Don't listen to her (OoO 2)
(Bryan's pov)
I was kind of nervous about being back in camp after so long. Standing at the entrance, I took a deep breath, before opening it. Directly infront of me, with her back turned, stood Kay. Oh is this gonna go? Slowly, I walked over to her, waiting for her to acknowledge my presence, which took roughly a minute. Her eyes widened as she turned to face me.
I noticed that she was now in a defensive stance, with her hand resting above the sword that was currently hanging from her side.
"I'm not going to hurt you or anyone else."
"You can't blame me for beung cautious." she muttered, not moving at all.
"I guess so."
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be off plotting our deaths somewhere?"
That caught me completely off guard. I knew she would probably have some doubts about me, but I never imagined it would be this bad. She really hates! Snap out of it! She has a reason to be scared. Just give her time to get to know the new you. Snapping out of my confused state, I calmed myself down, thinking of how to respond.
"Can you just go?"
"Wait what?"
She glared at me and repeated her question with a heavy note of malice in her voice.
"Can you just go?"
Lowering my head to face the ground, I nodded weakly, dragging my feet away from her. When I glanced back behind me, I saw that she had completely relaxed in my absence. Maybe she'll never forgive me. Maybe no one will.
(River's pov)
How dare she?! Who does she think she is?! Blinding rage controlling my actions, I stormed out of the bush I had been watching them in. Kay spotted me, her lips briefly curling into a smile, until she recoiled in fear.
"A-are you alright?"
"No! I'm angry at you!"
She seemed utterly confused and couldn't bring herself to talk for a moment.
"Bryan is trying to change and regain everyone's trust!"
"That doesn't excuse what he did. He still hurt people."
"He was being controlled by the seductive rose! You know this!"
"It doesn't matter. He was and could still be a threat to everyone at this camp."
"I can't believe you right now. He feels so terrible and you're not helping! He wants to redeem himself, but people like you aren't letting him!"
Her mouth opened slightly, before she abruptly closed it, glaring at me.
"If you're so worried about him then go deal with it yourself."
"I will." I snarled out, shoving her to the ground.
She let out a cry of shock or pain; I didn't stick around to find out. Dashing off in the direction Bryan had fled to, I spent all afternoon searching for him. Where are you my love? That stupid Kay hurt you and I'll make her pay for that.... Suddenly, I heard the gentle flutter of wings, followed by the sight of a single white feather, calmly floating to the ground from above. Lifting my head, I saw the son of Aphrodite curled in a ball, resting on a tree branch. I felt heat rush to my cheeks. He's so perfect. He's upset though. I growled almost silently, trying to figure out a way up. Eventually, I found myself on the branch next to his. I reached out a hand and placed it delicately upon his wing. He pulled it away from his face, revealing his tear stained cheeks. His gorgeous brown eyes stared into my own, yet they were missing the usual life they had to them. He gave me a half hearted smile, while he slowly sat up, using the tree trunk as a back rest.
"Don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she's talking about."
"She does though. I hurt so many people. For crying out loud, I tried to release the titans!"
His head fell into his hands, with his hair lazily flopping down, hanging infront of his face.
"It wasn't your fault. I'd like to see her in your situation. She wouldn't have done anything different."
"I still did it though. Everything was done with my own two hands."
Upon saying that last sentence, he raised his head once more to stare at his hands.
"Your mind wasn't controlling them. Yes, your body did those things, but it wasn't you deciding to do them."
"I guess so...Either way, no one will ever forgive you."
Leaning forward, I cupped his hands between my own, causing him to look at me with teary eyes.
"I forgive you."
I saw something flicker within those pupils. Was that hope? Happiness? Shock? I just hoped it was something positive.
He then gave me a genuine smile, brightening all of his features. They were already perfect, so seeing them so full of life again made me blush madly. A smirk spreas across his face. Of course he chooses now to regain his confidence.
"You alright there cutie?"
DAMNIT! Pull yourself together!!!
He chuckled, shifting closer towards me. If I wasn't flustered before then i definitely was now. I couldn't even form proper sentences or complete thoughts.
"Is something wrong?" he askes in an 'innocent' voice, knowing fully well what he was doing to me.
Instead of actually replying, I just squeaked. I still don't understand why.
"Awww!" he exclaimed, a light pink blush appearing across his face.
"Ignore that!"
"No, no I don't think I will."
"Stupid angel."
He pretended to be offended, adding an overly dramatic gasp and hand movements for extra effect. I pouted, attempting to turn away from him.
He didn't like that apparently. I felt hands placed on both of my shoulders, spinning me around to face him again. However, we much closer this time. His eyes were intoxicating, trapping me in his gaze; it wasn't like I wanted to leave anyways.
I felt his warm breath on my face when he spoke in a soft and low voice. The next thing I knew was that our lips were connected. We stayed like this for a while, simply rejoicing in the moment, until I felt as though my lungs were about to burst. Reluctantly, we separated, Bryan still clinging onto me by my shoulders.
"Wow..." I breathed out.
"I know.."
"What does this make us?"
"Will you give me the honour of being your boyfriend?" he finished his question with a sly wink and smirk.
"Of course!"
He's finally mine. I'll just deal with Kay later. I guess she's gonna have to be added to my list.
This was requested by Phoenix_Fire11 and I hope this was good enough. I'm sorry if this doesn't match their characters too much, because I barely watch Jakey's or Bryan's videos.
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