Don't you get it? They are both gone!
Mmky so i need to give backstory also this is based on a roleplay i have with RoxyGlam2 so give xem some support
This is based on the song remember that night by sara Kay's
So this is gonna be Remy's mom after he was killed by his dad and after his brother (and her son) issac was killed but its directly after issac died kinda hard to explain then the mom dies by suicide as her sons deaths her husband is not only abusive but in jail and once she realizes she still loves him and like- she hates herself for it
Warnings: gun mentions, betrayal, being shoved off a building, suicide, self doubt, police mentions and tell me if there's anything else
This may be short sorry
Also i am trying first person for once! So yay! Anyway moms (stacy, name may change in future) Perspective
My heart dropped as i heard issac's voice shaking teary what had happened? What was going on
"Honey please take a breath and tell me what is going on" i said quietly walking out of the building i was in
"Dad...gun" i heard a quiet sob and decided i just needed to get the hell over there
"Ok its ok i am coming it'll be ok"
"N no it w w won't" the line hung up and i jumped into the car and sped over there
I distinctly remember that day...walking into my house the cops were already there my husband was being led away i wasn't upset but then i went inside...
I chocked on a sob as i turned the corner again tears welling into my eyes again
"Ma'am are you the parent of issac (no last name)"
"Yes? May i help you" i said into the phone concern and worry welling inside again
"I am sorry to inform you he was pushed off a building it seems...the suspect has been arrested"
My vision went cloudy everything was blocked out
"I i I'm coming" i put the phone down and jumped into my car again
"We went for a drive two thirty in the morning" i sang quietly with the music from my phone crying quietly
"We held each other tight, before the night was over you looked over your shoulder. Oh i was doing fine!" I screamed in the car tears streaking down my cheeks i really shouldn't have be en driving but my goal wasn't to be safe
I sped down the road scenes from when i still had sons even ones going as far back as me dating
That is why i was here
Speeding down a highway sobbing ready to crash into a tree. I still loved him he killed my son he abused all of us and i still loved him
What the actual fuck is wrong with me....
I sped down the road the tree ahead of me coming ever nearer
And then....
Everything went black
Oki i would make a part two but she is just dead so there is nothing else i can really write described death
But yeahhhhh hope you enjoyed!
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