The prank war
A/N: Jess already left the hospital and they moved to Washington and there's been a TON of stuff going on and sorry I didn't release this chapter on April fools
Jess' P.O.V.
I woke up and sat up to stretch but before I even got out of bed 2 things that I forgot hit me like bricks in the face 1) I forgot to tell the girls about me being Sky's girlfriend and ITS BEEN MONTHS 2) ITS APRIL FOOLS IM DOOMED
I took a deep breath to calm myself down and looked around my room and saw nothing suspicious but I then looked at the floor and saw duct tape, sticky side up, I'm really worried so I mindlinked Sky asking
"How did we forget to tell everyone about us being boyfriend and girlfriend?" Then he responded in mindlink
"There's been so much going on that we probably forgot now let's get dressed for the day" but I responded with a little bit of worry
"Have you forgot what day it is?" He responded with some confusion
"What day is it?" I responded with a lot of panic
"ITS APRIL FOOLS" but when I was saying that I heard him scream or was it a yell saying out loud
"YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD" I quickly said out loud
"IT WASNT ME IM TRAPPED ON MY BED" he then responded in mindlink
"How?" I explained in mindlink
"Someone put tape sticky side up so I couldn't get out of bed the only way for me to get out is by transforming into my hybrid form but I can't because magic presence and then the police will track it here in the end they'll end up arresting us or me specifically" and then Sky burst into the room and helped me out of bed and with a mischievous grin I said
"Wanna prank them back? P.S. What was your prank?"
"They made it so when I would get out of bed a needle would be thrown to a balloon that was above my head filled with shaving cream" he explained
"That explains the shaving cream on your face but thanks" I said honestly and gratefully along with kissing him, he then asked with a mischievous grin
"What's the plan"
I explained the plan and we did it, it was difficult but we were able to in the end, one thing you don't know about the us is that we are both the first ones to wake up and that the others are very heavy sleepers so let me explain what we did for each person
Firstly we did Ross in Ross' room we put a bucket over the door that had a) white paint b) feathers and last but not least c) a fake chicken beak and we put a picture of Max so he thought he did it
Secondly we did Max's room and what we did was the bucket thing as well but with mac and cheese and we put a picture of Ross so he thinks Ross did it
Thirdly was Barney which was burying him in dirt and hiding goat along with a picture of Jin so he thought he did it
FOURTH was Katelyn who was with Max in his room and what we did for her was we hid her fire fists in Alesa's stuff along with a picture of Alesa so she thinks she did it
Fifth was Alesa we hid her makeup in Katelyn's suitcase and a pic of Katelyn so she thinks she did it
Sixth was Shelby and we hid her crown in Barney's room with a picture of him so she thinks he did it
Seventh was Nick we put some fake zombies in his room along with a picture of Red so he thought he did it
Eighth was Red who we put a fake murder in his room with a picture of Cory so he thought he did it
Ninth was Cory and we put Flowey killing Frisk with a picture of Nick so he thought he did it
Tenth was just hiding muffin from Jin with a picture of Shelby so he thinks that she did it
And we did ones on ourselves with pictures of each other so they don't get suspicious, the same ones we had in the first place we just reset Sky's trap and I just leaped over the tape so they would think I hadn't woken up and Sky did the same but surprise surprise we put alarm clocks in everyone's room so everyone would discover at the same time
The alarm clock counted down '3... 2... 1...' "AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA DUN DUNAH NAH DUN DUNAH NAH" now we wait we'll scream in 3, 2, 1, EVERYONE screamed at the same time, now this is what each person screamed
"MAX!!!!!!!" Ross screamed
"ROSS!" Max screamed
"JINS!"Barney screamed
"ALESA!" Katelyn screamed
"KATELYN!" Alesa screamed
"BARNEY" Shelby screeched
"RED" Nick screamed
"CORY" Red screamed
"NICK" Cory screamed
"SHELBY" Jin screamed
"JESS" Sky screamed
"SKY" I screamed
We all burst out of our rooms and started arguing while I was dying of laughter internally while "arguing" with Sky but then we decided it was a good time to say that we were dating
"Okay guys I know that everyone here is mad including me and Sky but we have an announcement to make" I said
"WE'RE DATING" we announced in unison
"I'm proud but I need to get back to kicking Katelyn's butt so excuse me" Alesa said but after we said our announcement they said congrats and started arguing again but me and Sky couldn't hold it in anymore and we burst out laughing
The Best day.
But I soon realized
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