Together again
(David's pov)
He was pacing back and forth in the old guild hall. In the empty room with him was the rest of the guild, apart from Ritchie. He was drunk at the bar like always.
"We need to do something about this. He's killing himself and I can't just sit around watching anymore." he stated after several minutes of silence.
"Agreed, but what are we supposed to do? It's not like he wants our help."
Lucas had a point, which eveyone in the room knew was true.
"Well that doesn't matter. He helped us when we needed it most by making all of us a part of this family."
Everyone was shocked at this sudden meaningful speech from the usually rather simple Tapio. For a moment, David stood still, deep in thought. He had known Ritchie the longest out of everyone in this room. There had to be something he could do to help their guild leader.
The only thing that came to mind was bringing back Brandon, but that wasn't going to work for obvious reasons. Thinking back to all the times he had seen Ritchie happy, David realised how little he actually knew about his guild leader. He felt bad about this and realised it was costing him greatly now. Suddenly, there was a large gust of wind from outside, shaking the building and confusing all the guild members, including himself. He was the first one to dash towards the door, throwing it open, before being knocked backwards into Mario. Both of them were sent crashing into the ground, letting out several groans of pain.
"Are you two alright?!" Kit yelled over the strong winds. It seemed as if they were screaming, as they charged threw the streets on the island, sending trees tumbling over.
"We're okay!" Mario screamed in response, as the weather outside grew even more aggressive than before. With a loud bang, the door was torn off its hinges and sent flying straight towards Tapio. He didn't know how to react fast enough, however Inmo leapt infront him, destroying it with an explosion. The small feline gave him a smile of gratitude.
Now that the door was gone, the entire room was flooded with winds, shoving the helpless guild members into eachother or the walls. Gritting his teeth, David charged once more towards the exit, this time successfully making it onto the street. He was lifted up into the air, unable to grip onto anything to prevent this. The clouds above were dark grey, yet something was odd about them. There was a large cluster above the island, but for miles around the sky was the same calm blue it had been all day. It was almost as if they were specifically trying to attack Divinus Magia. At first, this confused him, then he realised that something must have happened to Ritchie. He was the only person on the island who could control a storm as powerful as this one. Grabbing onto the chimney of a house, he jumped from roof to roof, heading towards the guild hall.
It was almost like travelling on the moon, with every jump sending him metres into the air. Eventually he made it to his destination, where the winds were at their strongest. David found himself struggling to jump down from the roof and was quickly thrown off the other end of the building, landing on the street below.
(Brandon's pov)
He'd had enough of being trapped in his own body, unable to stop his demon from harming people or doing who knows what. He could no longer handle being kept in constant isolation, away from all his loved ones. Brandon missed his brother to the point it physically hurt him. For hours on end, he would lie there, crying out into the darkness. This would lead to him imagining his brother sat infront of him, reminding him of that awful vision his demon showed him. His brother looking so distraught shattered his heart. Ritchie had looked like he hadn't even been eating, as well as missing alot of sleep. The image of him was prominent in Brandon's mind, causing him to shake with anger. Out of nowhere, the entire void cracked, falling apart around him and swallowing him in an orb of white magical energy.
He traveled across the land, carrying a storm with him, whilst constantly fighting against his demon for control. Finally, he spotted the place he called home amongst the horizon. Unfortunately, at that exact moment, his demon took over, sending him diving down into the ocean. For the next hour, he struggled from the internal fight, flying up into the air, before falling back into the ocean, over and over again. At last, he reached the shores of Divinus Magia, with the storm clouds gathering above the island, as he trudged onwards.
(Ritchie's pov)
Just like any other day, he was sat at his usual spot at the bar, sipping out of a beer glass. His eyelids felt heavy, but he had just awoken from nightmare, so he was afraid to sleep for a while now. Instead, he gulped down the rest of his drink in one go. As he was about to pour himself another, the door to the guild hall was thrown open, allowing the violent winds to attack the inside of the building. Stools were flung across the room, smashing windows and glasses. Ritchie was angry, so he spun around wanting to know who was causing al of this chaos. He was about to yell, when he realised who the person that had barged in was. It was Brandon.
He started shaking uncontrollably, as tears welled up in his eyes, pouring down his face. Attempting to get closer to him, he just fell off his stool and straight on his face. Using his arms, he pushed himself up off the ground, stumbling awkwardly towards Brandon. His brother started flashing between his regular self and his demon form. Reaching out his hand, Ritchie was trying to get to him as soon as possible, before he disappeared again. He fought against the winds, for he was too drunk to teleport anywhere. Eventually, he made it to his brother, stopping right infront of him.
Both of them were crying, whether it be from their pain or from the pure shock of seeing eachother once more. Ritchie offered his hand to Brandon and he glady accepted it, immediately calming the storm, lowering everything down to the ground.
"B-b-Brandon?" was all he managed to say.
His entire body was shaking and he could handle it anymore, so he collapsed onto the ground.
He felt a hand under his chin, lifting his head upwards to meet the eyes of his twin.
"A-are you r-r-real?" Ritchie stuttered out inbetween sobs. His bother gave him a nod, as a smile slowly grew on his face. He launched himself fowards, wrapping his arms around Brandon, tighter than he ever had before.
(David's pov)
He woke up to Inmo offering him hand to help him off the floor, which he gladly took. All the guild members where gathering around him, making sure he was okay. Apparently they had watched him get thrown off the roof of a house, slamming into the concrete headfirst. He then realised something; the storm had stopped.
"Come on, let's go check on Ritchie."
Everyone nodded in agreement and they headed towards the guild hall.
Once they arrived, they saw that the door here had also been torn off its hinges. All of them shared an anxious look, before bolting inside the building, only to stop dead in their tracks. On floor infront of them they saw the Diablos Twins, holding onto eachother as they sobbed. Smiles appeared on all of their faces, none of them as large as David's. He was so happy to have his guild leaders back. It was doubtful that everything would be exactly the same as before, but things would certainly be better than these past several months. He started crying, only to wipe his tears away, for Mario was smirking at him as he cried. However, he realised the dragon slayer was also crying, so he simply pulled him into a side hug.
"Let it all out rocks for brains." David chuckled, receiving a small rock thrown at his face.
(Author's note)
Hope you all enjoyed! I tried to make the ending happy so yeah, hopefully this is what you wanted GoddessOfWind8Water ^w^
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