Chapter 4:Meeting the sun
This chapter takes place on and around the island of Berk where Karai is watching a sunrise
Hiccup:oh so this is your secret spot
Karai:*looks at him*what do you mean
Hiccup:whenever you're up here the only ones who can seem to find you are Toothless and Astrid
Karai:is that bad
Hiccup:not really it just worried me
Karai:why exactly is that
Hiccup:see that island far off to the right
Karai:oh I see it now didn't notice it before
Hiccup:yeah well that island is called Outcast Island
Hiccup:the vikings who live there still hunt dragons
Karai:that's horrible but why are you worried about me
Stoick:because they've captured him before
Karai:ahh*jumps up a tree*what in valhalla
Stoick:it's just me lass
Karai:oh*comes down*sorry uncle Stoick you startled me
Stoick:it's fine sorry I startled you
Karai:it's alright hi toothless
Toothless:*walks to Karai*rahhha[K I found more shiny rock(crystals)]
Karai:really where
Toothless:rahher[in a cave north of the village]
Karai:cool maybe you can show me later
Hiccup and Stoick:*look at each other then at Karai*
Hiccup:uhh what are you doing Karai
Karai:getting ready to head back
Hiccup:no not that were you having a conversation with Toothless
Karai:yeah why
Stoick:how are you doing it
Karai:just listening to what he has to say and giving a response like normal
Hiccup:ok but how do you hear him
Karai:oh because of my shape-shifting ability I can speak to animals I've turned into
Hiccup:oh that makes a lot of sense actually
Narrator:off in the distance
Hiccup:uhh did anyone else hear that
Karai:that dragon called for help
Hiccup:*gets on Toothless*ok let's go
Karai:wanna race*flys*
Hiccup:oh it's on*fly after her*
Narrator:Karai wins do to super speed
?:raah*growls*reer[get off my tail]
Karai:this way*points*just through here
?:RAAAH raooh[*yells out in pain*my wing]
Karai:ok right here*moves branches*
?:raaaheer[get off me ow]
Karai:*looks at dragon*wow it's beautiful
Narrator:the dragon tries to attack Karai but the traps are nailed to the ground and the dragon can't move
?:raaaherah[ow let me go]
Karai:easy easy you'll hurt yourself
Hiccup:easy there it's ok
?:rooarhh[why should I trust you]
Karai:it's ok I got this*moves closer*
?:*blasts at her**growls*[leave]
Karai:calm down I won't hurt you want those off you it really hurts right
?:reerah[leave human now]
Karai:I'm not a human
?:roorer[can you hear me]
Karai:yes and you sound hurt
?:reer[it does really hurt]
Karai:then let me help you
Narrator:the dragon sits still while Karai gets the traps off
?:roar roar roar[thank you what is your name]
Karai:my name's Karai what's yours
?:reerh[I don't have one]
Karai:can I give you one
Karai:what type of dragon are you
?:reermh[I'm a sunfury]
Karai:ok so what about sun...burst yeah Sunburst
Sunburst:raah[I like it]*tries to fly*
Karai:no wait your-
Sunburst:*falls in ocean*raaah[help]
Karai:Sunburst*dives in after Sunburst*
Narrator:Karai struggles to pull Sunburst out of the water but finally does it
Karai:*falls on shore**coughs up water*
Hiccup:K you alright
Karai:*shivering*y-yeah I th-think s-so
Sunburst:wraps her with good wing
Karai:t-thanks so are you a boy or girl
Karai:ok thanks girl*cuddles close to her*brrh the water is cold
Hiccup:um so you befriend this dragon
Karai:well we're allies I suppose
Hiccup:she's really pretty I've never seen a fury this color
Karai:she's a Sunfury
Hiccup:very rare their fury doesn't have a page in the book of dragons but are mentioned
Toothless:*walks to them*reeher[Karai are you ok]
Karai:*gets up*yeah I'm good now Sunburst let me take a look at your wing and tail
Sunburst:reear[will it hurt]
Karai:no not really*uses x-ray vision*hmm your wing isn't broken just sprained
Narrator:for the rest of the story I'm only going to put what the dragon says in english instead of dragon it's just what they're saying translated to english
Sunburst:[so I can't fly]*looks at sky*[thank you for your help but I must go]
Karai:Sunburst if you come back to Berk with us we can help you get better
Toothless:[she speaks the truth if you come with us we can help]
Hiccup:while yes if we take her with us we can help but how do we take her with us
Karai:hmmm*sees branch*simple like this*turns branch into a boat*ta da
Hiccup:you never fail to amaze me Karai
Karai:*helps sunburst onto boat*thanks come on
Narrator:they arrive at berk and Gothe helps Sunburst
Karai:you're welcome to stay on Berk as long as you want
Sunburst:thank you I do really like it here*stomach growls*
Karai:you sound hungry*turns flame into a fish*here*throws it to her*
Narrator:Sunburst blasts the fish then eats it
Karai:do you not eat your meat raw
Sunburst:[is it bad if I don't]
Karai:no I've just never seen a dragon cook its meat
Sunburst:I've never seen a human eat its meat raw
Karai:fair although sushi is raw fish but anyway come with me I want to show you something
Sunburst:[ok lead and I will follow]
Narrator:Karai leads Sunburst up to the cliff she had been on earlier that day
Sunburst:[wow we're up high enough to be flying]
Karai:right I thought you'd like it up here*sees ship*wait that ship isn't Berk's
Sunburst:[what do you mean]
Karai:that ship sailing towards the east docks it doesn't belong to Berk
Sunburst:[should we tell the other humans about this]
Karai:again I'm not human but yes we should come on let's go
Sunburst:*follows her*[then what is your race]
Karai:Amatonian*stops running*wait a minute where would my uncle be
Sunburst:[I do not know also could you explain what your race is]
Karai:possibly later right now we must focus on the task at hand
Sunburst:[right do you have idea where your uncle would be]
Karai:hmmm yes the great hall
Sunburst:[the what]
Karai:just follow me*runs*
Narrator:Sunburst and Karai reach the great hall
Karai:*walks in*uncle Stoick I must-
Foreign viking chief:leave we are busy
Karai:excuse me I wasn't talking to you
F.V.C:in my village women know when to hold their tongues
Karai:*begins flaring up*excuse me
Stoick:please calm down lass what's wrong
Karai:*breathes and puts fire out*there is a ship coming to the east dock and it is not one of ours
F.V.C:I came from the west
Narrator:the chiefs and Karai go to the east cliffs and see the boat
Stoick:Karai go find Hiccup make sure he's safe
Karai:uncle who are they
Stoick:the Outcasts now hurry find him
Karai:ok*runs off using super speed*
Narrator:Karai finds Hiccup surrounded by Outcasts
Karai:*shapeshifts into an alpha dragon*
Narrator:Karai lowers her head and scares away the Outcasts
Karai:*transforms back*hi
Hiccup:sweet thor you scared me
Hiccup:*catches her*woah you ok
Narrator:Stoick arrives
Stoick:Hiccup*looks around*son
Hiccup:dad over here
Narrator:Stoick sees Hiccup and Karai
Stoick:son what happened
Hiccup:she turned into this humongous dragon turned back then passed out
Karai:*wakes up*ahh next time I'll be calm when I shapeshift ow my head
Stoick:you alright lass
Karai:*stands*I'm fine thank you Hiccup are you hurt
Hiccup:no they were just about to attack when you showed up and scared them away
Karai:thank the gods*looks at his shoulder*but you sure*shows him the cut*
Hiccup:oh that I fell trying to run from them*winces*does hurt though
Karai:*wraps up cut*there you'll have to replace them tomorrow then you'll be fine
Toothless:[*yells*Hiccup Hiccup where are you]
Karai:we're over here bud*sees Toothless limping*bud you ok
Hiccup:oh gods*goes to him*Toothless you ok bud did you hurt your leg
Toothless:[dragon root to the leg*holds leg with arrow towards Karai*]
Karai:ok Hiccup Uncle Stoick move to the sides please
Narrator:the boys move then Karai removes the arrow but do to the pain toothless blasts her knocking her into a tree
Hiccup and Stoick:Karai*run over to her*
Hiccup:*checks the pulse on her neck*she'll be ok
Karai:*trips him and stands ready to fight*back off
Stoick:calm down lass it's just us
Karai:sorry you scared me*helps Hiccup up*you ok
Hiccup:yeah glad you took a sec to find out who was next to you
Karai:yeah I'd be really angry if I hurt you
Toothless:[Karai you ok I didn't mean to hurt you]
Karai:yeah luckily I can handle fire it was the impact that hurt me
Hiccup:ok glad we're all ok but one issue
Karai:what's that
Hiccup I don't have this part of the island mapped so we're lost
Karai:one second*flies above trees*ok how did he-half a mile*lands*
Hiccup:so where are we
Karai:explain how but we're half a mile from village
Hiccup:I was on toothless charting then half way to this point they came after us
Narrator:they head back to the village and Stoick continues his meeting with the forigen chief and Hiccup adds Sunburst to the book of dragons then they go to the cliffs to hangout night falls and once everyone is asleep Alvin leader of the Outcasts takes Hiccup and then tries to take Toothless but he wakes up Karai
Karai:*takes out sword*let them go now*in head*don't use your powers yet
Alvin:well well who do we 'ave 'ere why would you care
Karai:My name is Karai I am a niece of Stoick the vast and Hiccup's cousin
Alvin: well I guess I gotta take you too*looks behind her*and that beauty behind you
Karai:just try it you won't take any of them without going through me
Narrator:Alvin and Karai fight for awhile but Karai is overpowered by Alvin's forces that had been hiding at the northern docks in rowboats and put in a net
Karai:release us now or so help me*struggles to cut the ropes*come on
Alvin:nice try*takes her knife*
Karai:of course*sends up a flair*
Narrator:Astrid see the flair and flies to it on Stormfly
Astrid:hey leave them alone*has Stormfly do a spine shot*next one hits a hand
Narrator:the Outcasts begin shooting dragon root arrows at Stormfly causing them to retreat and the others to be captured
Karai:Astrid no leave her be or so help me
Outcast guard:*hits her sternum on a rock*
Karai:ow wait the rock is green oh no kryptonite*passes out**wakes up*mhh where am I
Narrator:Karai had been chained up in lead chains
Karai:*struggles*why can't I break these*look at chains*oh lead*sarcastically*great
Hiccup:*wakes up*ow my head wait where is toothless*struggles*come on seriously
Karai:you ok cousin
Hiccup:well I'm not hurt if that's what you mean
Karai:you're tied up in ropes if you can turn yourself I can blast them
Hiccup:*turns away from Karai*ok but how your hands are chained with lead
Narrator:Karai takes off her shoe and blasts Hiccups ropes but the heat generating from her body causes the lead to burn her after she puts her shoes on(Karai is wearing fireproof socks)
Karai:*winces*hot lead ow
Hiccup:let me get those off you*pulls the chains off her*
Karai:ow*looks at burns**burns begin to fade*the sun is up
Hiccup:ok cool but what's the plan
Narrator:Karai takes a terrible terror out of a cage and puts in near hiccup's ropes then breaks the cage
Hiccup:what was the point in that
Karai:*sets cage near the barrels in was on*it was to hide my fire powers
Hiccup:makes sense we don't want to give them a reason to keep you so what's next
Karai:hmmm well we have to find the dragons first so let's see if we can find them or a map of the boat
Hiccup:*sees blueprints for the ship in the other room*Karai in there
Karai:*walks over to him*dragons or a map
Hiccup:it's the blueprints for the ship*tosses a rock into the room*safe
Karai:cool*walks in and takes them*so we're in the cargo hold where are...ah dragon cages just above us but I don't see any stairs maybe in the other-
Hiccup:how about a ladder
Karai:that works too*climbs up ladder*wait for me to tell you to come up
Narrator: Karai looks around in the room at the top of the ladder and doesn't see anyone
Karai:ok it's safe come on up just be careful we don't know who could be up here
Hiccup:*climbs up*ok where do we go now
Karai:ok so we are above the cargo hold so we need to go over two rooms and left...I think
Hiccup:lead the way*begins to walk after her**stops*hey k I think I found your sword
Karai:*walks to the door*yes that's it gods please let it be ok
Hiccup:why does it matter can't you get a new one if something happens to it
Karai:yes but not like that one*throws a piece of wood through the door*safe
Hiccup:why not I could make you one and cost wouldn't be an issue
Karai:it isn't unless you count sentimental value then it's priceless
Hiccup: really where did you get it
Karai:the goddess of fire herself forged it in her flames as a gift to me for rediscovering my fire powers though at the time I did not realize it was her I kinda laugh at myself now
Hiccup:woah cool I never knew that but your sheath is definitely man made so who gave it to you
Karai:oh it was a gift from Jason from before Shredder told me I couldn't visit him anymore
Hiccup:you doing ok over there*picks up sword and hands it to her*
Karai:*shakes her head to refocus*y-yeah I'm fine*nicely take sword*thanks now let's go save our friends
Hiccup:ready when you are
Narrator:they leave the room get down two hallways but get caught on the third
Alvin well well well what 'ave we 'ere two runts trying to escape
Karai:*takes out sword*we're not runts and we are leaving
Narrator:Alvin takes out a spear made made of Kryptonite but he didn't realize it
Karai:*collapses**tiredly*hurts*quitely*the head is kryptonite
Hiccup:*catches her*alright we surrender just please put the spear away she's allergic to the head
Narrator:Hiccup is of Amozoian decent so kryptonite doesn't affect him
Alvin:heh thanks for telling me*ties hiccup up in rope and chains Karai in kryptonite*
Hiccup:hey let her out of those chains they'll burn her wrist
Karai:ow can my chains at least be filed down*wrist begins to bleed**winces*
Alvin:yeah but I would 'ave to tighten 'is ropes
Karai:Hiccup it's your call
Hiccup:go ahead I can take a bit tighter of a restraint
Karai:fine but not excessively tight
Narrator: Alvin tightens Hiccup's ropes to the point they begin to cut into his wrists
Hiccup:ow tight enough for the love of thor
Karai:I said not excessively tight
Alvin:then this is good enough
Karai:loosen them a bit please
Alvin:then I don't make yers so they won't stab ya
Hiccup:Karai it's fine I can handle it
Karai:are you sure
Hiccup:yes I'm sure I can take a slight pain over you getting stabbed
Karai:then it's settled*allows herself to be restrained*fine now what
Alvin:well I'll take ya to yer dragons
Karai:they are not our dragons and they are not yours
Alvin:oh really then who owns 'em
Karai:they belong to no one but themselves
Viggo:I'd agree to disagree young one
Karai:that symbol on your armor your the one that set the traps that hurt Sunburst
Viggo:ah so that's what you named the beast tell me what should I do with sell it to the highest bidder or turn it into a fireproof pelt for myself
Karai:third option you leave her alone and let us go before I give you Hela's touch by sword
Narrator:Hela is the goddess of death in Norse
Viggo:hmm big threats for such a small girl
Narrator:Karai slides under Viggo then cuts her chains with a lead spear
Karai:*grabs a sword*now release him and let the dragons go
Ryker:what ya gonna do if we don't
Karai:then I get to have some fun
Alvin:*holds spear Kryptonite towards her*stop
Karai:*falls but gets back up*no not with my cousin and friends at stake*throws Hiccup weapon*
Hiccup:great now what
Karai:get to the dragons free them and get out of here
Hiccup:but what about you
Karai:*blocks Viggo's blow*I'll be fine just get out of here
Narrator:Hiccup leaves the Karai back flips out the door and barricades it then gets to the dragon cages
Ryker:move and they go for a swim with the fishes
Karai:no leave them alone
Ryker:then lay down your weapons
Hiccup:fine*drops sword*I surrender just leave them alone
Karai:*sets sword down*fine I stand down as well
Ryker:unwise decision*cuts the ropes holding up the cages*
Karai:no*goes to the edge**grabs ropes before they fall in the water*no no no stop falling
Hiccup:*grabs onto her*hang on*pulls*
Karai:Hiccup I don't think this is ahh*falls in water*
Narrator:because of her powers Karai can't swim but she dives in to help the dragons anyway
Hiccup:Karai hold on*dives in to help her*
Narrator:Karai and Hiccup free the dragons but they both lose their breath and pass out so the dragons had to pull them out of the water
Sunburst:[ugh I hate water]
Toothless:[as do I but are they ok]
Sunburst:[follow my lead*lightly steps on Karai*]
Toothless:[wait why are you doing that]
Karai:*coughs up water*w-what in valhalla
Sunburst:[that is why*helps Karai onto her side*]
Karai:Hiccup*goes to him*oh gods please be ok
Narrator:Karai lightly pushes on Hiccup's chest and he begins coughing up water
Karai:*sits him up*easy easy breath you ok
Hiccup:*breathes heavily*y-yeah I think so
Sunburst:[what do we do were still surrounded]
Karai:Sunburst do what Toothless does*nods*
Narrator:Toothless shoots plasma blast into the sky Sunburst does the same(her plasma is orange)
Karai:your just full of surprises huh girl
Hiccup:ok so flairs have been sent now what
Karai:I don't know she's still hurt and Toothless can't carry everyone*quitely*and if I use my powers...
Hiccup:right we don't need to provoke them even more
Ryker:*grabs Hiccup*give up or he gets it
Karai:no*holds up hands*fine just let them go
Ryker:ok after*injects Hiccup with something*this
Narrator:the liquid was a slow acting poison
Hiccup:ahh let me go*struggles*w-what did you do to me
Viggo:you'll find out*shoots dragon root arrow at Sunburst*
Karai:no*jumps in front of her*
Narrator:the arrow goes into Karai's arm
Karai:ahh*takes it out of her arm*ahh*holds her arm*ow
Astrid:hey leave them alone Stormfly spine shot
Stormfly:[*does a spine shot*leave them alone]
Toothless:[am I glad to see you]
Stormfly:[*lands*me too my friend]
Astrid:let him go now
Viggo:ah the famous Nadder riding Hofferson I assume you are here to attempt to save them go ahead and try
Narrator:Ryker throws Hiccup to the ground then knocks him out
Karai:Hiccup*holds him*oh gods please be ok
Sunburst:[*wraps her protectively with wings*you will not harm these humans any further]
Toothless:[she is right*stands next to her*]
Stormfly:[*stands next to Sunburst*you will not harm them]
Stoick:oi you lasses look like you could use some help*lands and gets off dragon*(skullcrusher)
Karai:was it that obvious
Stoick:now where is Hiccup
Karai:right here*lowers her arm to reveal Hiccup*
Stoick:lass what happened
Viggo:simple they wouldn't listen to me
Astrid:we don't follow your orders
Ryker:you will if you want to survive
Narrator:Astrid Karai and Stoick go below deck with an unconscious Hiccup
Karai:*hands Hiccup to Stoick*here get him out of here
Stoick:but what about you lass and the others
Karai:Take Toothless and have skullcrusher fly after you...what do we do about Sunburst
Stoick:*sees Karai's arm*no yer gonna go back to Berk get him to Gothie and then bring a boat back here to help the*confused*purple night fury I really missed something
Karai:uncle you can't ask me to do that what about you
Astrid:I'll stay and help him just keep an eye on Hiccup*as Stoick walks away*look don't tell anyone this or so help me-
Karai:calm down my lips are sealed
Astrid:I'd lose my mind if something bad happened to him*punches Karai*don't ever tell anyone
Karai:ow jeez ok no need for violence and I understand it's just this isn't right
Astrid:we're out of other ideas
Karai:I know I just hate when things get this risky
Outcast:come out come out wherever you are
Karai:*knocks him out*ok let's go
Astrid and Karai go back to the main deck then Karai gets on Toothless with Hiccup and flys away
Karai:*grunts in frustration*this isn't fair why did this have to happen*tears up*how did it get this bad
Toothless:[are you alright]
Karai:yeah I'm fine bud let's get back to Berk ok
Narrator:the arrive at Berk and does as Stoick asked Toothless stayed behind to watch Hiccup
Karai:*arrives at the ship*need a hand or blade*helps Sunburst onto the Berk ship*ok now
Narrator:Karai throws the anchor of the berk ship into the water then swings over to the Outcast ship
Astrid:well took you long enough
Karai:well sorry the wind slowed on the way here
Stoick:it's fine lass just glad yer safe
Narrator:Stoick Astrid and Karai make it off the boat and head for Berk but a problem still awaits
Karai:*over voice*until next time to be continued
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