Chapter 9:Hallo-what
Narrator:Conner and Karai are in the team's base on Halloween but Conner and Karai don't know it Wally seeks up behind them and startles Conner and triggers Karai's fight response
Karai:*takes out sword and turns eyes red*who dares invade-
Wally:I surrender*takes off werewolf mask*please don't hurt me
Karai;*turns eyes back to normal*what in Thor's name*puts sword down*so this is what happens when I let my guard down you put on a what is that a dog mask and attack me from behind
Wally:I wasn't trying to attack you I was only trying to scare you and it's a werewolf
Karai:were-what why would want to scare me I thought we were friends
Conner:yeah what did you do that for Wally
Wally:because Halloween is in three weeks
Both:*look at him confused*
Wally:Halloween haven't you heard of it
Connor:no the G-gnomes did teach me about that
Karai:and if it doesn't have to do with training then Saki did tell me of its existence
Wally:wow so you guys haven't even heard of Halloween
Both:*shake head no*
Wally:well then guess we'll have to teach you
Narrator:Wally contacts the rest of the team and they all meet in the lounge
Artemis/Artemis:this better be good Wally I was in the middle of target practice and you made me miss
Miss Martian/Megan:if you're trying to steal all the cookies again they aren't even in the oven yet
Karai:ooo cookies
Megan:yeah chocolate chip
Connor:yes my favorite kind
Aqualad/Kal:ok as much as we all appreciate Megan's cookies why are we here
Wally:so no I am not after the cookies we are here because a couple of kryptonians don't know what Halloween is
Artemis:wait for real you guys haven't heard of Halloween
Karai:I was raised by a mad man and he didn't know anything about the outside world except for what the gremlins told him
Connor:*mutters*what's a Gremlin
Karai:it’s a movie with these little creatures you can’t feed after midnight
Connor:*looks at her confused*were you trying to talk about the G-gnomes
Karai:yeah I think the little creatures with horns
Connor:yes those are the G-gnomes wait why can’t you feed the Gremlins after midnight
Karai:they cause chaos otherwise
Dick:Karai why didn't you tell me you didn't know what Halloween is
Karai:um because I didn't know what it was so I couldn't ask about it
Dick:fair enough anyway should we take turns explaining Halloween
Megan:could we explain what it is and give some Halloween traditions
Karai:don’t get me started on tradition
Dick:no Karai traditions plural
Karai:*confused*there’s a difference
Kal:yes traditions are fun tradition is not
Karai:oh ok then let’s hear all about Halloween and your traditions
Kal:I will give mine first since my explanation is very by the book
Karai:seems like it should be easy to understand
Connor:sounds like a lecture to me
Kal:I will try to make it simple so the definition is kind of simple it takes place on the night of October 31 the eve of All Saints' Day Halloween is commonly celebrated by children who dress in costume and go door-to-door asking for candy
Karai:so sugar and disguises
Kal:the costumes are meant for fun not to hide one's identity
Karai:oh they are meant for fun
Dick:yep and some people just stay home and watch scary movies or have parties with friends and dress up
Karai:ooo can we do that
Megan:hello Megan why didn't I think of that we totally should
Wally:best way to experience the holiday is to live it
Karai:you just want Megan to make you cookies
Wally:that too
Narrator:they began the party and everyone dressed up
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