First Day of Work
Origin got them to the office trailer. He opened the door. "This is your new office. There is the desk. Just answer the phone and try to help them. The numbers are on this paper hanging on the wall. Dare, I really appreciate this. Just let callers know that you are subbing and doing your best. Take messages and I will call back."
"I got it, Origin. Sir." Dare smiled.
Origin growled and flashed his teeth. "Just keep in mind that most of my employees are human. They don't know." His eyes were black.
Dare smiled at his out of control vampire husband. "Right. Nothing disturbing. I never really met a human!"
Origin smiled. "Well, my foreman is coming and he's human. Be normal."
Dare rolled his eyes. "I got this, Origin. You're the wild one right now." He kissed Origin as his teeth retracted.
Dare backed away as the trailer door opened and an older gentleman walked in. "Morning, Origin." He poured a cup of coffee.
"Perry, this is my new temp, Dare. Dare, this is Perry Rowlings, my foreman." Origin smiled at Dare.
"Oh, right. Sarah's out having her baby. Hello, Dare. Your name is Dare?" Perry watched this tall handsome man. He had the same creepy yellow eyes that Indigo had.
Perry knew she was Origin's mom. He didn't know what that meant and he was leaving it alone. He chose to ignore creepy stuff. He watched his share of scary movies to know that was how people got killed.
"Yes, Dare. I know it's weird. It's a family name." Dare smiled. It was given to him by his pack. He loved thinking that. He had a pack again.
"Right. Probably how Origin got his name!" Perry smiled at his boss.
Origin smiled. "Actually, Perry. Dare is my husband. He's doing me a favor."
Perry stared. "Your.... Husband? As in you are together?" He pointed at both of the men.
Origin nodded. "Yes." He wiped his face. "I never told anyone but I'm gay and I married this man."
"I never knew you were dating, Origin! Don't worry. I have a brother that's gay. I don't care about that but I was surprised. I mean he is so...manly!" Perry watched Dare.
Dare smiled. "Thanks. But for the next few weeks I am just the secretary!"
"Hot!" Perry smiled. "Origin, You don't have anything to worry about. I know three men on the crew that are gay."
Origin stared. "What? Really?"
Dare smiled. "See, told you that you're not alone."
"So, how did you meet?" Perry sipped his coffee.
Dare just stared. He was speechless. He couldn't say in a battle to kill a vampire. He looked at Origin for help. "Through my grandfather, actually. It's a long story but my grandfather sort of set us up. Dare was new in town and I was volunteered to give him a tour. Here we are."
"Sure, after a few arguments. Getting Origin out of the closet was difficult." Dare smiled. "He is very stubborn!"
"Me! I was more worried that you were leaving!" Origin looked at Perry. "He threatened to leave."
"Because I didn't know you were interested, you dick!" Dare glared.
Perry was worried that he started a fight until the couple melted together into a long kiss. The trailer door opened and a woman walked in. Indigo. "Love is beautiful. I brought my favorite son some lunch and there is pie." She smiled and set the food on his desk.
"Indigo, how are you?" Perry smiled. He sipped his coffee. He had met her a few times. She came to visit Origin. He knew Origin was adopted but that was all he knew. He wasn't asking about the yellow eyes. Origin had blue eyes.
"I'm great! I guess you heard about them." She smiled at the couple that was still kissing, slowly.
"Yes. I just now heard and I was shocked." Perry smiled. "I had no idea Origin even dated! I mean Origin doesn't look gay?"
Indigo smiled. "I know. He's all hunky!" She laughed. "What do gay men look like?"
Perry shrugged. "I have no idea! I mostly love giving the boss a tough time." He smiled. "So, how long have they been married?"
Origin sighed. "We are having a huge wedding and all of you guys will get an invitation. We rushed off and got married two nights ago. Our family was there."
Indigo smiled. "It was beautiful."
"So, this was recent?" Perry stared. "You should be on a honeymoon and not out in public!"
Dare smiled. "We will but that is later. After the big wedding that our sisters are planning." That felt normal and Dare just smiled bigger. "I love having family here!"
Perry was curious but he left it. "So, I guess we should get going, Boss."
"Right. Dare, I will be back to check on you. I have my phone if you need anything." He held eye contact.
"I have this. Go or I'll kick you out." Dare smiled. He watched Origin leave. "Mom."
Indigo smiled. "Sounds so great. How are things?"
Dare sat. "Great. We are on for dinner tonight, right?"
"Yes. I was just worried about you because I heard that the hunter was here and Cedar told us about the interrogation!" Indigo was worried.
"I'm good. Hey, I tried to give that guy a break but..." Dare sighed. "The hunter, Fabian, he seems okay. I think the Alpha...." He stopped. "Sorry, I shouldn't talk about that. I have no information that is real, Mom. Please ignore that. I can't gossip about Oak. I really don't know anything but they got along really well."
"Did they? What is he like?" Indigo smiled.
"Very hot!" Dare smiled. "I mean it. Dark hair and pretty green eyes. He was armed to the teeth but I could tell he can handle himself without weapons. I mean hot! I could tell that there was a huge attraction between him and Oak but I really don't know more."
"Do you think that this hunter is Oak's mate?" Indigo was curious. "I am inviting them both to dinner too!" She stood. "See you tonight, Son!" She walked around and hugged him. "I'm glad Origin has you, Dear. I'm so happy to have you in our family!"
"Easy! You're going to break something!" Indigo glared as Dare smiled. "I'm glad I have Origin too." Dare smiled. The phone began to ring. "See you tonight."
"Bring a side." She smiled as she walked out. He watched her leave and he answered the phone as it rang.
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