I had an appointment with CAMHS the the other day lol
Also there are hints of depression in this chapter but that's about it
I get a second dose of the vaccine today too so there's that ✨
Alright sorry for dragging on-
Update from all that uhh
I dont really remember what's in this chapter and I'll figure something to do with this mini chapter but I had an idea for a completely new mini plot after writers block for a bit so I had to cut this part short sorry
It might not be too relavant to the story in the future so..
But as I might take a bit to wtrite the next part take this to quench your thirst for a bit.
"Please leave a message after the beep."
Elijah sighed as he fiddled with his hoodie's toggle, finally deciding to leave a message. "Hi, Freya. It's me, Eli. I know we've had some..Disagreements in the past, but everybody is really worried about you. I...I Doubt you'll hear this message, but if you do, please let me know where you are. Please? Alright...Hope you're safe. Goodbye."
Elijah made another loud sigh and looked down at the ground, only to look right back up again once he heard Cody enter the room. "Couldn't get a hold of her?" Cody asked. Elijah shook his head sadly which prompted Cody to frown. "I'll sure she'll turn up," he said quietly, sitting down next to him and passing a can of Irn Bru to him. "It's a shame, really. Her family is worried sick."
Elijah didn't respond. His head was spinning and jumping to numerous drastic conclusions about what must have happened to her. Cody noticed his anxious behaviour immedientally and decided to stop talking because he knew he was just making things worse.
Cody was like that with Elijah. He could spot things in his gestures and attitudes that nobody else could. Every tiny detail about the way he stood or the speed of his speech set off little alarms in Cody's head that said 'something is wrong.' And Elijah knew Cody analyzed everything he did. Sometimes, he was graetful. However, other times, he simply wished Cody had never obtained that talent.
It was during these occasions that Cody got particularly worried because Elijah had a long record of spiralling into his bad habits and dark thoughts again whenever these types of things happened. Elijah and Freya weren't at all close but she was still his friend. They hung out with the same people. And when I say 'people,' I mean just Cody, because he wasn't the type to make new friends. He was perfectly capable of it, sure, but that meant less time with Cody.
Elijah hadn't talked to Freya in years, and now he had no idea whether or not he would get to again. Just as Elijah was busy being depressed, he heard Cody get a notification along with a sigh.
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