New friends, and old friends!!?
{hope you guys enjoy, there will be a part two U^U}
Bryan's {POV}
I was walking out of the protectors guild hall thinking of some old memories off kay and..... my Ex jakey, Kay left the protectors after the garden attacked by 3 months, we don't know why, all we do know that she left without sayin' a word..... or a Goodbye, but Jakey, Jakey broke my hart, After 5 months off the gardens attack Oliver died, a tragic death and he changed completely, personality and how he looks, { BEFORE ANYONE COMES AT ME I DON"T KNOW IF THEY DID I WROTE THE BEFORE THEY SHOWED THEIR SKINS{and I wrote this on 9/8/2020 so before the season started and as far as I know I did not see their skins so think off it as part of an AU {witch it somewhat is} } SO DON"T COME AT MEH, pls} A few weeks after all that he came to my house and... Broke-up with me, After two days he left the same as Kay did. not a word, and no Goodbye.
I sigh as I start to walk my way home, "BRYAN" I hear someone call out my name, i look to see the sours off it "OVER HERE" I saw that stu was calling out my name as he was sitting with brick, "oh, hey boys, what are you two doing here," i say as i walk up to them, "oh, nothing much just chatting, want to hang out with us" Brick replied as he sent a small i sent one back at him "sure," Sut taped the place beside he and i go sit there.
"SO, what do think," Brick said. bringing me back out of my thoughts, "huh," i replayed, not know what he was talking about, "what do think of the guild after you know what..." Stu said knowing i zoned out " well, the wondering couins are coming back and that's good, Grimshade is falling after Pat and Mitch left they became cold.... and after brean died {i don't know if he's died, Bren just said that he's leaving soOOooo, yeah} they became even colder and that's the last thing i head from them," i puse taking a breather, "Dvines Magea... they're crombling, they where so strong But with Brandon not being their they no longer speak to us, Ritchie has banded anyon to leave or come to the island without him being informed about it, they are falling apart" the place went silent after i finished, no one dared to talk, we where just thinking at how the last battle affected everyone, including the guild leaders, that are still here, Austin and Ritchie, Austin lost bri {i know he ain't died, don't scream at meh} and Micheal left himbut he's keeping a strong face on as the new guild master, on the other hand Ritchie lost part off his soul, he lost his twin brother in this cruel world, i felf my hart breack just thinking on how he is right now, I would be the same if i lost my twin.
we saw Lo'poh flying tourds us and he landed he screamed, "DVINUS MAGEA NEEDS US"
{ima end it their i know it's short but maybe the next one will be longer anyways have a good Day/night, BYE WOLFIES}
word count: 550
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