"Colin wouldn't actually-"
(this doesn't follow canon at all as of the moment, I just thought of this scene when I was watching Colin's most recent video so spoilers if you haven't seen it (I'm still crying))
Justin and Bri tiredly climbed over the tower barrier, panting and out of breath. She hopped down onto the street and stared back at it, forehead creased and wide eyed. "What do we do?"
He quickly looked back and forth between her and the open street behind them. His own heartbeat was deafening in his ears and he willed himself to stay calm. "It's okay, it's okay. I know Colin, he- he wouldn't actually-"
The boy in question popped over the top of the barrier, growling and knife in hand. His face was sickly pale, hair starting to lose some of its orange color and his dreadlocks fell lifelessly in his face. He effortlessly jumped over the barrier, landing on the other side and staring dead-eyed at his friends.
The two yelped and slowly walked backwards, too scared and shocked to risk running again. They stumbled as Justin tried to shove Bri behind him while she tried to pull him along and shield him at the same time. Each attempting to protect the other, Colin stalked towards them staring at their heads and breathing heavily.
He faltered in his steps for a moment, giving Austin just enough time to run out from the cafe right at him. He grabbed Colin's arms and locked them behind his back. Colin thrashed in the hold but he held tight and ignored the strain in his arms. "Nu uh, you gotta stay put for a few more seconds. Just stay with me, alright?"
He wrestled him to the ground until he was kneeling and pulling Colin back. He whipped his head back, nearly smacking their heads together. Colin's eyes caught his and he could see a flash of recognition pass by.
"We're friends, Colin." Austin said sternly, jolting his grip with every emphasis. "We're a family and we're going to help you. Remember that and stay still."
Colin only growled in response. Austin glanced up for a split second, seeing Justin and Bri both take hesitant steps towards them. He quickly shook his head, glaring them down until they stopped, albeit reluctantly. "Sekah! Where are you?!"
Too far behind, Sekah finally emerged out of the flying doors with a sopping brain bit in his outstretched hand. "Oh this is so gross," he muttered under his haggering breath as he ran, dripping blood as he did and wishing he had found a less fresh storing.
Colin growled again at the sight and lunged to get to it, twisting his hands everywhere. The knife sliced at Austin's arm and he hissed from the thinly sharp pain. "Get the knife first or he'll cut both of us," he warned.
Sekah skidded to a stop and ungracefully fell beside them. "Right. Sorry for this, buddy." He took Colin's hand with his robot arm and bent the fingers still wrapped around the knife hilt back. Each finger seemed to fight back with its own forced strength. The knife dropped onto the asphalt with a clatter and he shoved the brain sample in Colin's face. "Here, here! Eat this!"
Justin gripped Bri's shoulder, her holding his arm just as tightly, as all they could was watch, horrified and confused. Colin ate the brain bit in one gulp, shuddering once it was gone. His eyes dilated and they could hear his feverish breath disappear.
His face slacked, all anger dissipating, and he went limp in his friend's arms. Austin slightly let up his hold and nudged the back of his head with his own. "You good? You calm?"
"Y-yeah. Yeah I think so," Colin whispered. His voice was even, a bit scared, but he sounded normal. Austin nodded and let him go, awkwardly clapping him on the back. Colin didn't move, staying sitting between him and a still freaked out Sekah.
Justin covered his face and sucked in a breath. "Oh my gosh, okay. Are- are you okay now, Colin? Like-" He cut himself off and Bri gently laid a hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head and swallowed, pressing his lips tightly together but not looking away from his bestie collapsed on the street.
Colin weakly nodded, refusing to look at any of them and Justin let out a breath of relief. "I...I'm so sorry..." He clawed at the ground and balled his hands into feeble nonthreatening fists.
Bri smiled, meeting Austin's gaze and asked without speaking. He nodded and she walked forward and dropped to her knees in front of them, Justin following suit, and the five Misfits sat in their misshapen circle in silence.
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