Chapter 17: Downtime
[Location: A suburb in Arc City]
Arc City was one of those places that looked nice and appealing aesthetically but all it took was just one day living there to realize how rough it was living there. Away from the tall buildings and nearby areas where the rich and wealthy live, everywhere else in the suburbs and neighborhoods were filled with daily crime.
It also didn't help that the city had been majorly overcrowded since the Nagazora Incident in 2014.
3 years ago, a partial Honkai eruption occurred causing the city to be corrupted with tons of Honkai energy and be littered with honkai beasts.
In the aftermath, the surviving residents in all moved to Arc City, and aided with the growing population of the city itself, overcrowding came pretty quickly.
Though with all the crime that happened there, it wasn't a suprise that this was where Alex currently lived.
After getting dropped off from his bus ride from St. Freya, Alex was greeted by the familiar sight of the city's skyscrapers' lights illuminating from above.
After that, Alex began to walk down the path that headed towards the suburbs where his apartment room was located.
On his way there, there was a sudden change of plans as Alex decided to make a quick pit stop somewhere before arrrving back home.
He arrived at a crossroads and instead of going straight where his apartment room was, he made a right, crossing the street as he was heading towards a small plaza that was at a run down part of the city.
After heading there and dodging a few close run ins with crooks, Alex arrived at the plaza.
Essentially everything there was either closed for the night or closed permanently and abandoned.
Only one building there caught Alex's eye as he walked towards it, as it had a dimly let neon sign that was flashing on and off as the sign read, "Raven's."
As Alex stood in front of the entrance, he knocked on the door a couple times as he waited for a response as it eventually came.
"Go home! It's almost midnight. I'm closing for the night." Said a female voice inside the building.
Alex chuckled before answering.
"Don't even have time for a talk sensei?" He asked.
As he said that, a chuckle was heard from within the building as the neon sign was turned off.
"Come on in. And lock the door so no one else comes in." Said the female voice.
Alex opened the door and walked into the building as he was met with the sight of a bar with champagne and wine bottles up on display against the wall.
Alex closed the door and then locked it as he turned back around to see the bartender behind the bar cleaning and placing away glass bottles
"Huh. Didn't think you'd use your mercenary outfit for your bartending job sensei." Said Alex.
"Well, today was a slow day so it wouldn't have really mattered if I switched into my outfit." Said the girl.
"But you consider everyday a slow day for you sensei." Said Alex with a small smirk.
"Watch your tongue. I can easily kick you out at anytime. Your here WAY past hours after all. Take a seat. I'll prepare you a glass of soda." Said the girl as she walked to the back.
Alex proceeded to sit down at one of the bar stools as he looked around the bar.
Though it didn't really have much amenities, it still gave off a nice and cozy feeling.
Though Alex called the girl sensei, that wasn't really her name, though, Alex never really got to know her real name anyways.
The girl always preferred to introduce herself and have other call her by her mercenary name, Raven.
A few months after the Nagazora Outbreak, Alex was only 10 when he met Raven for the first time.
He couldn't really remember the events leading up to that encounter aside from the fact that at that point, he had already been an orphan just barely living on the edge for months due to the outbreak.
When he first caught a glimpse of Raven, the first thought he had, was the end.
He didn't know how but he could tell from her outfits sharp claws that she was meant to kill, so he has closed his eyes and just waited for it to happen.
Instead, Raven took him in and brought him to an area of Nagazora that had a small little group of children living within abandoned stores.
It was known as the Roost.
When he was brought in, Raven informed Alex that every two months she would check in on them while also supplyong them with food and water.
After he was brought in, during the every two months before she came for a check up, it didn't take long for Alex to be the temporary leader of the roost as most of the children there were 5 to 9 years old.
He was by far the oldest so it was up to him to keep the roost in check until Raven would come back.
Alex would live a really nice life as a part of the Roost for three years, but after he turned 13, he felt the need to move on as he considered himself too old for the roost now.
So when Raven came for the check up, Alex had asked Raven to take him with her so he could begin to make a living as a mercenary like her.
Though shocked, Raven respected Alex's maturity and drive to be independent.
After a tearful goodbye from the roost, Raven took Alex to Arc City where she was living at, and after getting him an apartment room, his weapons, and new clothing, she left him on his own but not without telling him that there was a nearby bar she ran that he could go visit and talk with her if anything came up.
Needless to say, Alex would be forever thankful to Raven for taking him in and providing him everything before he went off on his own.
"Hey. Hey kid. Your drink's getting warm." Said Raven, snapping her fingers which got his attention.
"Hm? Oh sorry. I dazed there for a bit." Said Alex as he began to drink his soda.
"Heh. I can't blame ya. This dump doesn't really have much to keep your attention up." Said Raven.
"How's everyone at the Roost doing?" Asked Alex.
"It's only been three weeks. They're all doing great. Though they keep asking for me to bring you for a visit. They really miss you being there." Said Raven as Alex sighed with a smiled.
"I see. I probably could've gone last time, but I was busy." Said Alex.
"Oh yeah. Now that we're on that topic, go ahead and spill the beans. The hell happened to cause you to be away for so long?" Asked Raven.
"I was hired by St. Freya to assist in taking control of a rogue airship. Unfortunately, only half of the debt was paid off so I had to stay there until the remaining half got paid off which was earlier today." Said Alex.
"Is something wrong? You normally would've sounded relieved to be done after a long wait. Right now, you sound bummed out." Said Raven.
Alex looked at Raven for a bit before sighing.
At this point, there was no way of getting out of this.
"Sensei. I got a hypothetical question for you." Asked Alex as Raven nodded, ready to listen.
"Let's say, you were in my situation, waiting to get the remaining half of the debt. During that time, you got along well with a group of friends, and then, those friends end up being taken away right before the remaining half is given to you. What would you have done, cause it's clear what answer I picked." Said Alex.
Raven looked at him for a second before signing as she took her own sip of water.
"I really shouldn't be answering this, considering the fact that you know who I work for, but, I'll be honest and won't sugar coat it. Realistically, I would've done what you did. Take my earnings and leave. As bad as that is, once the money is paid the job is done." Said Raven before placed a hand on his head and softly patted him.
"But, let me reiterate. That's what I would've done. Alex, it's clear that your decision was made, not because it's what you wanted, but because it's what you felt what's right. In the end, the correct answer is what you decide what's right from what's wrong." Said Raven with a smile as she looked at Alex.
Alex kept quiet for a bit before smiling softly as he grabbed her hand and gently removed it off his head.
"Thanks a lot Sensei. I appreciate the words of encouragement." Said Alex as Raven nodded.
"It's no biggie. Remember, your always available to come talk to me whenever. Anyways it's about time I close up. Come on I'll take you home." She said.
With that, the two finished drinking their drinks and after washing the two glasses, the two left the bar as Raven locked the door.
After a relaxing stroll back into the neighborhood, the two reached Alex's apartment.
"Thanks for everything tonight Sensei. Till next time." Said Alex as he bowed.
"No need to bow. I'm just glad your still handling yourself just fine. See ya next time Alex. Stay safe." Said Raven as she waved goodbye before walking away to wherever she lived in the city.
Once she was out of sight, Alex sighed.
'Do what I think what's right. Separate what I consider right from wrong.' He thought.
He walked into his room and began to grab a few items and weapons Raven had bought for him.
Once he was done, he grabbed a set of keys as he approached his vehicle
After climbing onto his motorcycle, he took a deep breathe, before turning the bike on, as the engine roared to life.
Chapter 17: Complete
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