Chaper 1:The Darkest of Days
Cast and movie they are from
from Rise of The Guardians
Pitch Black
Jack Frost/Jackson Overland Frost
Unga Overland Frost
North/Santa Clause
Tooth/the tooth fairy
Bunny/the Easter bunny
from TMNT:
Shredder/Oroku Saki
Tiger Claw
Leo/Leonardo Hamato
Donnie/Donatello Hamato
Raph/Raphael Hamato
Mikey/Michelangelo Hamato
Casey Jones
Splinter/Hamato Yoshi
April O'Neil
Karai Oroku/Miwa Mialo Hamato/Karai Hamato/Narrator/phoenix/Ka-ia
Mona Lisa
from HTTYD:
Stoick Haddock
Valka Haddock
Hiccup/Hiccup Horrendous Haddock
Astrid Hofferson/Astrid Haddock
Zephyr Haddock
Nuffink Haddock
from B.H.6:
Cass Hamada/Cassidy Hamada
GoGo Tomago
Honey Lemon
Fredrick Fredrickson IV/Fred/Fredzilla
Hiro Hamada
Tadashi Hamada
Grace Granville
from D.C comics:
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Two face
Poison Ivy
Harley Quinn
Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-EL
Jason Todd/Robin/Red Robin
Dick Grayson/Richard Grayson/Robin
Alfred Pennyworth
Raven/Rachel Roth
Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
Cyborg/Victor stone
Connor Kent/ Superboy
Megan Moors/Miss Martian
Wally West/Kid Flash
Artemis Crock/Artemis
Mary Hamato/Queen Mary of Amazon/themyscira
Mila Abstract Hamato
Mia Hamato/Cora Oroku/Ke-ia
Aaron Oroku
Andrew Oroku
Narrator:Big Hero 6 and Tadashi, The turtles, Hiccup, Astrid, and Jack were sitting in the turtle's lair and Cora, Casey, and April were at Casey's hockey game when Karai walked in from a patrol
Karai:hey guys
Jack:hey sis
Karai:hi big brother
Tadashi and Hiro:what's up sis
Karai:not much
Mikey and Leo:k you're back
Raph:*sarcastically*Hey princess
Karai:nice to see you too*gives him hug**lets go*wheres-
Donnie:*walks in from kitchen*Firefly you're back*runs over to her*so how was patrol
Karai:a little rough*shows him cut on her arm*but otherwise ok
Donnie:here*wraps up her arm*see all better
Karai:*chuckles*what would I do without you
Donnie: let's not find out and I'm not going anywhere I promise you this
Karai:good*hugs him*wait*lets go*where are Zephyr, Nuffink, Emma and*panicked*Mila
Hiccup:with my dad
Astrid:and the dragons
Karai:*calms down*ok cool where is father*in head*Mila does dragon training when did that happen
Donnie:Dojo meditating
Karai:ok thanks softshell I'm going to join him
Donnie:ok firefly
Narrator:Karai walks into the Dojo and sees Splinter meditating she walks over to him and stops 3 feet in front of him she sits down and begins to meditate when you meditate your aura shows but when you lose focus it stops showing
Karai:*aura flickers*huh*aura goes off*growls quietly*
Splinter:*out of nowhere*what is wrong
Karai:ahh*falls backwards*ow*sits up and grabs the back of her head*
Splinter:*gets up*are you alright*holds out his hand*
Karai:*takes his hand*yeah I'm fine *brushes off*you just startled me
Splinter: I'm sorry now do you want to tell me what's wrong
Karai:*plays dumb*what are you talking about I'm fine
Splinter:you lost focus you only lose focus when something is bothering you
Karai:it's just we haven't seen any sign of shredder or pitch what if something bad is going to happen*fires up*I wouldn't forgive myself if someone got hurt because of me*looks down*if anything happened to any of them I'd-I'd-I'd fall apart
Splinter:*tilts her head up*then I'm counting on you as the leader to fix it and to be able to pull yourself back together when you fall apart
Karai:*puts out fire*thank you father
Narrator:Karai walks out of Dojo
Karai:what are you guys watching
Leo:Space Heroes: the next generation
Karai:cool can I join
Donnie:I have some room by me
Karai:*sits down by him*did you miss me
Donnie:of course I did*holds her*
Raph:Leo how did you talk me into this
Leo:I didn't Mona did
Raph:oh yeah whatever
Mona:raca-raca do not be mad Raphael
Raph:fine only for you Mona*kisses her*
Mikey:eww why
Karai:*laughs*it won't be the last time
Raph:hey*throws pillow at her*
Karai:ahh*levatates bean bag*
Leo:knock it off the movie is starting
Karai:*puts bean bag down gently*sorry
Leo:it's ok
Narrator:after the movie is over
Karai:anyone up for some sparing
Jack:sure I'll grab the Guardians
Hiro:we're in too
Narrator:(the matches were North vs. Leo,Bunny vs. April,Raph vs. Wasabi,Sandy vs. Astrid,Hiro vs. Tadashi,Gogo vs. Casey,Hiccup vs. Mikey,Jack vs. Karai,Honey Lemon vs. Tooth,Donnie vs. Mona)every one spars except for Jack and Karai
Karai:you ready for this Jackson
Jack:ready when you are little sis
Splinter:hi gemay, higemay
Narrator:an hour later
Jack:*getting frustrated*you won't win
Karai:we'll see about that*flys*
Narrator:Jack blasts ice at Karai
Karai:*gets hit in the head*ah*passes out**starts to fall*
Donnie:Karai*jumps up and catches her*hey hey come on*lands*you're going to be ok*lays her on the ground with her head on his lap*
Karai:*lays silent*mmh*breathes quietly*
Jack:K*runs over to her*Karai, is she ok*reaches for her*
Donnie:get away from her*sets her head on the ground**gets up*
Jack:Donnie I'm sorry*gets closer to her*
Donnie:*shoves him*stay away you've done enough just just
Jack:just what spit it out
Donnie:just leave go away
Jack:fine*walks out*but I'm not coming back
Narrator:after Jack leaves Karai wakes up
Karai:ahh my head*puts her hand on her forehead*
Donnie:you ok firefly
Karai: I'm fine*sits up*where's Jack
Donnie: he's*looks down* I don't know where he is
Karai: hold on*shares Jack's vision*he's in Antarctica and he's crying but he's not hurt so what's wrong wait*Listens to Jack's thoughts*what did you say to him
Donnie: I told him to leave and to go away I'm sorry I wasn't in my right mind
Karai: it's fine but now I have to go there and get him to come back and say sorry
Donnie: Karai no you'll die if you go there please just be rational
Karai: I'll be fine and he'd risk his life to help me so I'm going to help him
Donnie:ok just be careful I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt because of me
Narrator:in Antarctica, Karai was starting to get sick but kept looking for Jack
Jack:*talks to himself*what was I thinking I didn't mean to hurt her but I did*buries his head in his arms*this is all my fault*starts to cry again*
Karai:*flys up*where is he*sees him*Jack*flys to him**lands*hey stranger
Jack:Karai you're ok I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I just got mad and-
Karai:come here*hugs him*you have nothing to be sorry about I knew the risks
Jack:so you forgive me little sis I love you you know that right
Karai:of course I forgive you and I love you too big brother*lets go of him*
Jack: you're always there for me when I need you even if I don't want you to be
Karai: I know ahh*puts her hand on her chest**coughs**collapses*
Jack: Karai*catches her*k whats wrong*sits on the ground while holding her*
Karai:*shivering*it's t-t-to-too c-c-cold it's m-m-ma-making me*coughs*sick
Jack:*gets up**picks her up*hang in there ok*flies to nearest volcano*will you get better if I throw you into the volcano
Karai: no you have to set me in the volcano on a ledge but please don't you could get hurt I don't want you to get hurt trying to save me because I won't be able to save you just put me down and we'll think of a new plan*coughs*
Jack: I'd do anything to save you*sets staff down*trust me*flies into volcano*
Karai: Jack please this is too risky*coughs*you're going to get hurt
Jack:here*sets her on ledge*I'll see you at the top*kisses her on forehead*
Narrator: Karai heals while Jack sits at the top of the volcano
Karai:*flys out of volcano**flies into clouds**spins**shoots fire from her body*
Jack:*flys up to her after the fire goes out*you're ok*sighs*you shouldn't have come after me what if something worse had happened to you what if I lost you you're my baby sister next to Emma and April I want to protect you*takes her hand*so you don't get hurt or worse
Karai:*pulls her hand away*I'm not a baby and I don't need you to protect me let's just go home and when we get there you're banished to your room for 1 day and do not talk to me the entire flight home or you will train till you drop so says your leader
Narrator: when they return to the lair Jack goes to his room and Karai goes to the Dojo but while Karai is training Jack leaves and Pitch knocks him out and takes him Mila had seen Jack and planed to go after him after everyone was asleep
Karai:*walks out of Dojo**in head*maybe I was too hard on him*out loud*Mila, Zephyr, Nuffink, Emma, kids hmm where could they have run off to
Emma:*covers Karai's eyes*now
Nuffink:*wraps around her leg*gotcha
Zephyr:*wraps around her other leg*gotcha*wraps around her other leg*now
Mila:*pushes her over*haha
Emma:*uncovers Karai's eyes and gets out of the way*
Karai: Woah hey*holds Mila*you ok Mila
Mila: yeah you holding onto me wasn't part of our plan
Karai:*sits up*what plan why did you 4 do that
Mila: well you said we need to work on our sneak attacks
Karai: you guys did great but find a different way to signal each other and don't sneak attack me you know how I can be when it comes to "surprises"
Zephyr:what would you recommend as a signal
Karai:*gets up*alright kids time for bed and don't worry you'll find one special to you 4
Mila: aww come on mom 20 more minutes
Karai: no bedtime and that almost half an hour
Zephyr:15 more minutes
Karai: no the moons up bedtime
Emma:10 more minutes
Karai: no bedtime we have a busy day tomorrow
Nuffink:5 more minutes
Karai: no bedtime after...a pillow fight
Kids:*scream with joy**pick up pillows*
Narrator: Mila and Karai face-off after Karai gets out Emma, Zephyr, and Nuffink
Karai: your going down*Levitates 2 pillows* ready
Mila*I don't think so*levatates 30 pillows*ready
Karai:*quitely*why do I have this many pillows
Mila: I win*throws the pillows at her*
Karai: aww sewer apples*gets bared in pillows*oof*laughs**unburies herself*ok bedtime but seriously why do I have so many pillows
Kids:*climb into bed*
Karai:*climbs up to top bunk*goodnight Zephyr*kisses her on forehead*remember we have dragon training tomorrow after I get out of school*covers her up*goodnight*jumps down to Nuffink's bed*hugs him*here you go*gives him dragon stuffed animal*goodnight Nuffink*walks over to Mila's bed*goodnight little light*hugs her**covers her up*love you*kisses her forehead**walks to door*love you guys goodnight
Kids: goodnight love you too
Karai:*walks to couch*night donnie*lays down*
Donnie: night firefly
Narrator:3 hours later
Emma:k*shakes Karai gently*Karai wake up
Karai:*groggy*wha-what's wrong*sits up*you alright little sis
Emma: I'm fine but...
Karai:but what
Emma:well Mila wasn't in her bed when I woke up
Karai:*concerned/confused*what do you mean
Emma:there was this in her bed*hands Karai a piece of paper*
Narrator:the paper was a note addressed to The Guardian of fire(Karai)
The note:Dear Guardian of Light,I've taken your daughter if you ever want to see her again come to my lair tonight at midnight SHARP alone or else signed Pitch Black "The Boogeyman" P.S don't try any of your little tricks or fun will be guardianless
Karai:*reads to the words pitch black*no how did this happen*in head*how did I let this happen
Emma:have you seen Jack
Karai:wait*reads last part of the note*sis do you know how to read
Emma:yeah why do you ask
Karai:*hands her the note*read the bottom part
Emma:*reads post script*no*starts to cry*no*hugs Karai*no Jack is gonna get hurt and Mila I don't even want to think about what he is going to do to them it'll be bad
Karai:*holds her*hey hey it's going to be ok*strokes Emma's hair*I'll get them back
Emma:*looks up*but I want you to come home too I don't want you to get hurt too
Karai:I'll do what I can to bring them home
without anyone getting hurt I promise
Narrator:in pitch's Lair,Mila is tied up and pitch is attacking Jack with shadow sand
Pitch:*Makes a bat*this should be fun*hits Jack with the bat*having fun yet
Jack:*falls to the ground**coughs*just stop you won't win pitch
Pitch:oh you think so do you well you'll just have to watch me win to know I've won
Mila:leave him alone you-you-you big bully hey leave him alone you meany*struggles*
Pitch:*chuckles*rahh*turns his face into a scary one*
Mila:ahh*shuts her eyes and turns her head to the side*leave me alone*tears up*I just want you to stop hurting him
Jack:leave her alone pitch*coughs*this isn't her fight she's just a kid
Pitch:then do something about it or are you not able protect your own niece if you can even bare to say this weak runt is your niece does she even have powers yet doesn't matter she's too small to control them and to weak to use them
Mila:*quitely*don't count on it I can be very surprising*sings quietly*here my song and know where we are we're trapped and hope is burning need your help and please be hurrying we need you to come and set us free
Karai:*on rooftop*oh come on where are they I shouldn't have been so hard on him he was only trying to look out for me*puts hand over her face*I'm such a hothead*hears Mila's song*huh hang on I'm coming for you guys
Narrator:meanwhile in Pitch's Lair
Pitch:I'm not one for patience so I think I'll just go after your niece
Jack:*struggles to get up*Pitch*falls* just leave her alone she's just a kid
Pitch:then get up and fight Guardian
Jack:goes on to one knee*talking to himself*I have to get up Mila needs me*gets up**outloud*well gimme your best shot
Pitch:let's see what you've got first
Jack:ok you asked for this*charges*
Pitch:*grabs Jack's staff and throws in into a lit fireplace*what a fiery performance if you know what I mean*laughs*
Jack:*puts hand on his chest*oh no*collapses**starts coughing*
Mila:no*breaks the ropes**teleports past pitch*Uncle Jack are you ok
Jack:hey fireflake I'm ok if your ok*winces and coughs*
Mila:oh no your hurt*tears up*Pitch was right I'm too little to save you
Jack:hey*wipes tears from her eyes*don't talk like that*coughs and winces*he's wrong about you and you know that you're the strongest Amatonyian mutant hybrid I know trust me on that
Mila:*small laugh*Uncle Jack I am the only Amatonyian mutant hybrid that you know and I let you get hurt why did I follow you if I hadn't I wouldn't have to watch you get hurt trying to save me
Jack:fireflake*coughs**sits up against a wall with Mila's help*what do you mean you followed me you were being put to bed when I left your mom knows you're gone by now I assume Mila you could have been hurt and still might*coughs*
Mila:I'm sorry but you looked so mad and when I asked mommy if I could tell you goodnight she got mad and said no
Jack:your mom and I argument I made her mad and she blew up at me
Pitch:*grabs Mila and ties her up in kryptonite encrusted rope*let's see you break that you're not going to escape that easy*walks over to Jack and picks him up*now what to do with you hmmm the possibilities are endless
Jack:*pulls on pitch's arm*let go of me*struggles and coughs*put me down
Pitch:alright if you say so*slams him into the ground*you said put me down
Jack:*rib breaks*ah*holds rib*you have no heart you shadow of a man
Pitch:you mean shadow man*laughs* let's see what more you can survive*makes crowbar*shall we*laughs**swings*
Voice in the shadows:we need him to live until she gets here or did you forget
Pitch:*stops*no I have not in fact I was just on the way to our meeting shall we go
Voice:fine just hurry up I don't like to wait and will not tolerate having to wait
Pitch:I will not tolerate you bossing me around or your attitude towards me well sweet nightmares kiddies play nice now and don't let me get you*laughs*bye
Mila:*struggles*Uncle Jack are you ok
Jack:*lies down*I'll be fine*winces*I just need to rest*quitely*I can't let her know that pitch burning my staff will kill me and is*coughs*you ok fireflake
Mila:I'm fine just stuck*struggles*and tired*breathes heavily*
Narrator:in the other room
Pitch:everything is going according to plan the girl is on her way
Shredder:and her brother
Pitch:he'll be dead within the hour
Shredder:excellent she'll see what happens to traitors of the foot clan
Narrator:back in the room Jack and Mila are in Jack was being hidden in the shadows with shredder holding onto him
Pitch:hmm well it seems she's late
Karai:guess again shadow*shoots fire at him*where is my brother hi little light are you alright if you hurt them I swear I will be the last thing you see
Mila:*struggles**breaths heavy*I'm ok mommy*smiles*
Pitch:*dodges*you missed and he's right here*snaps*but he's not feeling all that well
Shredder:*throws Jack at her*join me or they will all suffer the same fate
Karai:Jackson*gets hit with him**falls*ow*gasps*Jackson are you ok*rolls him over so he's looking at her*
Jack:*winces*Karai you came no Pitch burnt my staff*gets quite*and now I'm growing weaker by the second...just get fireflake out of here so she'll be safe*touches Karai's face*
Karai:no you're not I'm going to save your ok your gonna be just fine just hang on ok so don't worry Jackson
Jack:Karai there's no time just save fireflake ok don't worry about me*lays silent**breathes*save her*lays silent**drops his hand*
Karai:Jack*he doesn't respond*Jack come on wake up*gently shakes him*Jack*he doesn't wake up*please*cries*no no no this is all my fault why did I have to yell at you you were only looking out for me and I had to go and push you away it's my fault
Shredder: you have no choice join me or everyone you care for will suffer his fate
Karai:*sets him down*you want them*turns to fwaga*(this form makes her float)*in demonic voice*then your going to have to go through me
Donnie:*drops down from roof*and me hey firefly having a party without me
Pitch:I said for you to come here alone
Donnie:she did I just had to find the largest heat signature in the area
Karai:*looks down at him*you shouldn't be here you could get hurt or worse
Donnie:Mila is our daughter and Jack is our brother so I will fight for them
Karai:I'm glad to fight by your side*takes out sword*
Donnie:me too now shall we get them back*waits for Karai's orders*
Karai:*uses dual link to talk to him*you distract them and I'll untie her*detransforms**normal voiced and out loud*we'll make this a fair fight
Donnie:*in dual link*you just did that so you didn't scare her right they don't fight fair
Karai:*in dual link*oh yeah of course and I know they don't plus I was getting tired
Shredder:that was a mistake*strikes at donnie while he's fighting pitch*
Karai:*blocks him*I don't think so you want him you go through me
Shredder:*throws Karai at the wall behind Mila*we'll see about that
Karai:*hits her back against the wall*ow Mila*gets up and runs to her*are you ok
Mila:please get me out of these their making me tired*struggle**gets poked*ow
Karai:just hold still you will be ok*goes to untie her but burns her hand*ow*unties her*gah well that hurt
Mila:here*heals her hand*there you go
Karai:thanks hmm*sees ledges on the walls and a hole in the roof*Rockwall
Narrator:Rockwall is a command in a series of commands it means to climb
Mila:ok mommy will you follow me after
Karai:yep*goes to help Donnie*hey Donnie need some help
Donnie:I got this you go grab Jack and get out of here I'll catch up to you ok
Karai:ok*jumps up to hole in roof**sees magnet*huh thats a weird place to put a magnet oh well*puts right leg under magnet on the inside**puts Jack on the roof outside*there you go big brother*looks down and sees Donatello in trouble*Donnie
Shredder:*throws a large piece of bone breaking brown Kryptonite at the roof*
Narrator:the magnet attracts kryptonite
Karai:*leg gets stuck between roof and Kryptonite*oh no*tries to get her leg unstuck*well I'm not going anywhere*hangs upside down*hey Donnie are you busy
Donnie:yeah kinda why
Karai:my leg is stuck and I can't get it loose*leg begins to break*ahh help me
Donnie:hang on I'm coming*jumps up* Mila when I say pull the magnet up ok
Mila:ok*grabs the magnet*ready hold still mommy waiting on you daddy
Donnie:*pushes down on the kryptonite*now*holds it in place
Mila:*pulls up on magnet*look out below
Karai:*gets leg unstuck*ow*climbs out of hole on roof*tries to stand but falls*ow
Mila:Mommy*hugs her*your ok I sorry I left without telling you but Uncle Jack-
Karai:*holds her*I know*tears up*it's all my fault*beings crying*what have I done why did I have to lose my temper why did I have to yell at him*lets go*
Donnie:Karai this wasn't your fault we all knew they were up to something
Karai:but he wouldn't have gone off on his own if I just said thanks why couldn't I just let him know that I was trying to act like I'm more than a clueless kid gods what's wrong with me why can't I do anything right*puts her head in her arms*
Donnie:because you doubt yourself that's why you can't pull yourself together
Karai:*remembers what Splinter had told her*Mila can you carry your uncle and fly at the same time
Mila:yeah but not for long because I'm little
Karai:ok I have to conserve my strength to be able to fly follow me
Narrator:the girls fly while Donnie runs to the nearest rooftop but before they are on the roof Mila accidently drops Jack
Karai:no*grabs him and pulls him onto roof*don't worry I got you big brother
Mila:I'm sorry mommy I'm just too little
Karai:hey never talk about yourself that way now come here*places hands above Jack*I'm going to need help
Mila:*walks over and sits across from her*I'm ready*places hands over him*
Both:*places hands over him*the phoenix arises but freezes the phoenix arises but freezes
Jack:*slowly wakes up*mmh Karai*sits up slowly*
Karai:Jackson*hugs him without watching her strength*I'm sorry Jack
Jack:ow loosen up a little bit little sis*puts his arm around her*
Karai:*loosens grip*I'm sorry this is all my fault if I hadn't pushed you away you wouldn't have left and you wouldn't have gotten hurt Mila wouldn't have gone after you and pitch wouldn't have burnt your staff this is all my fault*cries*I'm sorry big brother you got hurt and it's all my fault I'm sorry
Jack:hey hey it's going to be ok I'm right here shh shh your ok I'm ok everything is going to be ok did you get hurt or hurt yourself at all trying to get us out
Karai:yeah my leg was but other than that I'll be alright oh before I forget*puts Jack's staff back to normal*sorry it took so long I hope it still works
Jack:thanks*grabs hold of staff*
Narrator:Jack's staff shoots out ice when he grabs it while Karai is still holding onto it and it burns her hand
Karai:ow*lets go*my hand*feels burning in her hand*gahh*grabs hand*Jack why-
Jack:Karai I'm so sorry I didn't mean too I don't know what happened it just shot out without me even wanting it to here let me see your hand maybe I can help you
Karai:ok just be careful it hurts really bad*gives him her hand but begins to flinch*
Jack:close your eyes just trust me ok
Karai:ok*closes her eye*I trust you big brother
Jack:*absorbs the burn*there you go all better
Karai:thanks*opens eyes*but how did you do that
Jack:I took the ice out of your hand hey do you have wrapping bandage with you
Karai:let me check*grabs bandage out of her bag*yeah here*closes bag*
Jack:thanks let me see your leg and tell me where it is broken please
Karai:ok*holds out her leg*it's my knee down to my ankle
Jack:*wraps her leg*there now it should be easier to walk
Donnie:*walks over to them holding Mila*hey how you feeling you ok Jack
Narrator:Donnie felt bad about everything that had happened so he refrained from calling him brother
Karai:*hears him talking to himself about what happened in his thoughts*
Karai:Donnie it wasn't your fault if anything it's my fault because I got mad and made him mad so yeah my bad
Jack:but at the same time I'm older and should have better control of my temper
Karai:Jack I'm leader so I should be protecting you not yelling at you
Mila:*yawns*mommy*rubs eyes*I'm tired can we go home now please
Donnie:I'll take you home your mom and uncle Jack can catch up with us*kisses Karai*I'll meet you at home that is if you want me to
Karai:it's ok I love you see you at home plus this gives Jack and I a chance to talk
Donnie:yep love you too see you guys later*in dual link*if you need help please call
Karai and Jack:bye*while Donnie leaves*hey stop copying me no you no you ok you know what it's fine you talk first oh sorry go ahead*laughs*
Karai:we never could have a conversation huh
Jack:not really we could never stop starting and finishing each other sentences
Karai:what time is it do you know
Jack:*takes out phone*3:59 why
Karai:A where did you get a phone B follow me
Jack:Hiro and ok where are we going
Karai:just trust me big brother*flys*
Jack:ok hey wait up*flies after her*not cool
Karai:*laughs*close your eyes and give me your hand
Jack:ok I don't know why I'm doing this*gives her his hand and closes his eyes*
Karai:*lands on the roof of the empire state building*ok open your eyes
Jack:ok*opens his eyes*where are we
Karai:look*points to sunrise*this is what I wanted you to see
Jack:wow and to think we never have time for this
Karai:this is how I end most of my patrols
Narrator:after the sunrises Karai gets everyone ready for school then they go to SFIT (for Big Hero 6 newcomers that is San Fransokyo Institute of Technology)
Karai:*tries to reach book on the top shelf of her locker**sighs*this is the last time I let Tadashi put my books in my locker
Jack:need some help*hands her book*
Karai:thanks sorry I can't reach the top shelf and I can't use my powers at school *puts book in her backpack and puts it on*it's annoying but I do what I must
Jack:I know hold still*zips her backpack up*there you go now nothing's going to fall out of your bag so when did you go to the doctor because you didn't have crutches this morning otherwise I would have known you had them
Karai:so what happened was I was walking by Granville's office and fell because I step down on my leg fully and lost my balance because it broke fully she came out and asked what happened so I explained what happened so she got me up and had Tadashi take me to the hospital they explained that it was broken and put it in a cast and gave me crutches so that was my morning how was yours*sees Cora and Casey*hey sis,hey Casey how are you
Cora:hey little sis he almost blew himself,Casey,and me up
Casey:you're overreacting
Karai:A*raised voice*stop calling me little*normal voice*we're the same height and age B Jackson Overland Frost what did you do I bring you back and you blow up
Jack:no I almost blew up and don't call me by my full name it makes me nervous
Cora:it wasn't his fault Karai and I was born 3 minutes before you so yeah little sis
Karai:fine whatever as long as you guys are ok I'll be fine and ok I guess I am the little sister anyway you guys should get going you're going to be late*closes locker*
Cora:what about you aren't you going to class you know the teacher doesn't want you to be late or absent*smiles*
Karai:Cora I already talked to father this morning and explained that I need to talk with Granville this hour so i'm fine besides father knows I'm here so yeah
Cora and Jack:ok see you later little sis
Casey:bye see you later K
Karai:see you guys later*walks away*
Narrator:on the way to Granville's office Karai has to pass Airon's locker
Airon:*grabs her and throws her into a locker*what have we here the disabled runt of a leader of the Hamato clan ran into my father yesterday didn't you
Karai:*grabs his wrist*let go of me*pulls on his wrist*yeah he got lucky this time
Airon:oh is that so last time I checked your the one with the broken leg sis
Narrator:Karai hits him in the face so he drops her and stumbles backwards a little but unfortunately for Karai Airon did not shut his locker before she got there
Airon:you don't learn*slams locker door on her wrist of her right hand*join us
Karai:no*grabs wrist*I stand by my decision I left the foot clan and I won't rejoin and don't every call me sis again
Airon:fine have it your way*puts her shoulder in the locker*you asked for this*kicks locker door*that looked like it hurt*smiles*the offer still stands
Karai:*grabs her arm*no I will not live in a clan built on dishonor and deceit
Airon:then you will pay the price
Andrew:let her go Airon she left that is her decision and you will not punish her for it was her choice not yours
Karai:Andrew I've got this it's ok
Airon:silence traitor and you have no room to talk you serve no purpose for the clan
Andrew:I have chosen my side I do not let others tell me who or what to be
Karai:*small smile*no wonder Tadashi is your best friend you sound just like him
Airon:I said silence*puts Karai's wrist inside locker and kicks the door*freak
Andrew:it didn't have to be this way*tases him*you ok Karai*kneels down*
Karai:I'm ok*grabs her arm*just hurt
Andrew:*sees Karai's crutches*I think you dropped these*hands them to her*
Karai:thanks must be hard to hurt your brother huh I couldn't do it on purpose
Andrew:we may have the same blood in our veins but we are not brothers sadly
Karai:*gets up*why sadly wait*grabs his wrist and sees cut on his arm*did he hurt you who did this
Andrew:*pushes her hand away gently*why does it matter it's not like anyone cares
Karai:Andrew that's not true you have me,Tadashi,Hiro,and the rest of Hamato clan believe me on that one you may not have my blood in your veins but you are my brother ask anyone who calls me their sister they care about you so do my cousins they all do believe me I know how hard it is to escape his mind games please don't hide from me
Andrew:*smiles*it was my dad he got mad at me and slashed my arm*picks her up*
Karai:hey really*hugs him*it's ok to be afraid once he gets in your head it's-*cries*
Andrew:hey hey it's ok*wipes the tears from her eyes*I'm not going to let them hurt you or the rest of your family*sets her down*you're ok just breathe
Karai:sorry I don't like to think about your dad or what he put me through
Andrew:it's ok so where are we going
Karai:*confused*we I didn't realize you were coming with me but Granville's office
Andrew:of course I'm coming with you Airon probably just got himself expelled and you know what that means
Karai:*trying to avoid the subject*taco Tuesday wait no pizza Wednesday
Andrew:sure if that's how you can get to sleep tonight don't worry I'll protect you
Karai:It's not me I'm worried about father is a teacher and if shredder comes well
Andrew:I'll tell Tadashi to keep guard at the door to his classroom ok
Karai:just as long as he doesn't get hurt Shredder would use him to get to father
Andrew:*walks with her*it'll be ok
Karai:I hate to ask this but can we use your father coming here as a trap
Andrew:so he is arrested is that what you mean to say
Karai:sadly yes he may be evil but he is your father so I hate to ask you to do it
Andrew:yes it's better for my friends no my family for him to be locked up
Karai:thanks tell the others the plan*walks into Granville's office*hello professor Granville*trying to sound calm*how is your day going*sits down in chair**hits her wrist on the chair by accident*ow*grabs wrist*ow dangit Airon I swear to thor I'll
Granville:*gets up*are you ok Miss Hamato what happened to your arm
Karai:I'll be fine Airon Oroku slammed a locker door on my shoulder and wrist
Granville: come with me*goes to walk out*we're going to get it looked at
Karai:ok should I tell my dad er teacher that I'm leaving
Granville:you may call your father father if you wish and no we're just going to the nurses office I would have sent you there this morning but she wasn't here yet
Karai:oh ok I do have one question what did you want to talk about you told me come to your office but you never said why*sits down on examination table*
Granville:I think you and your family should go into hiding so Shredder or Airon cannot hurt you or your family again it just seems like every day you get hurt
Karai:I get hurt because of the choices I make and because of what I am but no I won't make them hide I can't do that to them to take them away from their friends their hobbies their normal in general just because I fear the worst is monstrous
Granville:it was only a suggestion*turns her attention to the nurse*so how is it
Nurse:her wrist is broken and she has a small break in her shoulder blade other than that she's ok
Granville:well that is a good thing*in head*at least she's ok why is she so stubborn
Karai:*quitely*I'll explain it later*gets cast put on wrist*hang on*heals shoulder*there we go that feels a lot better so can I go back to class now
Granville:yes you may Miss Hamato
Karai:may I talk to you professor
Granville:of course what is it you wanted to talk about
Karai:my family,Andrew Oroku,and I are setting a trap for shredder but we need your help in order for our plan to work
Granville:I'll do anything and everything I can to help so what is the plan
Karai:we get shredder here you put the school on lockdown then Andrew,Tadashi and I arrest him then you take the lockdown off and we go about our day
Granville:I like it I'll go call him wait do I tell the teachers what is going on
Karai: no if their on high alert then it will frighten the students so don't tell them
Granville:ok*calls shredder*hello Mr.Oroku I'd like you to come to the school to have a talk regarding your son Airon he is being suspended...ok goodbye*hangs up* *over the pa*Airon Oroku to my office please Airon Oroku to my office please
Splinter:take your things with you Airon class is almost over ok so let's do a bit of review
Narrator:Airon goes to professor Granville's office while shredder walks into the school and Granville sets off the lock down then Andrew,Tadashi,and Karai surround him
Tadashi:freeze and put your hands on your head*in head*I love saying that
Karai:your not gonna get away just do what he said*in head*Tadashi focus
Shredder:oh I'm not huh we'll see about that
Andrew:father don't run
Shredder:you're not my son*shoves Andrew to the ground and runs*
Karai:sorry Andrew*shoots Shredder in the shoulder*freeze don't move
Shredder:*runs at Karai*how dare you*throws her into a wall*
Karai:*hits the wall*ow*gun goes off and shoots her right foot*
Tadashi:*hears gun go off*Karai you ok little sis
Karai:ow y-yeah I think so*gets out handcuffs**in dual link*get ready*put handcuffs on shredders ankles*now
Shredder:*goes to turn around but falls*what is this
Tadashi:*handcuffs his hands*Andrew now
Andrew:*takes shredders weapons*Oroku Saki by order of the S.F.P.D you're under arrest so who's taking him to chief Cruz
Karai:Tadashi and I can you let Grandville know that it's ok to turn off the lockdown and will you check on our family
Andrew:*jokingly*yes ma'am
Karai:*rolls her eyes*thank you at ease officer
Tadashi:are you alright I heard the gun go off
Karai:yes bullet proof shoes still need some work though*takes bullet out of shoe*
Tadashi:is your foot bleeding
Karai:just a bit*puts guaze around her foot*
Tadashi:good job*tells shredder his rights*let's go sis we have to take him in...they'll be ok
Karai:I know let's go your driving
Tadashi:well duh your too young to drive
Karai:*puts shredder in the car*I have my permit so as long as you're in the car I can drive let's get going*gets in the car*you coming big brother*closes the door*
Tadashi:K calm down I know you're worried about him getting away but it's ok
Karai:can we just please get going we have a criminal in the back you know
Tadashi:*shuts window so shredder can't hear them*what's going on with you sis
Karai:I'm tired of him hurting our family and getting away with it*starts to tear up*I can't keep watching them get hurt or in some cases...worse it hurts to watch them hurt to see them suffer it kills me but I can't let my emotions show
Tadashi:hey hey it's ok*wipes tear from her eye*don't worry he can't hurt them
Karai:ok let's go we gotta come back before fencing practice starts
Narrator:they take shredder to Jail then return to school
Tadashi:see you later sis*kisses her forehead*hey take it easy ok
Karai:it's his fault I'm like this now I can't do fencing for 3-6 weeks
Tadashi:well at least your Amatoinian you heal faster than normal people
Karai:yeah that is true but it feels weird having to heal naturally
Gogo:welcome to the life of a human
Karai:ahh where did you come from
Gogo:I'm a local*laughs*JK over there
Karai:*shakes her head*your as bad as Hiro
Gogo:maybe worse you never know
Karai:oh shoot we're going to be late we have to go see you later Tadashi
Tadashi:tell Honey Lemon I said hi and love you
Karai:will do let's go Gogo
Honey Lemon:hey guys how's it going
Karai:not bad Tadashi says hi and he loves you
Honey Lemon:wait does he have bio this hour
Karai:yeah why he's with Donnie what is the problem
Gogo:remember we're learning to change the color of flower petals
Karai:ah that yeah I don't see the issue
Honey Lemon:it's not an issue is a personal thing
Karai:are you allergic to flowers
Honey Lemon:luckily no I forgot today is-
Honey Lemon and Karai:Tadashi's birthday
Karai:wow I really am losing it I completely forgot his birthday is today
Gogo:I don't usually say this but let's throw a party
Karai:first off yeah that was out of character second off where are we having it
Wasabi:somewhere clean
Fred:somewhere cool
Gogo:K,Hiro he's your brother what do you think he wants
Hiro:he wants us together and for us to be happy
Karai:so we can do it at mom's it's the biggest place we have available
Narrator:after school everyone except for Tadashi went to queen Mary's so they could set up
Karai:looking good did we make sure that the cake has no peanuts
Cora:yeah it has coconut instead
Donnie:code red and blue
Narrator:everyone hides While Tadashi walks in
Tadashi:hello anybody here
All:*jump out*surprise
Tadashi:ahh wow you guys did all this for me
Karai:of course we did we all love you
Tadashi:so whose idea was this
Karai:Gogo said it should happen I said we
should have it here and we all decorated
Tadashi:*messes up Karai's hair*I guess being a team in and out of battle helps huh
Karai:hey stop it*laughs*and yeah I guess it does but having powers makes it easier
Baymax:my scanners indicate you are happy Tadashi
North:(in russian accent)I agree having a party without us
Tooth:North be nice
Bunny:(in australian accent)he was joking tooth
Karai sorry guys I was going to call but my phone got crushed
Narrator:they had the party then went to sleep
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