Davis clampered down the pyramid's steps, dragging his palms down his tired face. Wings fluttered after him and he wondered if he actually was asleep and still having a nightmare. "You were asleep! I thought I was free of you just for one night."
"You can't go that far without me. If you're going out for a walk, I want to be awake for it."
"Since when do you enjoy night walks?"
Nero flew in front of him and stared him dead in the eye. "Since you told me you wanted to be alone for them."
"...I hate you."
They left the Egyptian side and wandered across camp, past the Greek buildings and over the red bridge into the Asian side. Davis ran his hand along the sleek wood while Nero teetered after it, trying to peck their claws into his fingers. Soft clicks and clacks echoed in the gentle wind that only seemed to exist on that side of camp. He'd always saw the cherry blossoms blowing in the air but he definitely never felt any kind of breeze by the pyramid.
They rounded the edge, bypassing the clumps of cabin silhouettes in the dark. The moon was hung high above him; it was nearly 2am by his count. The camp was normally quiet with how big it was, but this late it was eerily more silent. As far as he knew, the only other person awake was Cal, who he'd seen sitting by the pool on his way out.
He'd tried to greet the cotton candy demigod, but Cal had apparently been way too invested in staring up at the moon. Almost like he was entranced. Better for Davis to just walk on by and pester him about it another time.
Davis walked through the cherry blossom trees scattered about, picking up the discarded petals that fell onto his shoulders. He could feel talons picking at his hair and sneered up at Nero holding more petals. "Could you not?
"Would you rather I leave them to tangle up in your hair?"
"Maybe I do! I'd prefer my hair full of flowers than have your filthy nails-" Davis stopped in his tracks, staring at a tree just outside Momiji's place.
A dark shadow was slumped against the base, curling up against the probably rough bark. Davis frowned and crept closer, wishing he had any kind of weapon on him. Instead, all he had was an agitating owl with a squeaky toy.
Approaching the tree, the moonlight cut through the leaves and the figure became clearer. He could see a red skirt over their legs gingerly tucked underneath them. Heart rate picking up, he strided over and knelt down next to the sun demigod.
"Mania? Mania?" He gently shook her shoulder. Her face didn't give any response, her head only lobbing over side to side. "Oh gods she's dead."
"She's not dead, genius. She's asleep."
"Well, she might as well be unconscious then!" Davis placed the back of his hand against her forehead. Still warm, not cool like an incapacitated person. He knew those signs better than anyone. "Probably sleepwalked, I've seen other kids in homes the same way. I should take her to the infirmary."
"And do what?" Nero asked with a twinge of condescending in their voice. "It's the middle of the night, no one will be there. Do you even know first aid?"
"'Course I do!"
"I've never seen you use it."
"No first aid would be enough to heal the emotional and mental wounds you've given me." Davis deadpanned. He slipped his arms under Mania's shoulders and legs and lifted her up. "Her brother it is, then. Seemed chill enough, he won't kill me if I show up with his unconscious sister in my arms."
Took longer than he'd like to admit, but he finally found Iroh's place. Davis kicked the door a few times, trying to be quiet to not disturb other campers but honestly not trying that hard. Lights turned on and he heard rummaging inside and breathed out a sigh of relief. The door opened slightly ajar to a tired-looking Iroh rubbing his eyes.
"Yes? What is- Mania?" He blinked and held the door open wider. "Come in, come in." He ushered them inside and moved to help Davis lay his sister on his bed. He looked over her arms and face and briefly bowed his head when he saw no urgent injuries.
"We think she was sleepwalking. She's not hurt otherwise I'd take her to the infirmary."
Nero settled on his head, nestling down into his ruffled hair. "I told him that."
"Shut up you."
Iroh sat on the edge of the bed and stroked the strands of hair off her forehead, smiling. His touch was gentle, so loving and familial, despite not knowing they were siblings for long. Davis could feel something churn in his stomach watching them. "Well, thank you for helping her."
"Ah, it's no trouble. I just found her out by the edge of camp and remembered you said you were her brother- sorry about that awkwardness by the way, you just have a really cute sister- anyway!" He clapped Iroh on the shoulder and glanced down at Mania. She looked peaceful enough, not disturbed by her night at all, but he still made a mental note to ask her about possible nightmares later. "I'll leave you to sleep. I have to get back to the pyramid before this thing can annoy me into a coma."
Iroh nodded silently and led him to the door. After he closed it and the lights inside dimmed, Davis lingered outside. A sibling like Iroh would've been nice growing up. But it was somewhat fine now (not really, he was still going to be bitter about being deprived of his rightful childhood), he had the other Egyptian demigods as his family now. Right?
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