Chapter 8:Yin vs Yang: Dark vs Light
Narrator:Jack and Karai are watching the Northern Lights at the North Pole
Karai:wow what are they called again
Jack:most people just call them the
Northern Lights
Karai:I could watch them all day
Jack:pretty aren't they
Karai:breathtaking what purpose do they serve
Jack:we use them as a communication device but otherwise a shield against solar storms
Karai:solar storms like sun storms
Jack:yeah sometimes the sun can’t hold explosions and creates solar storms
Karai:oh cool so I’ve been meaning to ask why do you have a miniature earth in your base
Jack:oh the globe that’s how we see the children we protect here come look
Narrator:Jack flies in front of the globe stops then lands
Jack:now for the most part this looks like a normal globe the only difference is there are lights on it
Karai:based on what you told me before the lights represent the children who you protect
Jack:you learn very quick any questions about what you know so far
Karai:just a few why do you protect the children and please understand I’m not say don’t protect them
Jack:we protect them because they believe in us and it’s what makes who we are without them we are nothing
Karai:what do you mean I’m sure that you can still find something to fight for
Jack:no without them we lose our powers North has a hard time standing Tooth can’t fly and Bunny turns into a normal bunny that talks
Karai:what about you and Sandy
Jack:Sandy I don’t know what would happen to him and me I used to become invisible*cliches his fist* I couldn’t be heard or seen or felt
Karai:hey hey you're ok you're ok look at me please
Jack:*looks up with tears forming in his eyes*I was alone for so long no one noticed me I-
Karai:*wipes tear from his eye*I see you I promise I won’t let that happen to you again
Jack:*smiles*thank you are you this kind to everyone
Karai:most people but yes I extend my hand in friendship before I raise it for war
Jack:anyway any further questions
Karai:*sees the lights on the globe flicker rapidly*just one is it supposed to blink like that
Jack:*looks at the globe*no it’s not it’s only done that once that I’ve seen and that was when-wait
Karai:when was that and what happened
Jack:*yells*I know you're here show yourself
???:oh you didn’t think I would go down that easy even in light*motions to Karai*there is darkness*motions to himself*
Karai:who are you and what do you want
???:*reveals himself*I am the opposite of you
Karai:what do you want*reaches for her sword*
???:*takes Jack's staff*ah ah ah I wouldn't
Karai:what do you plan to do with that
???:you see your fellow Guardian here his powers are his life forces
Karai:what does any of that have to do with the staff
???:I'll show you*begins cracking staff*
Jack:*falls*eerr…stop enough
Karai:what is going on Jack*kneels by him*
Jack:*groans in pain*t-too warm
Karai:sorry*stands and backs away*alright enough
???:*smirks**stops*so you see my point
Karai:yes just please stop what do you want
???:to put out the light goodbye*leaves*
Karai:who was that*looks at Jack*Jack
Jack:*turns over and tries to get up*can't
Karai:here I'll help you*touches his arm*
Jack:*yells out in pain*ahhh stop please
Karai:*takes hand off him*sorry I don't know what else to do
Jack:*gets up then falls**grunts in pain*ow
Karai:um hang on let me try*lifts him with telekinesis*yes it worked
Jack:g-get me to the console please and hurry your powers are connected to your fire
Karai:I'm sorry*sets him next to console*
Jack:you're fine*pulls himself up*I can't
Karai:what do you need help with
Jack:that handle turn it and push it down(had to rewatch this part of the movie for accuracy)
Karai:ok*does as he says*now what
Jack:my fellow Guardians come to the North Pole it's urgent*blinks slowly**falls of console*
Karai:Jack*sets hand on him*you're gonna be ok
Jack:*grunts in pain*t-too hot burning up
Karai:*takes her hand off him*sorry I can't really help
Jack:it's fine I just need to cool down*passes out*
North:*walks in*what you do*takes out sword*
Karai:*puts her hands up*wait North I didn't-
North:away from him now*moves towards her*
Tooth:North no this isn't how we do things
Bunny:she doesn't have any reason to hurt him mate
Karai:please let me explain
North:fine one chance to explain after that no nice guy
Karai:we were sitting here watching the ribbons of light in the sky then I asked him why the globe was here he explained it then the lights began flashing-
Tooth:*sets Jack on his ledge*flashing your sure
Karai:yes then this man who looked like a living shadow he-
North:Pitch here in the flesh
Karai:*becoming irritated*I didn't catch his name he showed up and cracked my brothers staff causing him to hurt
Tooth:*picks up Jack's staff*he did more than crack it it's nearly in half
Karai:*touches it**grunts in pain*I can't*lets go*
Bunny:you alright mate
Karai:I can't be around cold for too long
Jack:*sits up*ahhh my head
Karai:big brother your ok*walks over to him and sets her hand on his shoulder*
Jack:still too warm
Karai:*growls quietly*sorry you know what*fixes staff*there*gets blasted with ice in the left arm*ow
Jack:*stands slowly*sis you ok
Karai:I don't-*starts teleporting uncontrollably*
Jack:Karai what's happening
Narrator:Karai's flight goes out of control flying her into the walls and roof after hitting the roof she begins falling to the floor
Karai:no no no*teleports lands on floor safely and breathes a sigh of relief*
Narrator:Karai teleports 5 feet into the air then falls
Karai:*grunts in pain*why*body starts glitching*
Jack:Karai what happened*goes to touch her*
Karai:*groans in pain*please*arm glows blue*no
Jack:there's ice in your arm hold still I'll-
Narrator:a portal opens sending Karai into the wall
Karai:*groans in pain*stop*tries to get up but falls*ow
Jack:*flies over to her*hold on*takes ice out of her arm*
Narrator:Karai teleports uncontrollably then falls 5 feet to the ground
Karai:*breathes heavily*o-ow that hurt
Jack:you ok*picks her up*
Karai:*burns form all over her skin*gaah please put me down
Jack:I'm sorry*sets her down and backs away*
Karai:*curls into ball to keep heat*not your fault
Jack:oh your cold*gets her a blanket*here*gives it to her*
Bunny:is she gonna burn up if I touch 'er
Jack:no I'm just too cold for her
Narrator:Bunny picks her up and lays her near a fireplace
Karai:*shivering*th-thank you
North:*gives her a warmer blanket*keep warm
Karai:thank you*falls asleep*
North:what we do with her now
Jack:we'll move her when she wakes up
North:I'm sorry I blamed her for your pain
Jack:I forgive you and I have a feeling she will too
North:hope you are right
Narrator:two hours later Karai wakes up
Jack:morning sleeping beauty
Karai:I slept all night great now we-
Jack:flame heart it was a joke you were only out for a few hours and why would it matwhy
Karai:oh good I didn't over sleep*starts to get up*and I suppose old habits die hard
Jack:I see here let me help you*helps her stand*better
Karai:yeah thanks*holds her head*I think I hit my head on the ceiling
Jack:*cools his hand*where at
Karai:the left side on the back
Jack:ok hold still*sets his hand on her head*
Karai:*shivers*mhhm thank you
Jack:of course*takes his hand off*better
Karai:a lot*sits in chair*who was that guy
Jack:stay here please don't move
Narrator:Jack leaves and comes back with the Guardians
Karai:please don't be angry with me
Tooth:are you alright
Karai:I'll be fine
Jack:she just hit her head but I took care of it
North:so Jack why we here
Jack:I hate to say this but Pitch is back
Bunny:so she was talking about Pitch when she said the living shadow sorry we didn't believe ya
Karai:I'm just glad all injuries were reversible
Jack:we need to figure out what's he planning and stop him
Karai:he said he wants to put out the light
Jack:was it one or multiple
Karai:he only said light not lights
Jack:I was afraid of that he was being metaphorical
Karai:what was the metaphor
Jack:you he wants to take you out apparently he thinks he can bring fear back into the world if he does
Karai:but why me specifically
North:because you are guardian of light
Jack:and he's all darkness and nightmares
Karai:I see so how do we stop him
Bunny:*questioningly*we*seriously*mate your not going anywhere
Karai:oh and why not
Bunny:because he wants to take you out
Karai:and this is news to me it's not like he's the first and he won't be the last
Jack:now hold on let's just-
Bunny:no you aren't going anywhere
Karai:this isn't about me it's about the children
Tooth:Bunny she has a point Pitch won’t leave the children alone until he finds her
Jack:while I agree with Bunny I also see Tooth’s point of view
Karai:so plan or no plan
North:we need to make plan
Karai:ok so we know he wants me so I’ll be bait
Jack:we are not just going to use you as bait
Karai:you have a better idea
Jack:well…no but still
Karai:I figured as much so my plan it is
North:after we find him or he find us we force him to tell us what he is planning
Bunny:then what
Karai:we stop him
Tooth:but how we thought we had seen the last of him last time
Jack:hey sis you can create light barriers right
Karai:yes why do you ask
Jack:we’ll seal his lair with a light barrier he can’t get through it
Tooth:yeah your right his shadows won’t be able to stand the light
Karai:let’s do this just remember to stick together we split into teams Tooth your with me
Tooth:ooo girl team
Karai:*chuckles*Jack with Sandy and Bunny with North
North and Bunny:what why
Karai:because it's my plan and neither of you can fly without help
Narrator:they go to Burgess and wait by the entrance to Pitch's lair until he comes out
Pitch:ah we meet again and Jack still standing I must say I am surprised
Karai:you shouldn't underestimate your opponents
Pitch:we never did get a formal introduction
Narrator:Pitch traps Karai in a sand tornado then takes her into the sky on a nightmare sand cloud
Pitch:*stops the tornado*allow me to introduce myself
Karai:you're the man who hurt my brother that's all I need to know
Pitch:you don't want to know my name
Karai:my friends tell me your name is Pitch
Pitch:yes but allow me to give you a more formal introduction my name is Pitch Black aka the Boogeyman bringer of fear,nightmares, and darkness and who are you my dear
Karai:I am Sunrise Guardian of fire and light
Narrator:Karai turns her eyes and hair red and dons a red dress with gold flame embroidery
Sunrise:and I will not let you harm my friends my brother or the children they have sworn to protect
Pitch:I don't think you have a choice*blasts sand at her*
Sunrise:I think I do*blocks it and blast light at him*
Pitch:*get hit in the arm*gah I'll be back*disappears*
Narrator:after Pitch disappears the cloud he and Karai were standing on disappears causing her to fall but she flies so she didn't hit the ground
Jack:are you ok are*checks her for injuries*
Sunrise:*laughs*is big brother worried about little sister
Jack:yes you had me worried sick but you look nice does your Guardian persona have a name
Sunrise:aw you're so sweet but really I'm ok and and thank you my name is Sunrise
Narrator:Pitch comes back out and traps the guardians in a sand tornado and blasts Karai
Pitch:didn't think I'd go down without a fight did you*blasts her*
Sunrise:I'll admit you're tougher than you look*gets up*but your not going to stop me
Narrator:they fight until Pitch closes the tornado slightly causing the sand to cut Jack's arm
Jack:ow we gotta get out of here and help her
Sunrise:Jack*goes to help him*
Pitch:not your brightest idea*blasts her out of the sky*
Narrator:Jack sees Karai fall and tries to go to her but black sand covers the top so there is no way out
Pitch:no way out for you Frost
Narrator:Karai opens a portal at the last second and falls 5 feet out of the air
Jack:Karai no*punches the sand causing it to cut his hand*ah please please be alright
Sunrise:ow grrr*flies back up to Pitch*you think one blast is enough to stop me
Pitch:you're so right*puts sand in the sun turning it black*but I bet this should
Sunrise:what have you done*drops to her hands and knees*why do I feel so drained
Pitch:*takes them to the ground*how do you feel with no light
Narrator:Karai tries to get up but stumbles and falls
Pitch:not too good I would guess*kicks her into his lair*
Narrator:Karai falls down the stairs onto the floor
Sunrise:ow*tries to get up but Pitch kicks her over*
Pitch:something tells me you haven’t been doing this long*picks her up with shadows*
Sunrise:put me down*struggles*you won’t win they’ll find a way out
Pitch:yes they will but you won’t*chains her up and gags her*
Sunrise:*muffled*let me go*struggles*leave them alone
Pitch:*rips a piece of her sleeve off and wipes it on a bleeding wound*I'll be back
Narrator:Pitch leaves his lair once more to confront the rest of the Guardians once he reaches the surface he stops the tornado
Jack:what have done with Sunrise
Pitch:I have succeeded the Guardian of light is gone*uses sand to give Jack the fabric*
Jack:no*clenches fabric in his hand*why should I believe you
Pitch:notice there are two different shades of red
Jack:no no*charges at him and holds his staff under his chin*why should I let you live
Sunrise:*sonic screams*Jack
Jack:Sunrise*dives into Pitch's lair*Sunrise
Sunrise:*yells muffled*Jack*begins coughing*
Jack:Sunrise*flies to her*are you alright
Jack:hang on*forms a key with ice and unlocks her chains*there*unties the bandana in her mouth*
Sunrise:*hugs him*thank you
Jack:*hugs her back*don't scare me like that again are you alright you started coughing when I found you
Sunrise:yes my sonic scream hurts my throat but I knew it was the only way you would hear me
Narrator:they go back up to the surface
Jack:*yells*Pitch you are nothing but a liar and a coward
Sunrise:*falls to her knees*I'm still too tired
Jack:come on we do this together*helps her up*
Sunrise:get me towards the sun I have an idea
Jack:you got it hey Sandy can you get her up there
Sandy:*nods**makes cloud*{come on}
Sunrise:*jumps on*lets go
Narrator:Sandy and Sunrise fly above the clouds to the sun
Sunrise:alright here goes something
Narrator:Sunrise use 80% of her stored up light causing her to pass out but she succeeds and Sandy lays her gently on the cloud and floats them back down
Jack:Sunrise*kneels by her**looks at Sandy*is she going to be ok what happened
Sandy:*nods*{she used most of her energy}
Jack:*looks at him confused*what
Narrator:Sandy make a drained battery out of sand then points to Sunrise
Jack:oh she's used a lot of energy got it
Sunrise:*wakes up*well that didn't feel great
Narrator:Pitch blasts nightmare sand at her but she blocks it
Sunrise:enough of this*creates giant light*
Pitch:ahhh*covers his eyes and backs away*too bright make it stop
Sunrise:you will never see the dark ages again*forces him into his lair and puts light barriers over all exits*you like the dark then stay there*passes out*
North:got you*catches her*what we do with her now
Jack:let's take her to the Warren it gets the most amount of sunlight
Narrator:the Guardians take her to the Warren and place her in the center of the tunnels
Sunrise:*wakes up**groans*that hurt
Jack:welcome back to the land of the living
Sunrise:*jokingly*five more minutes
Jack:ok you asked for it*cools his hand and puts it on her forehead*
Sunrise:ah cold cold get it off get it off
Jack:nice to see you awake*takes his hand off*
Sunrise:why just why
Jack:because it was funny
Sunrise:*gets up and turns back into Karai*the next time you do that I'll burn your sleeve
Jack:*sarcastically*oh no not my sleeve
Karai:alright that's it*tackles him*no one makes fun of me and gets off easy
North:*clears his throat*is this bad time
Karai:no*gets off Jack*we were just messing around but where are we
Bunny:welcome to the Warren
Karai:the what I'm confused
Bunny:this is the Warren it's where Easter is prepared
Karai:ok Warren hills and holes got that but what in Thor's name is Easter
Jack:*lets out a stifled laugh*right I live with a ninja
Karai:what is that supposed to mean
Jack:it means you don't know about any holiday
Karai:*embarrassed*I know what Halloween is
Jack:there's no guardian of Halloween
Karai:that's not my fault
Jack:I'll explain them to you at some point for now just know this is where Bunny lives
North:ok enough about Easter because we all know Christmas is more important
Narrator:Karai continues to look confused as North pulls out a book
North:but we not here for Christmas or Easter we are her to appoint new guardian
Karai:appoint a new guardian wait me
Jack: yes and it doesn't matter if Karai or Sunrise is present we want you so whatever you call yourself just be you
Karai:well this is the truest me you're gonna get
North:then with that let us begin*opens book*will-
Jack:wait may I give her the oath please it means a lot to me
North:yes she is your sister you may read oath
Jack:thank you*gently takes book*are you ready
Karai:as ready as I can be
Jack:then all I have to ask is will you, Miwa Hamato, vow to watch over the children of the world? To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams. For they are all that we have, all that we are, and all that we will ever be.(had to look this up)
Karai:on this day I swear by the sword I do
Jack:then little sister you are now and forevermore a Guardian
Narrator:the celebrate by having a dance at the Warren with the Hamato clan
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