Fabian Delgado
Origin made dinner for Oleander and they ate in silence. "So?"
Oleander laughed. "I have no idea. How many are in this pack?"
"About a hundred wolves. It's a large pack. Oak was talking about splitting it up and having a sister pack. It's being considered. I know he is thinking a lot about you. You are an Alpha. He will teach you if that's what you want, my dear. I know this is a lot." Origin sighed.
Oleander looked at Origin. "Thanks for being here for me. I know you have a lot of things to do at work and you put work on hold."
Origin smiled. "Oleander, it wasn't a choice or a challenge. It's just work. I'm here with you because I want to be and I was thinking about breaking in our shower." He saw Oleander smile. "We have choices to make. Do we live here or move?"
Oleander smiled. "That's easy. I want to live here with you, is that okay?"
Origin smiled. "Yes! We can go shopping together and you can put stuff here that you like. I want you to be comfortable here. I want this place to be yours too. This is our home."
"You had me at shopping!" Oleander smiled. "Give me a better tour of the city. That first one was crappy, Origin."
"I know. That was the worst day. We can walk through the center, holding hands. We are doing that tomorrow, Lover!" Origin smiled. "I can introduce you to our people. Some of them own shops. I'll show you."
"Thanks." Oleander smiled a wicked smile. "Now, all I want is you naked in my bed!"
"Your bed?" Origin growled and flashed his fangs. "That is my bed!"
Oleander smiled a sharp smile. "Really? Are you challenging me?"
Origin nodded. "I am so turned on!"
"Me too. You have three seconds...." Oleander growled deep.
Origin laughed as he ran up the stairs. Oleander caught him in the hall and that is where Origin let his mate love him. They melted together in laughter. Origin pointed out that this was close to the room.
Fabian Delgado was sick of running around. He was chasing a ghost now. The rogue wolf he was chasing vanished. He was thinking of heading back to the west. It rained a lot in these colonial states and preferred the dryer states. He needed to call and update his status. He sighed as he looked around the forest. It was too green for him. Give him desert land any day.
He called into headquarters, which was just his uncle, who was heading it up at the moment. He had to let him know he was fine. He hunted alone and lived alone. It was their way. There were no attachments, no life outside of hunting and protecting humans and Fabian was good at it. Just not with this rogue.
"Uncle Lukas, there are no more signs of that rogue I was hunting. He vanished and the crazy thing is that the group of vampires he was chasing, they're gone. I'm spending one more day on this and heading out. It's a bust." Fabian sighed. He was leaving empty handed. He kicked some leaves and sighed.
"Do you think the vampires killed him?" Lukas was curious.
"I don't know. I haven't seen signs of a battle. Something like that would leave a sign. I found nothing. The trail is gone. It's quiet here." Fabian looked around. "Unless a pack took him in?"
Lukas shook his head. "No way, Fabian! He was a rogue for too long and those go wild and feral. No way a pack helped him and he was a stranger. Packs don't do that. Talk to the closest Alpha. Check with them and be sure before you drop it. He never killed a human?"
"No, Uncle Lukas. Never. He never allowed a human to see him either. He was discreet for a rogue. It's been weird, Uncle Lukas. This case is weird." Lukas sighed. "Who's the Alpha here?"
Lukas ruffled through papers. "Uh, looks like it's an Oak Sandoval."
"What's he like?" Fabian had met an Alpha but he was selfish and mean. His pack mutinied later and killed him and elected a new alpha.
Fabian wasn't eager to meet another alpha. He met his share of rogues too. It was his job to quiet them and keep them from causing problems or exposing the supernatural. He helped keep the supernatural community secret.
He worked for them, all of them. Hunters were respected in every order. Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Sprites, Elves, Fae and Humans. Those that knew about hunters. There were some leaders of the human sector that knew of hunters and their job. It was all kept quiet. No one wanted mass hysteria.
Lukas was reading up about Oak Sandoval. "He's been around for a long time. He is very established in that area. He is The Alpha within half of the east coast, Fabian. Be careful. Check in is in twelve hours. I'm making that appointment. I will send info. Be safe." Lukas was gone.
Fabian got the details of the meeting almost an hour later. The Alpha was waiting until after the full moon so Fabian was stuck until then.
He found a hotel and a hot shower. He found food and ate take out in his dark hotel room. He sighed. He knew this would be his life and he quieted that thought. He turned on a soccer game just for noise and studied up on these werewolves. He didn't want surprises.
Now, what did one wear to meet this Alpha?
Oak called Origin and Oleander to his office. They sat. "I just made an appointment with a hunter. It's just a meeting. He was asking around about a rogue wolf."
Oak paused. "He has the wrong information, Oleander and I wanted to set it right. He thinks you are just some rogue killing vampires for sport! I'm correcting it. Don't worry, I won't be alone with the hunter."
"What's his name?" Origin was curious.
"Fabian Delgado." Oak watched Oleander. "Does that sound familiar?"
"No! I have never met a hunter or heard any of their names, Oak. I never had a reason to deal with one. I actively try to avoid pissing them off. I'm sorry that I brought one here." Oleander sighed.
"Oleander, it's not my first hunter. I gave them my contact information for things like this. I have talked to Lukas Delgado on the phone a few times. This is his nephew that is coming. They're very civilized when there is no law broken. You have not broken a law and I will stand behind you." Oak smiled. "You're part of us all."
"Family." Origin smiled.
"Sir, that means a lot to me. I will try not to disappoint you." Oleander watched the floor.
"Well, you won't, Son." Oak smiled because Oleander looked up in surprise. "You heard me and I won't take it back. You are my son and I know you feel it too."
Oleander nodded. "Sir. It's strange, huh?"
Oak smiled. "I love you, Oleander. Now, go. I hear that there is shopping to do." He winked.
Oleander laughed. "Yes! Origin is taking me downtown."
"Enjoy the day and see you at the moon." Oak stood and hugged his son.
"Father." Oleander smiled as he released Oak. Oak smiled because Oleander just accepted his place as an alpha in training. He was Oak's student from this day forward. Oak was excited.
"I love the sound of that!" Oak smiled and sat. "Now, out." He smiled as Oleander left with Origin.
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