Chapter 25: A Misunderstanding
When that thought came across Alex's mind, he didn't wanna believe it at first, but all the evidence made him think otherwise.
Though he wasn't born yet at the time, Alex had read numerous books and had been told many things about the 2nd Honkai Eruption.
'There's no denying it at this point. That thing Theresa was using is a time traveling device, and me and Kiana accidentally ended up getting sucked into it.' Thought Alex.
Right as he was gonna turn back to tell Kiana what he has found out, Kiana had already walked up behind him as she spoke.
"Wow! What an amazing view! Did you figure out anything?" She asked.
Since Alex didn't expect Kiana to suddenly appear behind him, he yelped in shock and tripped over the edge off the cliff.
"A-Alex!" Shouted Kiana as she reached down and grabbed his hand but that just caused both off them to fall off and down the cliff as eventually their descent ended as they crashed onto the snowy floor below.
After a thud was heard, Kiana opened her eyes and looked up and around to see that even though they fell to a lower level, they were still in the snowy forest.
"A-Alex where are you!? You okay!?" She asked as she hadn't seen him yet.
She then received an answer as she heard a muffled sound underneath her.
She looked down to see that she had somehow landed on top of Alex and due to the height difference with Alex being shorter than her, Kiana's chest ended up landing ontop of Alex's face.
Kiana immediately blushed and immediately got off and was about to kick Alex away before the boy managed to dodge the kick and get up himself.
"Hey what the hell were you gonna kick me for!?" He shouted.
"Don't act dumb you pervert! You know what you did!" She shouted back.
"Are you accusing me that I did that on purpose!?"
"Of course you did that on purpose!"
The two continued to bicker back and forth about the scene until Alex heard the sound of someone walking through the snow nearby as he immediately grabbed Kiana as the two hid behind a tree as he immediately told her to quiet down.
"Ssh. Zip it. Someone's nearby." He said.
Kiana nodded as the two took a peek moving their heads to the side of the tree trunk looking to see who was approaching the area.
After a bit of waiting, the two were shocked to see that it was non other than Theresa who was walking by the area as she was seemingly talking into a device.
"Failed to intercept the target. I got injured fighting her. Currently I'm barely able to move. The target is heading to Babylon Labs. All Valkyries, make your way to the target location ASAP!" Said Theresa as she continued to walk away, deeper into the forest as she eventually was out of sight.
"We gotta go follow her and tell her that we got sucked into that machine of hers!" Said Kiana.
Alex, realizing that the Theresa they saw wasn't their own but rather the one from the past, immediately tried to discourage her.
"H-Hey Kiana I don't think we should. There's something I gotta-." He was saying before he saw Kiana run off after where they saw Theresa went to.
Alex just groaned as quickly began to follow her.
Eventually after a bit the two left the forest momentarily and entered a rather open area as the two noticed a shining glow up ahead.
After slowly approaching it, they saw Theresa kneeled down on the ground, placing a hand on her shoulder where the glow was coming from as she spoke to herself.
"Damn. I underestimated her power. I never thought the 2nd Herrscher would be so strong. I must complete my somatic regeneration. I must......destroy the 2nd Herrscher before Bishop Otto "calls" her out." Said Theresa in pain.
It took a bit for Alex and Kiana to notice that Theresa was missing her entire left arm, and that the glow was actually her arm slowly forming back to normal.
"Wait, is she regenerating herself?" Asked Alex in shock before noticing that Kiana began to head towards Theresa. "H-Hey Kiana stop!"
"A-Aunt Theresa! Who did this to you?" Asked Kiana as she now stood in front of Theresa.
Theresa looked up and saw Kiana as she gave her a look of confusion.
"Hm? Uh, who are you?" Asked Theresa.
"Oh come on don't play dumb! We've only been apart for a short time and you don't remember me? I'm your niece Kiana." She said.
Theresa kept quiet for a bit before looking at Kiana a little confused.
"Wait. Kiana? As in, Kiana Kaslana?" She asked.
"Yeah that's me! Good ol Kiana Kaslana!" Said Kiana with a hint of pride.
Theresa looked at her for a bit before gaining a smirk as she closed her eyes.
"Well well, I never thought the 2nd Herrscher would go as far as using an illusion to confuse me. Does she really think I could be so gullible?" Said Theresa as Kiana began to back away.
"U-Um, you okay Aunt Theresa?" Asked Kiana with worry.
"Like hell your Kiana. My niece is only one year old!" Said Theresa, as a cross appeared behind her, with multiple chains coming out from it
"Die illusion!" Shouted Theresa as she grabbed one chain and attempted to use it as a whip, trying to strike Kiana.
"H-Hey Aunt Theresa stop!" Shouted Kiana as she tried to run away to dodge the chain.
Before the chain landed, Kiana was suddenly tackled out of the way as Alex had dashed foward and lunged moving both of them out of the way as they hid behind a large rock as Theresa looked around for them.
"A-Alex! Something's wrong with Theresa!" Shouted Kiana as Alex just groaned.
"How have you not realized it yet?" He asked.
"Hm? What're you getting at?" Replied Kiana.
"Look around us. This isn't St. Freya. We're in Siberia in the year 2000. That means that this Theresa isn't ours but instead the one from 16 years ago. Obviously she isn't gonna believe us when we say who we are. And now you've set her off!" Said Alex with a hint of annoyance at the end.
"I-I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Said Kiana.
"Either way we gotta get her to stop. Try and do something to get her attention while I distract her." Said Alex as he pulled out a dagger and ran away from the rock as he charged at Theresa and did his best to hold her off while Kiana thought on what to do, as he parried and dodged any attacks from her chains.
That was until Kiana smirked, holding two pistols in her hands as she jumped off of the rock, and landed on one of the chains as she ran up the chain until she reached the end where she kicked Theresa in the back of the head knocking her down.
Right as Theresa was about to get up, Kiana held her at gunpoint, pointing it at her head.
"W-Wait don't shoot! I recognize those firearms. Tell me, do you utilize the gun kata moves from the House of Kaslana?" Asked Theresa.
"W-Wait what?" Asked Alex who was confused.
"Y-Yeah I do." Said Kiana.
"Who taught you?" Asked Theresa again.
"Well, non other than my dad of course!" Replied Kiana.
"Your dad?" Said Theresa.
'Wait so her dad taught her all this? Why the hell is she so stupid then?' Thought Alex.
"Yep my dad! Siegfried Ksalana!" Said Kiana before covering her mouth in panic as she just remembered that this wasn't their current Theresa.
'Are you serious she forgot already!?' Thought Alex.
"Odd. You say your Kiana Kaslana and that Siegfried is your father, but Kiana just celebrated her first ever birthday." Said Theresa, keeping quiet for a bit before she apparently figured it out.
"I got it! You must be Siegfrid's ill begotten bastard daughter!" Said Theresa.
"Um, what?" Asked Kiana.
"I think she's assuming that you were the result of a one night stand." Said Alex which caused Kiana to be in immediate shock.
"I knew it! That guy's a dirty womanizing scumbug! Never knew that it'd have gone this far already! That must be why your calling me your Aunt." Said Theresa.
'This is definitely one big misunderstanding.' Thought Alex as he found the scene to be a little amusing.
"H-Hey! Stop referring to me as a bastard daughter!" Said Kiana as Theresa simply patted her shoulder.
"You poor child. I know it's hard, but this is your dad's fault. Ugh that evil scumbag!" Said Theresa as Kiana moved her hand off and walked back to Alex.
"She's not listening to me." She said.
"Yeah I can tell." Replied Alex.
"Well, If we wanna get out of here, then I'm gonna have to go with her story so she can help us out." Said Kiana as Alex nodded as he also knew that there was no other way as Kiana turned back around and approached Theresa.
"Y-Yeah your right! That bastard abandoned me and my mother four years ago and my mother died shortly afterwards! In fact I came here to look for him. " Said Kiana.
"Aww. Don't worry you poor girl. I'm gonna help you find him so you can exact your rightful justice!" Happily said Theresa. "First let's get out of this dangerous place. Afterwards once the mission is done, I'll have Siegfried arrested and teach him a lesson!"
Thereda then lead the group as she happily marched away, with Kiana following and soon Alex followed suit after sighing a bit.
'Man. I'm gonna feel bad for this Siegfried guy if we ever run into him.' He thought.
Chapter 25: Complete
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