Cat potion-part 2(kinda)
(Brandon's pov)
When Michael had said it would take a few hours for the potion to reverse, he had forgotten to mention one small detail. His brother was now a toddler. As he frantically paced around their shared bedroom, Brandon attempted to calm himself. He needed a plan; he would need help from the other guild leaders for sure.
He stopped dead in his tracks, before glancing behind him, only to be met with the sight of a nervous Ritchie. The toddler's eyes were scanning the area, as he held his knees to his chest, slowly rocking himself back and forth.
"Hey, there's no need to be afraid." Brandon spoke in a soft, comforting voice.
"W-where are we?"
"This is our bedroom. Don't worry, you're perfectly safe."
Ritchie gave him a warm smile, eventually lowering his legs and slipping off of his bed.
He wandered around the room, curiously inspecting all the furniture. When he noticed the piles of paperwork upon their desk, he stared at them in awe. Chuckling to himself, Brandon knew exactly what his brother wanted. He searched for a blank piece of paper and a pen, before bending down to hand them to Ritchie. The blue haired toddler grabbed them, immediately starting to draw. Watching him fondly, the older brother couldn't stop a small smile from spreading across his face. Suddenly, he remembered that the other guild leaders needed to be informed of this, so he pulled out a communication crystal.
(Ritchie's pov)
Whilst he was doodling on some paper he'd been given, he saw Brandon holding a glowing rock of some kind in his hand. His brother started to speak to it, confusing Ritchie. Then it spoke back to him, which was even more surprising. Once the room was silent again, he walked over to Brandon and tugged slightly on his poncho.
"Are you alright Ritchie?"
"How did that rock speak?"
This made the older of the two chuckle. He stood deep in thought for a moment.
"That was another person speaking to me. The rock is just so I can hear him."
"There's a human twapped in the rock?!" Ritchie gasped, his eyes widening in shock. Shaking his head and trying not to laugh too much, the brother playfully ruffled his hair. Hearing the other's reaction, the toddler began to tear up, wondering why he was being laughed at.
"W-what's so funny?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."
Noticing the large window at the end of the room, Ritchie headed toward it, as he balanced on his tip toes in an attempt to see the oustide world. Hugging him from behind, Brandon scooped his brother up into his arms.
"Woah this place is pwetty!"
"Yeah it really is."
"Can we go explore?" he asked eagerly, clapping his hands in excitement.
"Hmm...I'm not sure that's the best idea for now."
Tears began to spill from the toddler's ocean blue eyes, whilst he buried his face in his older brother's chest. He was yearning for an adventure, for one of the things that he hated the most was being confined to such a small space. Despite that, being in Brandon's comfortable embrace made his eyelids slowly become heavier. The other seemed to noticed this, giving him a smirk, before placing him back down on the bed. A small whimper came from Ritchie, his hands reaching out seemingly on their own.
"I've got to do some work. We can cuddle later, okay?"
He sheepishly nodded in response, allowing his brother to tuck him into bed and then he watched him leave, gently closing the door behind him. Once he was sure that Brandon was far enough away, he jumped down onto the ground. He slowly crept out of the bedroom, eventually finding himself in a rather empty hall. There was a long desk at one end, with two chairs behind it. In the corner, there was a pile of similar chairs, though most of these seemed to be in a much poorer condition. Suddenly, a door was thrown open, revealing a tall muscular man, who had short, dark brown hair. He was holding some sort of horn in his hand. It took him a few moments to notice Ritchie and he gasped slightly when he did.
"Ritchie?! Is that you?!" his deep voice boomed around the room, causing the toddler to cover his ears, wincing from the loud noise.
The scary man approached him, sending him into a panic. He became a blue blur, as he dodged past the adult's legs and through the door. Charging down the streets, Ritchie barely had any time to take in his surroundings. That was until he slammed into something solid, throwing him backwards onto the concrete.
"What the fu-"
Ritchie's whole world was spinning.
"Wait is that you?"
A strange figure tried to place their hand on his shoulder.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" he screamed, stumbling backwards and dashing towards a nearby garden. Tripping over his own feet, he once again collapsed on the floor. The taste of dirt filled his entire mouth. Pushing himself up onto his knees, Ritchie realised that there was a fountain a few metres away from him. Once he stumbled onto his feet, he washed off all the dirt he was covered in.
"Boss? Is that you?"
He screamed, preparing himself to run again. However, he felt a tight grip on his wrist. This sent him into a frenzied panic. The whole world became a mess, as he wildly thrashed around in an attempt to escape. His lungs began to ache, unable to keep up with how desperately he was gasping for air.
"Hey....I'm not gonna hurt you."
Although his tears were effecting his vision, he was able to make out the outline of a man. The grip on his arm loosened and Ritchie began to calm down slightly. He felt a thumb wiping his eyes. Now that he could see more clearly, there was black haired male, who was wearing an unbuttoned white shirt, with black trousers. This man was crouched down next to him.
"Are you hurt?"
"That's good." he gave him a soft smile, before turning around to yell at somone.
"Oi, pebble brain! The kid you ran over was our guild leader!"
Another man came walking along the gravelled pathway.
This one also had black hair, but he wore a golden bandana. He was much more covered up than the person crouched next to him, for he had barely any skin showing.
"I didn't run over him! He ran into me!!!"
Ritchie flinched at the sheer level of anger in that voice. The male closest to him noticed this.
"You're scaring him!"
"I'M scaring him?! You just made him think he was getting kidnapped!!!"
The two men continued to argue, both of them now standing. Soon, it turned into an actual fight, with ice and boulders flying everywhere. Curling up into a ball, Ritchie started to whimper.
" me...."
The fight escalated, causing the toddler to start sobbing. His entire body was shaking in fear, as the ground beneath him also shook.
"Bwother!" he cried out much louder than before.
Suddenly, silence enveloped the entire area. Two very familiar arms wrapped themselves around Ritchie, lifting him off the dirt.
"I'm right here. Everything will be okay." he continued to repeat similar comforting phrases. He snuggled closer to Brandon, finally feeling safe and content.
"I will deal with you two later. Prepare yourselves for a VERY severe punishment." his brother snarled at the two men that were now laying on the ground. They both groaned in pain as a response.
A few minutes later, the two brothers were back in their shared bedroom.
"You shouldn't have run away like that."
"I'm sowwy!" Ritchie yelled, sobbing once more, for he hadn't fully recovered from the previous event. This caused Brandon's expression to soften, as he pulled the younger into a hug.
"I'm not mad at you, don't worry."
The toddler let out a weak yawn, fighting against the urge to sleep. His brother seemed to notice this, so he placed him down on the bed.
"S-stay please." he muttered in his exhausted state. Shuffling could be heard next to him, before he was pulled into a hug. Brandon covered them with a blanket while they cuddled.
"I love you bwother."
"I love you too."
(Author's note)
I loved writing this! Ritchie being a bean is just the best thing in this universe. Hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed creating it ^w^
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