Chapter 6:The Fire Within
Narrator:Karai is in her lab at SFIT working on her science fair project when Hiro walks in
Hiro:hey sis I need some help
Karai:what's up hiro*puts lid on project*
Hiro:can you fix a phone mine short circuited
Karai:let me take a look at it*takes his phone*well your phone didn't short circuit it burnt
Hiro:it couldn't have I didn't have any type of flame near it
Karai:ok well it did because if I do this* absorbs the fire*it works*turns it on*see*hands it to him
Hiro:k I swear there wasn't anything on fire in my lab at all
Karai:what about your welder
Hiro:it was off and put away I didn't even have the gas for it on
Karai:that is strange did you have water near it because that could have made it spark up
Hiro:no my water bottle was on the other side of the desk*hand ignites*
Karai:what in Freya's name*absorbs fire**checks his hand for burns*wait your hand is fine
Hiro:the flames weren't even hot I don't understand why that happened
Narrator:the final bell rings
Karai:well school is over I think we should go ask mom for help*opens portal to Amazon*
Narrator:Karai and Hiro go through the portal and enter the castle they then go to the throne room
Karai:Mother*kneels*I am in need of your guidance
Mary:please stand it is only you I and your brother after all
Karai:mother I have reason to believe that Hiro's powers have either come to be or reactivated
Mary:and do you have evidence
Narrator:Hiro's hand ignites
Mary:oh my but how is this possible he didn't discover them when he was a child why do they manifest now
Karai:I had hope that you knew
Hiro:umm Karai I can't put it out
Karai:oh right sorry*absorbs fire*hmm I think I can teach you how to use it
Mary:please use the training grounds here your father would not be pleased if the Dojo caught fire
Karai:fair enough father would certainly have a fit if we burned up the Dojo
Narrator:Karai and Hiro go to the training arena so Karai can help him
Karai:alright first I teach who to make it only come out at will
Hiro:but when your upset Fwaga takes control what if that happens to me
Karai:she is a long story(for another time)but believe me when I say you don't have to worry about that
Hiro:will I have to worry about my fire coming out when I'm angry
Karai:once you get good at controlling it the flames will only come out when it's a protective anger
Hiro:I see so when I lose at a video game I won't light my controller on fire
Karai:*facepalms*yes your controller will be fine now all joking aside are you ready to begin
Hiro:yes I am ready to learn as long as you'll teach me
Karai:if your ready sit in front of me
Hiro:*sits down*I'm ready
Karai:good now close your eyes Imagine a candle then once you can see it in your mind Imagine it igniting then slowly blow it out do this 16 times
Hiro:why 16 times that's oddly specific
Karai:because it takes 16 time of doing something to get it to stick in your brain
Hiro:ah I see makes sense
Narrator:Hiro does as she say and while he's doing this his hands ignite and go out 16 times
Karai:*stands*good now open your eyes and stand up
Hiro*opens his eyes and stands*ok what now
Karai:the girl over there took the rest of the gummy bears
Hiro:no*ignites fist and hits the training dummy*
Narrator:the dummy's head fell off(it is in shadows)
Hiro:*frightened*oh gods I killed her
Karai:Hiro*ignites hand*it's a dummy
Hiro:*relieved*oh y-yeah I knew that
Karai:uh huh sure you did tough guy that's why it's important to stay calm at first
Hiro:so wait no gummy bears then
Karai:when we're done we can go get snacks
Hiro:is it going to be like this everytime I'm mad
Karai:no just until we are finished
Hiro:how so what do you plan to do
Karai:we're going to play a game I call enemies and allies
Hiro:ok so how do you play
Narrator:Karai sets down a hologram projector and pulls up a digital keyboard on her bracelet
Karai:your task is simple with assess the situation and decide if you need your flames
Hiro:what if I get it wrong
Karai:I'll stop the simulation and help you assess what you did wrong then reset it
Hiro:makes sense I'm ready when you are
Narrator:the simulations will be written like phone calls
Karai:starting simulation one
Narrator:the inside of The Lucky Cat Café appears and a hologram of Cass begins lecturing Hiro
Cass:why were you out so late last night didn't you think to call
Hiro:I was on patrol and got into a fight so I could not call
Cass:I'm very upset you could have called afterward
Hiro:I'm sorry your upset I'll try to be quicker next time and I'll make sure to call
Automated voice:simulation ended
Hiro:did I pass
Karai:yes you did wonderful and one down three to go
Hiro:let's do this ready when you are
Karai:don't get overconfident the last two are the hardest but we'll worry about that later
Automated voice:beginning simulation two
Narrator:Shredder's lair begins to form
A.V:simulation paused
Hiro:I didn't even move
Karai:no your ok I paused it*nervously*I wanted to tell you that the simulations look and feel very...rea
Hiro:it'll be ok I can handle it
Karai:if you say so
A.V:simulation resumed
Karai:Saki release them your feud is with me not them
Hiro:*breaths*Saki release her she has done you no harm
Shredder:I am taking back what Hamato Yoshi took from me
Hiro:but she's not yours to take she doesn't belong to anyone let her go
Shredder:how do you plan to stop me
Narrator:Hiro blast at the chain he's holding forcing him to drop it
Hiro:*frees Karai*I won't stand here and let you hurt her out of blind rage
A.V:simulation ended
Karai:wow I'm impressed even I needed help on that one
Hiro:I think I'm ready for the next one
Karai:I'm going to warn you Cora walked out on this one
Hiro:I can do this I just have to keep my head
Karai:Just remember I can stop it at anytime
A.V:beginning simulation three
Narrator:shredder's dungen appears with a hologram of Karai looking bruised and tired inside a cell
Hiro:*growls**begins to fire up*no*breaths*think your way through the situation
Narrator:Hiro picks the lock on the cell and helps Karai out
A.V:simulation ended
Hiro:please tell me I passed*puts head in hands*I don't wanna do that again
Karai*hugs him*you passed and we can stop if you want
Hiro:*breaths*n-no I'm fine one to go and we're done right
Karai:you have to understand I nearly walked out on the last one
Hiro:I'll have mom come set it up I can't be the one to do that to you
Narrator:Karai leaves and comes back with Mary
Mary:Hiro are you ready
Hiro:y-yes mom I'm ready
A.V:beginning simulation four
Narrator:Obake's lair appears with him holding an unconscious hologram of Gogo's wrist
Hiro:*fires up*let her go now
Obake:help me achieve the little project I was working on and I'll let her go
Hiro:never you'll destroy San Fransokyo I won't allow so many people to be hurt or killed
Obake:oh then you're telling me her life doesn't matter*opens a hole in the floor to reveal water*
Hiro:n-no don't stop it leave her alone
Narrator:on the other side of the glass
Karai:we have to stop this
Mary:Miwa he is stronger than you give him credit for
Karai:if he fails I won't allow him to retry I had forgotten how much it hurts to be in there let alone watch it happen
Mary:he will succeed I just know it he's so strong
Karai:but I don't understand he's so stubborn when you and father aren't hard headed just protective
Mary:he watches you and Tadashi he looks up to the two of you your stubborn and protective
Karai:and Tadashi has a need to help no matter the cost...we both do*leans back into wall*
Mary:so you see my point
Karai:kinda*puts hands on face**muffled*gods I'm gonna get this kid killed...why'd he have to take after me
Mary:simple of all the people in his life he relates to you the most he wants to hide his fears love his family and be himself just like you
Karai:you're right and if he wants to be like me he has to pass so he can protect her or if he feels he has to them
Hiro:*in head*come on come on what Tadashi do what would Karai do
Karai:*over the speaker*what would you do it's your power not mine make a choice...think about it
Hiro:*in head*she right think it threw come Hiro think wait did I just-focus how do I-
Obake:your choice help me or she goes swimming
Hiro:*in head*that's it fire can't go threw fire*outloud*fine you win give me her and the battery
Obake:*tosses him the battery and drags Gogo to him*now activate it*walks to his desk
Hiro:your wish is my command*activates it*but you made an error you doubted me
Narrator:Hiro lights the battery on fire but puts walls of fire around himself Gogo and Obake causing the lab to explode but saving them from being hurt
A.V:simulation ended
Karai:*comes through door*oh my gods you should have passed but Obake was killed-
Hiro:this thing has camera's doesn't it watch it again
Karai:*sees what he did*I made the mistake of not doing that 17 times before I passed how did you-
Hiro:you've said it yourself all life is precious even if it's no deserved
Karai:*hugs him*I'm so sorry and so proud of you no obstacle was enough to stop you
Hiro:*hugs her back*the last one came close but umm*hopefully*did I pass
Karai:with flying colors I'm amazed at how well you did*lets go*
Mary:*hugs him*you have accomplished a great victory today and I am very proud of you
Hiro: *hugs her back*thanks mom and*lets go*and I promise to both of you I'll use them to protect those who are closest to me and will hide them at school
Karai:I have spare power reducers
Narrator:after everything is said and done Karai and Hiro go on patrol in New York to blow off steam
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