, I stared at him curiously then stood to refill the small pail I had filled with water. Just as I bent to pick up the pail, he grabbed my arm to prohibit my departure, pulling me into his chest.
His touch was electric.
"This must be a dream?" he cursed, "it has to be" he laughed, pulling my wrists into his palm, and gently running his lips against its surface.
"Do you dream a lot?" I asked curiously, wondering why he would admit that to me. He chuckled at my words and stared into my orbs. His face was even more handsome up close.
"So she speaks?" he says through a subtle voice.
"I do." I confessed, careful to limit my speech. "Why would you think you are dreaming?"
"Because a woman...a being like you is what eager men like me only encounter in their dreams." he confessed.
I think that was his form of flattery?
"Tell me your name," he spoke, pulling me deeper into his chest. I ran my fingers against it, tracing each detail with curiousness.
He was the first human I encountered on the earth so it was expected...but why was he making me feel this way?
He continued to allow me to touch him, gently caressing the skin against lower back. It was strange, but I was curious to know what he felt like.
My fingers moved down his chest and onto his stomach. Instinctively, I bent to press my ear to his chest, curious to see if his heart held a beat.
"Is it beating?" he muttered lazily pulling my hair away, gently brushing it to the side to see my face. I only nodded softly, trailing my fingers down his stomach, peeling away his pants to reveal his manhood but he stopped me before I could see a thing.
"You're not from, here.... are you?" he accused, sitting up against the tree.
"No" was all I could say, standing to find the waters. "Is it that apparent?" I pouted, moving off his chest.
"Well girls usually tell me their name before they try to f*k me " he shrugged.
Instinctively, I blushed and dipped to guzzle in the spring waters. "That was not at all...what I was... trying to do." I tried to explain to the accompany of his laughs.
"I jest" he smirked, pulling himself to stand up.
Oh...so he was joking?
I felt his brooding eyes on me, wondering why he continued to stare. I knew my beauty usually captivated the gods but even they had not watched me for this long.
Why did he only stare?
Author Note:
Didn't know how to end the chapter 💀💀
Y'all better chill! I told you Oshun would make an appearance!!!
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