Chapter 46: Onto A Better Future
Staring out at the place of the final battle from high above within his office, Otto kept quiet, not muttering a single word as he stood completely still.
That was until a knock was heard on his door.
"Come in." Said the Overseer.
In walked in a white haired girl with an orange visor covering her eyes as she wore outfit whose style was similar to that of a nun
"It is I Overseer. I have come to relay to you the details regarding the battle that just took place." Said the girl.
"Go on and tell me the information Amber." Said Otto revealing her name.
"Unfortunately, it seems that Sirin has been sealed away. The core has now fully shut down and broke apart. This means that K-423 has fully awakened, though what you specifically wanted wasn't achieved. No one gave up their life and Sirin has been put back to sleep once again, for good this time." Said Amber, giving out the result of the fight.
Otto took all this information in as he kept still and remained quiet for a while.
That was until he simply sighed.
"I see. Oh well, every plan does have their major setbacks every once in a while." He said before giving out a small chuckle. "No worries however. I'll treat this wrench in my plan not as a disaster, but rather as a reminder to be even more prepared for next time."
Otto then turned to face Amber as he issued out an order.
"Amber, order all Schicksal personal and Valkyries to fall back and retreat. This battle has been lost." He said.
Amber nodded and stepped out to go issue the order.
Otto looked at the window once more as a pondered back on Alex's declaration to him that he'd get Kiana back from Sirin's control.
Thinking back on that, the blonde laughed to himself as he had a smirk on his face.
'You may have won this battle Mustang, but the war isn't over yet. I WILL, be back.'
The boy slowly opened his eyes, feeling extrmely tired all over.
As he did, it took a moment for his vision to get adjusted back to normal.
Once it did, he saw her.
It was Kiana, hair down meaning she had just been turned back to normal, having both her hands clasped onto on of his.
As the girl saw Alex finally awaken, she began to tear up as a smile slowly formed across her face.
Alex saw this and simply gave a smile back as he placed his other hand on hers.
"Glad to, f-finally have you back." He said a little weakly.
After being assisted back into sitting, he was immediately hugged by the girl as Mei and Bronya saw the scene and quickly joined in the back themselves.
Kiana and Mei were basically crying tears of joy while Bronya kept quiet, though she herself was also shedding tears.
Alex simply chuckled to himself as he tried to calm the girls down as Theresa assisting Himeko walked over to them.
"I'm, sorry about doing that all of a sudden. I get that was really reckless of me. God knows what could've gone wrong." He said.
"Normally I'd be shouting an earful at you for recklessly confronting the Herrscher in the Imaginary Space while in your condition and also just high tailing it with my sword, but I gotta say you've impressed me kid. You got the job done and got Kiana back. Took a damn beating for it, but you still did it." Said Himeko.
"T-Thanks Himeko." Alex said.
They all kept quiet afterwards just wanting to calm down as Theresa looked around and saw all Valkyries and personal heading back to the main buildings.
"It looks like Grandpa Otto is having everyone head back." Said Theresa.
"Does this mean that St. Freya has won?" Asked Bronya.
"Yep. Seems like it. Good job everyone. Now then, with everyone heading back, this should also be our queue to head back as well." Said Himeko.
With that, Bronya helped Theresa assist with moving Himeko while Kiana and Mei assisted in helping move Alex as they all went back to the Hyperion, as they finally left Schicksal's floating HQ.
[3 Months Later]
Everyone had gathered around the dining table as a large feast was being held to celebrate the success of retrieving Kiana back from the hands of Schicksal and breaking her free of Sirin's control.
There was a noticeable empty seat signifying the loss of Fu Hua.
Though it still stung hard, they all knew that Fu Hua wouldn't want them to keep being down and to instead keep moving foward.
After a short prayer, they all began to dig in and enjoy the feast.
Eventually after a lengthy time, they had all finished their meals as Mei washed the dishes while Theresa and Himeko went to their rooms.
On the couch watching television was Alex and Kiana while Bronya was also there messing around with her holograms and screens.
After a while, a sudden ringing sound was heard as a transmission call came from one of Bronya's screens.
Initially confused, she answered it on the tv and there popped up a screen showing Einstein.
"I'm glad you answered Bronya." She said.
"Hm? Einstein, this is an odd time to call. Is something up?" Asked Alex.
In the time that had passed, St. Freya had naturally split apart from Schicksal but thanks to the success from their team up, Anti-Entropy had offered to pick up the Far East Branch themselves and the two sides came to an agreement rather quickly.
Though, it definitely wasn't expected for one of the higher ups to just randomly call them this late so surely something was up.
"Well, this actually concerns you Alex. Firstly, do you have any plans this upcoming summer?" Asked the blue haired scientist.
This immediately caught Alex off guard as it clearly was an unexpected question to ask, especially from her of all people.
"Um, no not really I think. Why ask?" Replied the boy.
"I was wondering if you'd be interested in spending the summer with us here in AE." Said Einstein.
This shocked all three and even Mei who had heard from the kitchen.
At first Alex had no clue how to respond to the question, nor did he even know how to feel about it.
It took a moment for an answer until he finally responded.
"Um, is there a reason as to why you're asking me this?" Asked Alex.
Eistein nodded.
"There's actually someone here who's very interested in seeing you." She said.
With that, Einstein stepped away from the screen as another person came into frame.
Once their face was visible, Alex and the other three girls were in shock at who they were seeing
"W-Welt Yang!?" Shouted Alex in shock.
"I-Isn't he the 1st Herrscher or something!?" Shouted Kiana.
"Indeed. He's also Sovereign of Anti-Entropy. The one in charge." Said Bronya.
"W-Wow. It's a huge honor to meet you sir!" Said Alex as he immediately bowed followed by Bronya and Kiana also bowing.
The man chuckled a bit at the formality.
"No need to be so formal you all. After all we're comrades now so we should be treating each other as equals. Anyways, I've grown an intrigue with you Mr. Mustang. You're knowledge and ability with the power that is Alchemy has caught my interest. If you'd be so kind, I'd like to know more of it up close and in person. In return, us here at AE will not only give you a comfortable environment but we'll also fill you in on information that we think you'd be interested in. So, what do you say Mr. Mustang? We got an agreement?" Asked Welt.
Alex took a moment to consider this.
Obviously this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to work and be alongside the Sovereign himself who also happened to be the 1st Herrscher.
"Well, what about you all?" Asked Alex towards the three girls as Mei had just joined them on the couch.
"This is all your decision Alex. If you wanna take it, then do it. We'll support it." Said Mei.
"Mei is correct. The Bronya also agrees that Subject Alex should take up this offer if he truly wants it." Replied Bronya.
Kiana was a bit hesitant to give her answer until she looked at the screen.
"Is Alex gonna be allowed to come back, or will he be gone the entire summer?" She asked.
"No worries Kiana. We'll give Alex a break in which he'll be allowed to return to St. Freya." Said Welt.
That was all that was needed to convince Kiana as she immediately grew a smile.
"Alright then go ahead Alex and accept it!" She said.
"Thanks you three. Alright then, I accept Mr. Yang." Said Alex.
"Good to hear. We'll go ahead and book a flight for you tommorow. No worries it'll be in the late afternoon so you'll have plenty of time to say your goodbyes. Is that okay with you?" Asked Welt.
"No problems sir. All good with me." Responded Alex.
Welt nodded with a smile.
"Then that'll be all. I can't wait to see you tommorow Mr. Mustang. I wish you and all you girls a good night."
With that, the call ended as the girls congratulated Alex on this opportunity he was given.
Once the initial reaction was over and date informing Himeko and Theresa on what happened, the time to sleep had come has everyone was already in their respective rooms sleeping.
Alex was currently just splashing water on his face to clean up a bit while taking a few more minutes to soak in what had just happened.
A part of him still didn't wanna believe that he had been formally invited by the Sovereign to accompany him for the summer.
After a bit, he finally stepped out of the bathroom only to unexpectedly come face to face with Kiana.
"Um, what's up?" Asked Alex assuming the girl needed something.
The girl had a small blush as she didn't know what to say initially until she did.
"W-Well, I haven't really gotten the chance to thank you for uh, risking you're life and saving me months ago so, t-thank you Alex. I, really appreciate it." She said a little shyly.
Alex chuckled in response.
"No worries Kiana. I was willing to everything possible to get you back. I even got Honkai Poisoning just to get you back. In the end even though I had gone through hell and back, it was all worth it in the end." He said.
Kiana nodded keeping quiet for a bit before she spoke again.
"Y-You better not be away for too long okay!? When you get back, we're gonna have the most amazing summer ever! Got that!?" She asked with a smile as she held her fist out.
Alex quickly responded as he returned the gesture, the two having a fistbump.
"Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it, and I agree. We'll make this upcoming summer the best ever." He responded.
The two shared a quick hug afterwards and bid each other good night as Kiana went to her room and Alex went to Bronya's to sleep on the floor.
[The Next Day]
"So, having a summer stay at Anti-Entropy huh? Man aren't you already making quite the life, and you're only thirteen." Said Raven who was now in her bartender's outfit this time around as she poured him a drink of soda
Before he took off later today, Alex has decided to take a quick stop at Raven's bar to inform his caretaker on what was happening later today as well to bid her goodbye.
Alex sighed hearing Raven's words as he took a sip of his drink
"No need to make a big deal out of it. Besides the more you say it, the more upset it makes her." Said Alex as he pointed to a little child sitting next to him with an upset face
Raven chuckled a bit as the little child tugged at Alex's shoulder.
"Are you gonna be away for a long time big brother Alex?" Asked the child.
Alex softly patted the girl's head to reassure and cheer her up a bit.
"Don't worry Sora. By the time you realize it I'll be back before you know it. I hope in that time you'll continue to take great care of everyone else back at The Roost okay?" Asked Alex revealing her name to be Sora.
Sora quickly grew a smile and nodded happily.
"I'll continue to do my best." She said confidently.
Raven would serve her a glass of Orange Juice as she also patted Sora on the head.
"Alright you two simmer down and get to drinking. Besides Sora here has gotta return to The Roost pretty soon so she doesn't have much time to waste." She said.
The two kids nodded as they drank their drinks as the three continued to chat amongst one another.
Eventually once they were done, it was time for Raven to drop Sora back at The Roost as she had changed out of her bartender outfit back into her mercenary outfit.
The three got up and walked out of the bar as they all walked up to the crosswalk where they'd split off.
Sora had hugged Alex goodbye as he returned the hug back.
Then, Alex turned to Raven and offered his hand up for a handshake, knowing that she wasn't really fond of hugs.
"This is goodbye for now, sensei. Thanks for everything you've done for me. I really appreciate it." He said.
Alex continued to wait, a little confused as to why Raven hadn't shaked his hand yet.
Eventually she finally grabbed his hand only to pull him in instead as she gave a hug.
Alex was surprised a bit but quickly regained composure and hugged her back.
The two stayed like that for a bit before they eventually broke it off.
"Just that once, a hug was acceptable. I'm proud of you kid. Now, go on ahead. Me and Sora, as well as everyone else at The Roost will be waiting when you eventually return." Said Raven.
Alex nodded and walked off, waving them goodbye as he eventually took the bus and returned to St. Freya.
The final few hours passed by as Alex had finished packing his things as he was accompanied by the girls, with Himeko driving them to the airport.
Once Alex had checked in, they were all at the boarding area, waiting until the plane that Alex would be boarding was called.
The time had come as the plane itself came into view and eventually landed as it docked for a refuel.
"Let's have a group photo!" Said Kiana.
The others immediately went along with the idea.
Alex himself though was a little against it as he wasn't fond of taking photos, however after much persistence from Kiana and the others, he was finally convinced to be in the picture, even offering up his phone to take the photo so he could keep it as a lasting memory.
Once everyone got into position, they all held up a peace sign as Alex took the picture, and just in time as well as his plane was beginning to take in passengers.
One by one, Alex bid the girls farewell and also hugged them as well.
He would bid Kiana goodbye last as the two shared a hug until Alex held out his hand for a handshake.
"When I get back, you better stay true to your word and become an S-Rank Valkyrie, got that?" He asked.
"By the time you come back I'll be the greatest S-Rank Valkyrie ever! Just you wait!" She responded.
The two would shake hands on it as Alex waved them goodbye one final time, as he grabbed his luggage and boarded the plane, placing his luggage in the carrier up top as he sat in his assigned seat which was right next to the window as he looked out, seeing the slowly setting sun over the horizon.
Alex opened his phone gallery as he observed the group photo for a while.
He'd never admit it out loud, but deep down, he'll forever be grateful that he met all these people.
'Huh. Deep down, I guess Kiana crashing that drone wasn't all that bad in the end.' Thought the boy as he had a small laugh.
After a bit more waiting, the plane finally began to roll and take off as he looked out at the setting sun, having one last thought before closing the blinds
'We'll keep fighting, for everything that's beautiful in this world.'
Ending Theme: Towards a Dream by Lyn, from Persona 5 Strikers
Author's Words
Man oh man.
Where do I even being with this?
I can't even begin to think of the words to describe just how I feel right now.
This book, just shattered my expectations by numerous amounts.
I've been at this for about four years and never have I had a book that I've felt this satisfied with.
Over 50 thousand reads, over 1 thousand votes, numbers I would've never thought I'd hit let alone even reach.
I am just truly, truly grateful for all of you that kept reading and supporting this story even through the multiple long waits between chapters.
I guess that just goes to show just how much you all enjoy my work.
Thank you all, so so much.
I truly appreciate every single one of you.
What's next for me?
Who knows. Only time well tell.
In case I drop any updates on a future project, then check out Random Book 6 as I'll try to be more active on a daily basis now that I've finished Merc's Involvement.
With all my rambling being done, this is FlameHaze, saying sayonara.
Hopefully I'll see you all on my story.
Whatever it'll be, I hope you'll all still enjoy it.
Chapter 46, A Merc's Involvement: Completed.
Thanks for reading!
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