Chapter 11: Before The Storm
[Later that night]
It was the final night before the Valkyrie Exams tomorrow as while Alex was just sat down on the couch watching television, all around was quite loud as behind him at the dining table was Kiana having last minute studies.
Now Alex had been told that Kiana wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed and Alex at least thought that Kiana was at least competent enough.
After finding out that she was so awful at almost every class, and the fact that right now she was pratically being tutored by everyone else in the household was pratically unbelievable for Alex.
'Just how can someone be so rock bottom stupid?' Thought Alex.
Eventually the tutoring session finally ended as Himeko informed the three girls to get a good night's rest for tomorrow's exam.
With that the girls all went up to their's rooms with Himeko and Theresa eventually going to their rooms.
That left Alex at the living room on his own with Fu Hua still in the kitchen as she was washing dishes.
Soon Fu Hua had finished as she walked over to the sofa and sat down next to Alex.
"You not gonna sleep right now?" Asked Fu Hua.
"Seeing as I have no plans tomorrow and will be on my own, I figured I could stay up a little longer." Said Alex. "What about you? Shouldn't you already be going to bed? Being the class monitor I assume that you'll be playing a major role in these exams." Said Alex.
"I am indeed. However I just wanted to inform you that Himeko and Theresa wanted me to give you this." Said Fu Hua.
She then handed Alex a white envelope that was sealed.
Alex grabbed and then opened it, pulling out a letter that said:
"Dear Alex Mustang. On behalf of Principal Theresa Apocalypse from St. Freya High, we'd like for you to be a special guest and attend St. Freya High's Valkyrie Exams as a spectator."
From Major Murata Himeko of St. Freya High School.
As Alex finished reading he put the letter back into the note and closed it before looking at Fu Hua.
"What's this all about? There has to be a reason as to why they're inviting me?" Asked Alex.
"Well, Theresa still wanted to repay you somehow after failing to fully pay of your contract for the Selene mission. So she decided to have you come attend the physical section of the exams as a spectator. You'll be sitting in a sectioned off area from the students alongside Rita Rossweisse. She's the special guest on behalf of Otto Apocalypse." Said Fu Hua.
'Huh. So I'll be seated with that maid from earlier today.' Thought Alex.
After thinking about it for a while long, he flipped the note around in his hand before holding it between two fingers as he looked at Fu Hua giving her a smile.
"Alright then sure why not. I'll be there." Said Alex.
"Thank you Alex. I'll inform Principal Theresa and Himeko tomorrow morning. One last thing, I'll be sent here to pick you up just before noon tomorrow that way you'll be in the stands just in time." Said Fu Hua.
Alex nodded and bid Fu Hua a goodbye as she walked off to her room getting ready to sleep.
Eventually after watching television for a few minutes more, Alex finally decided to go to bed as he turned off the television and then the lights in the living room as he walked up the flight of stairs and entered Bronya's room as the girl herself was already sound asleep.
Alex pretty quickly already laid out his blanket bed on the floor as he laid down and looked up to the ceiling.
'Well then, I hope all things go well tomorrow.' Thought Alex as he turned to lay on his side as he finally went to sleep.
[TimeSkip: The Next Day]
The morning was quite lively as everyone was awake and eating breakfast all together at the dining table which Mei had prepared.
Alex had to admit that even on a serious day like this and having to feed so many people here, it definitely didn't affect the quality of the food.
If anything Alex swore that it made it better.
Breakfast continued on just fine as soon everyone finished their food.
As Mei was washing the plates, Himeko was giving the girls a pep talk before the exams while Alex just zoned out as he looked to the right looking outdoors at the patio window.
That was until his attention was called upon by Theresa as he turned to look at her.
"So Alex, I assume Fu Hua gave you the letter already last night?" Asked Theresa.
"Yeah she did. I agreed to be there." Said Alex.
"Good. I appreciate it." Said Theresa.
"Hmm? Some going on between you two Aunt Theresa?" Asked Kiana.
"Don't word it like that. Anyways I've invited Alex to come watch the exams as a spectator." Said Theresa.
"Don't worry. I'm just there cause I'm a guest so just pretend I'm not there." Said Alex.
The conversation ended there as soon the three girls had finished their preparations and soon they all left the dorm along with Theresa and Himeko.
Before Fu Hua left she had reminded Alex to be prepared by noon as he nodded as then she took off.
That left Alex on his own for the rest of the morning.
[TimeSkip: Noon]
Eventually noon rolled around as Alex now dressed and ready to be picked up.
Soon he heard the front door open as he saw Fu Hua walk in as Alex stood up and approached her.
"Hey I'm ready." Said Alex.
"Good. Right now the girls have just finished the writing portion of the exams. Currently the arena is being prepared and students are filing into the stands. Let's head out now so you can get a good seat." Said Fu Hua.
They two immediately didn't waste anytime as they then set off, leaving the dorms as the two began to make their way to the arena.
Along the way they passed by other St. Freya students and Fu Hua greeted them and gave them a good luck for the upcoming physical portion of the exams.
Eventually the two had made it to the arena as Fu Hua led and eventually sat Alex down in a sectioned off area of the stands meant for guests as Alex thanked her and sat down waiting for it to begin.
During the wait he was soon accompanied by Rita as she had arrived and sat next to him.
"My my. Didn't expect you to be here after what you said yesterday." Said Rita.
"I didn't either. That was until last night when Fu Hua gave me an invitation where I was welcomed as a guest on behalf of Theresa. Since I had nothing for today I figured I'd might as well come and kill some time." Said Alex.
"I see. Well don't worry. I'm sure it'll be time well spent." Assured Rita as Alex just chuckled and looked ahead.
"I sure hope it will." He said.
Eventually the wait was over as soon numerous Valkyries began to file into the arena as Alex saw the three girls among them as soon the Theresa's voice played over the speaker.
"Hello? Testing...the exam is about to start. Combat trials will be single round competitions. All valkyries will be split up into pairs. The graders will all rate you according to your performance. Remember, winning isn't everything valkyries. Candidates and graders, please take your positions."
With that said, the exams were underway and from what Alex was observing from the stands, each Valkyrie were going one on one not with each other but rather who did a better job at taking out groups of enemies.
This went on for a while as after the first batch was taken out, they'd switch up the pairs, and then they'd have at a new batch of enemies.
This second batch was then defeated and after moving around the pairs one more time, they all took on a third batch of enemies.
This batch was taken care off and shortly after that they were given a break before the final round.
During the wait Rita turned to look at Alex.
"So Alex, have you been enjoying the action so far?" Asked Rita.
"Hm? It's been fine I guess. I'm just curious on what the final round will be. It can't be this same thing again." Said Alex.
"I'm sure it'll be something worth to see." Optimistically said Rita.
"I hope so."
Eventually the break had ended as the final round was about to begin.
A big holographic screen appeared in front of them as it showed a progress bar going from 0% to 100% as it was preparing to spawn in what was gonna be a simple last boss for the valks.
As the bar slowly reached to 98.5%, the screen began to stutter before it glitched for a split second until it showed the bar full, but it now read 120% in a unnerving red color as the screen went away.
Then, a circular orb of lightning began to flicker in the center of the arena, followed by a chilling, loud roar.
Then, what emerged from the orb wasn't an ordinary final enemy anymore.
It was a monster.
Chapter 11: Complete
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