Once upon a time, in a land far away lived a noble king of Britain by the name of Uther Pendragon. He was a worthy king, loved and respected by all, and for most of his reign, the country was at peace.
But just like every man, he longed for companionship; for someone to love and embrace. For you see, King Uther was growing older every day and had no kin to continue on his legacy and take over his reign.
One day, while passing through the town of Tintagel, returning back from a lengthy journey from a neighboring town, he saw a woman as gentle as the summer springs and as beautiful as the early morning sun. With skin as pale as snow and cheeks as rosy as a newborn babe, he was smitten; and the king fell in love with the woman named Igraine.
However, there was only one obstacle; one restraint that prevented his conquest.
She was in love with someone, that was not him.
A few months into the 2nd year of his reign, King Uther invited all the nobles in the land to a grand feast at his castle in Britain. Igraine and her husband, a duke, came to the feast with blinding delight.
And all night, Uther chased after Igraine but when her husband saw this, he became enraged and left with his wife to head back home without informing the king.
As the night carried on, Uther noticed Ingraine's absence and asked where she had gone. A servant had told him they had left in the dead of the night without his knowledge.
Now the king was not only a jealous man, but he was an arrogant one as well. No one had ever left a feast held by the king without obtaining permission first. As a result, King Uther went to war with Igraine's husband, marching his army to Tintagel and fighting a battle with the duke's forces.
The battle went on for many days with men fighting and dying in worthless despair. While planning his scheme to end the war, Uther talked to his magician named Merlin about his love for Igraine. Being loyal to the king, Merlin decided to help him and changed the king's appearance so that he looked exactly like Igraine's husband.
In return for Merlin's help, Uther agreed to give Merlin any children born as a result of his meeting with Igraine. The King then snuck into the castle and went to her room in the town. Igraine, thinking that her husband had returned, opened the door and welcomed Uther. Overjoyed at his return, they made love and spent the night together, taking well into the morning of all things brand-new.
As daylight broke, news came from the battlefield that Igraine's true husband had been killed in battle. Shortly after, the king revealed his true identity and married Igraine. She soon gave birth to a baby boy they named Arthur.
King Uther was a man of his word and kept the promise he made, giving the babe to Merlin and they never saw him again. Merlin gave Arthur to a man named Sir Ector to raise but Merlin never told Ector (or Arthur) that the baby was Uther's son. King Uther died shortly after giving up his son, and since he did not have an heir (that anyone knew about), fighting broke out in the country as everyone tried to become the new king.
And it is here where our story begins.
Author Note:
Ya'll bear with me in relation to this story! It is a fairytale but with diety/godlike influences. It is gonna be all over the place but it will make sense in due time! Just know, it will be an uncouthwriter original!
summary credit:
"King Arthur - The Middle Ages - Facts for Kids." History for Kids, www.historyforkids.net/king-arthur.html.
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